Netflix Party is now Teleparty: here's how to watch Netflix with friends online

Netflix Party is now Teleparty: here's how to watch Netflix with friends online

It's not always possible to head to the cinema with musketeers or go round to a confidante's place to enjoy some Television together. That is why Netflix Party was constructed, only now it's called Teleparty. So, update that Netflix Party extension to the Teleparty extension and find out how to use it. 


 Still, all from the comfort of your separate homes, If you did not try it out during one lockdown or another also Teleparty (Netflix Party) is a way of watch Netflix together while staying piecemeal. 

The reason for the name change is that the service has now expended so that you can watch not only Netflix but also Hulu, HBO Max, HBO Now and Disney Plus Watch Party with musketeers too. 

HBO Max Watch Party | Hulu Watch Party | disney watch party | amazon watch party | HBO Watch Party|

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