Network Config Adjustment

Network Config Adjustment

TON Foundation

The Open Network is a complex system of interacting contracts and messages, shards and masterchain, validators and users, governance logic and voting participants, and so on. Unlike some other blockchains where core developers are fully in charge of how the system behaves, in TON we are aiming to make the parameters of these interactions as tunable as possible in such a way that validators may adjust them on demand.

Technical details on how Network Configuration works can be found in docs.

Earlier, we already asked the community to vote for some new configs related to the DNS, Bridges, and Catchain config. Now, it is time to adjust some previously existing parameters that were with us from the launch of the TON to better suit the current network usage profile.

In particular we need to adjust the following parameters:

1. Config Param 11: Vote setup

    - normal_params - proposed values max_tot_rounds:6 min_wins:2 max_losses:5 (current value: max_tot_rounds:3 min_wins:2 max_losses:2)

    - critical_params - proposed values max_tot_rounds:7 min_wins:3 max_losses:5 (current value: max_tot_rounds:7 min_wins:3 max_losses:2)

This adjustment will extend voting time, making it simpler to adjust parameters in the future.

2. Config Param 12: Workchain param

    - proposed value max_split:4 (current value: max_split:6)

This adjustment will make the network more resilient to specific spam attacks. During the regular time this parameter value won't affect network behavior, since it allows at least x100 throughput of maximal demand to date.

3. Config Param 16: Validators num

   - proposed value max_validators:400 min_validators: 75 (current value: max_validators:1000 min_validators: 13)

4. Config Param 17: Validators Stakes

   - min_stake: proposed value 300'000 (in TONs), current 10'000

   - min_total_stake: 75'000'000 , current 500'000

TON rapidly growths with the current actual number of validators of more than 300, the minimal stake is around 340'000 TON, and the total stake in each round is more than 200'000'000 TON. Now is the time to enhance security by increasing minimal requirements to secure the network.

5. Config Param 20: Masterchain gas prices

   - proposed: special_gas_limit: 35'000'000 block_gas_limit: 37'000'000 , current special_gas_limit:25'000'000 gas_credit:10000 block_gas_limit:27'000'000

6. Config Param 22: Masterchain blocklimits

   - proposed: soft_limit:2'000'000 hard_limit:37'000'000, current: soft_limit:22'000'000 hard_limit:25'000'000

Updated parameters will allow a higher number of validators to participate in elections.

7. Config Param 31: fundamental_smc_addr

   - remove Ef80UXx731GHxVr0-LYf3DIViMerdo3uJLAG3ykQZFjXz2kW and Ef9mZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZse2- unused test contracts, add Ef_dJMSh8riPi3BTUTtcxsWjG8RLKnLctNjAM4rw8NN-xWdr and Ef87m7_QrVM4uXAPCDM4DuF9Rj5Rwa5nHubwiQG96JmyAjQY for TON-ETH bridge , add Ef9NXAIQs12t2qIZ-sRZ26D977H65Ol6DQeXc5_gUNaUys5r and Ef8OvX_5ynDgbp4iqJIvWudSEanWo0qAlOjhWHtga9u2YjVp for TON-BSC bridge

This parameter update will eliminate unnecessary tick-tock transactions and simplify bridging.

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