Nettles Punishment

Nettles Punishment


Nettles Punishment
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Originally Posted by The Wizard

That plant looks a lot different to the plants we have here in Australia that we call stinging nettle.I can assure you the ones we have here you wouldn’t be putting anywhere near your geneitalia.Unless of course you like thorns and a stinging rash on your dick.

Originally Posted by The Wizard

That plant looks a lot different to the plants we have here in Australia that we call stinging nettle.I can assure you the ones we have here you wouldn’t be putting anywhere near your geneitalia.Unless of course you like thorns and a stinging rash on your dick.

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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
This is a small testimony to publish the use of the stingy nettle for powerful erections.
I picked and transplanted a few of these herbs from my parents’ garden to cultivate in my house.
Stinging nettle contains a number of chemicals, such as serotonin, histamine and acetylcholine, some of which can be very irritating.
1. Collect the nettle 2. Wash it gently 3. Rub it gently on your genitalia 4. Wait for the effect 5. Enjoy the resulting erection
This method is natural and very effective. This is isn’t a method to be used by newbies nor sensitive men.
The plant works wonders. If you are an experienced PE enthusiast. You’ll find out that the peoperties of this plant are awesome.
You may or may not belive it. You would have to try to believe.
Anyways, I just wanted to share the secret.
This is a small testimony to publish the use of the stingy nettle for powerful erections.
I picked and transplanted a few of these herbs from my parents’ garden to cultivate in my house.
Stinging nettle contains a number of chemicals, such as serotonin, histamine and acetylcholine, some of which can be very irritating.
1. Collect the nettle 2. Wash it gently 3. Rub it gently on your genitalia 4. Wait for the effect 5. Enjoy the resulting erection
This method is natural and very effective. This is isn’t a method to be used by newbies nor sensitive men.
The plant works wonders. If you are an experienced PE enthusiast. You’ll find out that the peoperties of this plant are awesome.
You may or may not belive it. You would have to try to believe.
Anyways, I just wanted to share the secret.
That plant looks a lot different to the plants we have here in Australia that we call stinging nettle.I can assure you the ones we have here you wouldn’t be putting anywhere near your geneitalia.Unless of course you like thorns and a stinging rash on your dick.
Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Good point. These can be found in Mexico City
I’ve heard of people using topical application and creams for joint pain but never, well in that way! It seems to have some interesting properties if taken orally as well, it’s used in many test boosters and seems to be effective for treating BPH.
Would this cause stinging or irritation on a woman sexual partner?
It probably is the same plant because when companies that collect and produce the raw ingredients, the best time to pick the plant is during the first 3 - 4 weeks at the time of sprout. Don’t quote me on the time, I just happen to come across a video talking about stinging nettle and the best time to harvest it. So if you manage to cultivate the plant yourself, pay close attention to the plant within the first 3 - 4 weeks and see if the plant develops defensive traits in order to protect itself from wild life. It’s like Roses with their thorns. Anyways, I hope this helps?
Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')
Man when i was a kid running around barefoot outside, stingin nettle was the enemy lol
Starting stats BPEL: 5 in. MSEG: 4 1/4 in
Current stats BPEL 5.4 in. MSEG 4 1/4 in.
The affect when you accidentally touch them is awful. The thought of them on my penis is terrifying.
Does washing them take away any of the sting?
Interesting to read of your use of the stinging nettle for erections. I came across this method a few years ago whilst going nude on a friends deserted property. I walked into a clump of sting nettle bushes before realising what they were, I had my attention diverted looking into a tree. My legs began to sting but then my buttocks got really warm and tingly and my penis felt very hot and sensitive and I started to get hard, I mean real hard, you know those blue veiners you used to get as a teenager when your penis actually throbs and jumps in sync with your heart beat.
I was with half a dozen other nudists male and female and they were highly amused. The other males in our group then rubbed their flaccid penises against the nettles and they were equally impressed with their massive erections. Our girlfriends then took us by our penises and we all lay down on the soft grass and indulged in a group session of coitus. We were all good friends and nudists and were not shy of performing in front of each other. My lady friend also remarked to me that the residual nettle stingers on my erection made her feel warm and tingly in her vagina.
Our whole group now all use nettles on our penises on a regular basis. I have tried to grow the nettles without success. I buy the plants and grow a little but then die. I have tried seeds with no success. Do you have any tips on growing them at home.
if this stuff is true what about a tincture?
I harvested two plants from the yard and boiled them in water for about 15 minutes.
I ate the greens sprinkled with apple cider vinegar. The greens were tasty and pleasant to eat. I also drank some of the tea from cooking the greens.
This caused pleasant vasodilation that resulted in my cock looking fuller and healthy for a couple of days. It worked better than other dilators like L-arginine.
This is a small testimony to publish the use of the stingy nettle for powerful erections.
I picked and transplanted a few of these herbs from my parents’ garden to cultivate in my house.
Stinging nettle contains a number of chemicals, such as serotonin, histamine and acetylcholine, some of which can be very irritating.
1. Collect the nettle 2. Wash it gently 3. Rub it gently on your genitalia 4. Wait for the effect 5. Enjoy the resulting erection
This method is natural and very effective. This is isn’t a method to be used by newbies nor sensitive men.
The plant works wonders. If you are an experienced PE enthusiast. You’ll find out that the peoperties of this plant are awesome.
You may or may not belive it. You would have to try to believe.
Anyways, I just wanted to share the secret.
So I tried this. First, didn’t feel anything on my member. However, I think I didn’t rub it hard enough. I rubbed some on my back and i felt the needle stinging. Very mild. However, that night I had the biggest weirdest boner ever. Not sure if it’s connected. This boner didn’t hurt like others i had, it was just magnificent in dimensions and length. Not sure what to make of this because I didn’t feel anything after rubbing the leaf. I got the leaf online from an herbalist.
So does it has to sting you cook or is it the juice of the plant is effective?
Maybe it’s possible to make some sort of topical juise cream?
When I was a kid my 80+ yr old Ukrainian “Baba” grandma used to make Stinging Nettle Tea.She used this to help kill the pain of arthritis..The Nettle plant has a toxin in it than numbs the nerves and greatly helped with her bad rheumatism.She made me a cup once or twice when I was a Lad.The taste was very bitter I remember and she put Rum,Honey and Lemon in it to make it drinkable.I think Baba was hooked on the Rum and not the Nettle.She liked lots of Captain Morgan in that Horrid tasting Tea..Lol Thing is,it worked for her..Now rubbing Nettle on you Willie is something I would never attempt.The freaking Sting and Rash from that plant is just to terrible to endure.Maybe picking it at the right time in the plants life cycle and washing it does not give you the sting and rash.More info needed before I ever try this.Ouch..I can feel the sting already..
I have tried it, and surprise surprise.. Nothing happened except pain.

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Post by PsiKo I'm looking for video (either to buy or to download) on nettle torture (m/f or f/f). thx.
Post by PsiKo I'm looking for video (either to buy or to download) on nettle torture (m/f or f/f). thx.
Post by PsiKo I'm looking for video (either to buy or to download) on nettle torture (m/f or f/f). thx.
Post by PsiKo I'm looking for video (either to buy or to download) on nettle torture (m/f or f/f). thx.
Post by wanda What are nettles? Aren't they little thorny plants?
Post by wanda What are nettles? Aren't they little thorny plants?
Post by jacqui{JB} There's also an annual (RAW!) nettle-eating contest ... somewhere in Britain, if memory serves (no guarantees :)), and they're also eaten cooked (one of Ainsley Herriot's cooking programs on BBC had a great Greek recipe for nettles in phyllo pastry, not so dissimilar to spanikopita). If nettles are these hairy little darts with toxic stuff in them, how can
Post by jacqui{JB} If nettles are these hairy little darts with toxic stuff in them, how can anyone eat them? At the very least, I should think the person would get really sick.
Post by jacqui{JB} There's also an annual (RAW!) nettle-eating contest ... somewhere in Britain, if memory serves (no guarantees :)), and they're also eaten cooked (one of Ainsley Herriot's cooking programs on BBC had a great Greek recipe for nettles in phyllo pastry, not so dissimilar to spanikopita).
Post by wanda What are nettles? Aren't they little thorny plants?
Post by jacqui{JB} There's also an annual (RAW!) nettle-eating contest ... somewhere in Britain, if memory serves (no guarantees :)), and they're also eaten cooked (one of Ainsley Herriot's cooking programs on BBC had a great Greek recipe for nettles in phyllo pastry, not so dissimilar to spanikopita). If nettles are these hairy little darts with toxic stuff in them, how can
Post by wanda What are nettles? Aren't they little thorny plants?
Post by jacqui{JB} There's also an annual (RAW!) nettle-eating contest ... somewhere in Britain, if memory serves (no guarantees :)), and they're also eaten cooked (one of Ainsley Herriot's cooking programs on BBC had a great Greek recipe for nettles in phyllo pastry, not so dissimilar to spanikopita). If nettles are these hairy little darts with toxic stuff in them, how can

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Back in the early 1990s, when the web was in its infancy, one of the main vehicles for user interaction was a set of discussion boards known as Usenet, which offered dozens of hierarchically-structured forums on a wide range of both mainstream and specialist topics – including one entitled It was to this newsgroup that an English woman identifying herself only as ‘H’ anonymously submitted three detailed (and frankly arousing) reminiscences of the corporal punishment she received as a girl. This is the first of those three posts.
As a female UK newbie, I read with interest the comments of fellow UK spanking lovers. I too can offer some personal experiences – particularly relating to the subject of ‘slippering’. I was at a mixed school in England in the 60s, when corporal punishment was still very common at most schools.
Corporal punishment was a normal part of everyday life – not excessive, virtually always justified and accepted. It was always given on the bottom, for safety reasons, never on the hand. Punishment of boys was frequently corporal – the ‘slipper’ (actually, in my experience, not a carpet slipper or a soft canvas shoe but most commonly a thick-soled tennis shoe) for the younger boys and for less serious offences, and the cane for older boys.
Detentions were used but boys often opted for the quick option of a corporal alternative. Even sixth form boys were known frequently to choose a slippering rather than an inconvenient detention or essay.
In the case of girls, written punishments such as essays and lines, or detentions, were the most frequent. However, for persistent misbehaviour, or serious matters, corporal punishment was not uncommon. In our school, one of the mistresses was delegated to administer the punishment – usually the slipper. This wasn’t used often but was by no means rare.
Only for really major offences was a trip necessary to the senior mistress – the only person authorised to give the cane to a girl. During my time at the school, only three or four girls were actually caned.
I should say that at school, I was usually really turned on by witnessing or hearing a boy being punished. It is this which has no doubt given me my interest in later life.
At school, the normal time for pupils to receive corporal punishment was after lessons finished on Fridays – apart from the immediate doses given after lessons in the classroom, the usual way was for the pupil to be put ‘on report’, meaning that it was necessary to attend the relevant teacher’s study (head of the various schools – lower, middle and upper, into which the school was divided).
There was usually a small queue of unhappy looking people waiting after the final bell at 3.30pm, and punishment began at 4pm (to allow the other children to leave, I think, otherwise crowds would have gathered to listen).
If passing the room later, however (as I often had occasion to do), one could usually hear the sound of swishing cane or meaty thwack from a slipper. I particularly enjoyed watching the recipient coming out afterwards, usually rubbing away at his bottom – even more so if it was someone I fancied.
Actually, I would try to pass by before they went in, to spot anyone I knew. Seeing a ‘fanciable’ one, I would then try to catch his eye and grin at him – so that later, conveniently returning and passing by at exactly the right moment, I could catch him coming out and attempt to walk along with him, to commiserate and maybe hear the details.
The situation at our homes was similar, but probably corporal punishment was in fact more widely used.
I can well remember (you can imagine why) a discussion or debate we held on the subject in my fourth form general studies class. To the surprise of our female teacher, the view of the class was overwhelming in favour of the quick option of corporal punishment.
To give an indication of its use, we were asked to indicate if we had received any form of corporal punishment at home during the last year.
Surprisingly, two thirds of the class raised their hands – probably three quarters of the boys, and half the girls. A further question (all I can remember, unfortunately) revealed that virtually all were punished on the bottom with some implement (e.g. strap, slipper or cane).
Now to be more specific about my own experiences. I was an only child in a middle class family. My parents weren’t particularly strict, but believed in a firm set of principles of behaviour. I didn’t have any trouble with this, being generally in agreement and (I think) reasonably well behaved.
But if I did transgress and do something contrary to their wishes (and it would usually be something about which I was myself ashamed), I would naturally and inevitably expect to be punished.
My mother took responsibility for my punishments, and had the normal range available for the day – I was kept in (‘grounded’ in today’s parlance) for a given period, stopped from doing things I wanted to do, had my pocket money withdrawn and so on.
In her armoury (quite normally for the time) my mother included corporal punishment. Following age-old custom, if my actions deserved it, I would be chastised. This was always administered in a traditional manner and on the usual place – with comprehensive ritual and formality, I was given a sore bottom.
‘Getting my bottom tanned’ or receiving a ‘smacked bottom’ were not common experiences, but neither were they that rare. When I was in trouble at primary school, I was given a traditional spanking. My mother sat on a chair in her bedroom and put me over her knee – my skirt pulled back and my knickers pulled down, she smacked my bare bottom until it was hot and stinging.
As soon as I reached secondary school, I was deemed too big to go over her knee – but far from too big to receive a sore bottom. I then had to bend over, most often for the slipper.
Because I was only beaten when I was thoroughly in trouble, for something for which I needed a salutory lesson, her punishments were not lightly administered. I viewed them with considerable trepidation and they weren’t easily forgotten. However, I would say that on every single occasion that I was beaten, the punishment was fully deserved and appropriate.
Every so often, my mother used corporal punishment on me throughout my time at secondary school, right up to my leaving home for university. In my early years at secondary school, when I was in serious trouble and thoroughly deserved to be punished, she would discuss with me what ‘sentence’ I deserved, and usually I couldn’t disagree that a hiding was appropriate.
Having been informed that my fate was to get a ‘severe dose of the slipper’, ‘a whacking’ or ‘my bottom tanned’ (she used the terms interchangeably), she would never punish me immediately but tell me when she would administer it, leaving a good while for me to meditate.
Typically, like a school, she would tend to save up my punishment till the end of the school week, and administer it when I got home on Friday afternoon. Like the boys at school, I knew what was coming and had all day to dwell on it. I’ve always considered one of the more memorable sensations from my school days the feeling of increasing unease as it got nearer the time for me to go home. I would feel sick in my stomach, weak-kneed, couldn’t concentrate and would need to visit the loo.
When I got home, my mother would send me to my bedroom, where I would try to concentrate on my homework – but usually failing, since the anticipation of a whacking always left me in a real state.
I can say there was some sexual feeling though – I’ve always found my bottom one of my most erogenous zones, and although I was always aware how much the tanning was going to hurt, I knew that afterwards the intense burning sensation would be stimulating, once the stinging had died down.
Perhaps more significantly, I have always been of a rather submissive nature, and turned on by a degree of humiliation and embarrassment. For example, during the punishment itself, I used to fantasise that I was getting it at
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