Netflix Movies With Naked Women

Netflix Movies With Naked Women


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Год выпуска 2000
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Парфюмер Christine Nagel
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Get ready to rewind over, and over, and over again.
I'm going to be honest, no shade to those of you who like porn, but for me, browsing on YouPorn or PornHub feels super unsexy. It's just so not the move when I'm trying to find something I want to masturbate to. Personally, I would much rather go back to an extremely hot sex scene I saw on Reign or The Witcher than watch an old man try and make a girl who is young enough to be his granddaughter orgasm via strictly penetration. (Sorry for the visual, but I had to make my point).
Maybe it’s the fact that there is actual character development and a story to follow with most Netflix series and movies—and with porn, you get a step bro watching his step sis masturbate after school. (Yeah, not exactly my ideal scenario.) So, if you're like me, let me put you on to a little suggestion real quick: Use your Netflix account to watch a couple of movies and shows with sex scenes better than porn instead.
Whether you’re more into foreign films with plenty of raunchy sex scenes between a much older woman and her lover, or would rather get off watching two cowboys go at it in a tent, there’s a Netflix show or movie out there for everyone. Plus, it’s much safer to simply watch a raunchy sex scene while watching Dark Desire than forgetting to close the porn tab on your phone’s browser. IYKYK.
So when you're ready to indulge in whatever type of Netflix and Chill you'd like, enjoy these scenes at your leisure and pleasure.
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If you haven’t jumped on the Bridgerton bandwagon, I suggest you do it before the second season comes out. Despite the show starting off as the PG version of many period pieces, it soon becomes about all things sex when the two main characters Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset tie the knot, and are free to consummate their marriage wherever and how many times they want.
Though there are plenty of scenes to pick from, my favorite has to be the actual sex montage on episode six where Daphne and Simon literally cannot keep their hands off of each other. They have sex in a bed, an open field, in the rain, and while on a ladder.
Ginny and Georgia gives us one of the most realistic sex scenes on Netflix, as Ginny experiences her first time with her neighbor without really telling him it was her first time. Despite it being this clumsy mess of arms and legs, the anticipation and build-up is enough to get anyone watching all hot and bothered.
Episode one, season one. But you can keep watching to peep some more action between the two – and for the plot, of course.
Despite the fact that Joe is a literal stalker, there are some undoubtedly hot moments in the series so long as you don't watch the show for the plot and strictly the sex scenes.

There’s just something about a woman taking control of the situation that just hits different—especially when it comes to a man who has proved to be almost invincible. In one particular scene, Love takes full control of Joe—and goes as far as stuffing a neck tie in his mouth to keep him quiet while she’s on top.
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This show, which only had one season before being mercilessly axed by Netflix, is a thriller featuring Naomi Watts as a psychologist. The plot: Her character doesn’t care much about healing her patients but rather manipulating them. And in the course of the show, she develops a relationship with Sydney, a woman close to one of her patients.
Episode 7. Just watch the whole thing and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Sydney and Jean spend pretty much the whole episode teasing each other as they grab dinner before making their way back to Sydney’s place.
Okay, so Black Mirror might not be the typical show you’d expect to make you horny, but there are a couple of episodes that include some very intense and sexy scenes.
Series 3, Episode 2. Two best friends enter a virtual reality world where they can play their favorite fighting video game. However, the two soon discover that it’s way more fun to screw each other’s brains out in the game than actually fight.
When I first began watching Riverdale, I had no idea I would be in for a treat with the countless sex scenes each season. Jughead and Betty, Archie and Veronica, Betty and Archie, the possibilities are endless. And can we talk about the hot dads in the show? Watching F.P. Jones wearing that sheriff’s uniform and Hiram Lodge taking off his suit to box are probably some of the best things the show has given us.
Though it’s hard to choose just one bomb sex scene, my favorite has to be a recent one: Archie and Betty in the shower. Season 5, Episode 5. Enough said.
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Orange Is the New Black, need I say more? I’m sure we’ve all seen at least one episode already, and if you haven't, you must know at this point that there’s always someone going down on someone else. The show is about what goes on in a women’s prison, and of course, there’s plenty of steamy lesbian sex.
I respect that Piper and Alex, a couple who did some bad things and are now paying the consequences while in jail together, are the main characters of the show. But despite them having some pretty hot sex scenes, my go-to is anything between Nicky and Lorna, my forever OTP.
I’m a sucker for a period piece: the corsets, the dancing at balls, and the sexy sex scenes that just seem to be in every single show and movie from long-forgotten times. Reign was the perfect show if you wanted to create impossible standards for lovers to meet. Pretty much every character on the show got to take their clothes off at one point or another, and let’s just say, it never disappoints.
My favorite sex scene from this show has to be in season one, episode 19, when Bash, the king’s bastard brother, and Kenna, one of the queen’s ladies, make good use of their marriage bed. I don’t know what’s hotter: Bash trying to make Kenna forget about every other man that came before him or Kenna taking control of the moment.
Dark Desire is a Mexican thriller filled with plenty of hookups and affairs granted to get you gripping the edge of your seat. One of the sexiest couples in the show is Alma, who is married, and Dario, her much younger lover.
One of the hottest scenes in this show is the moment when Alma’s husband is trying to reach her on the phone and leaves her a passionate voicemail. However, she can’t get to the phone because she’s being, uh, sexily slammed up against a wall by her young lover. Yuuup.
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I can’t be the only one who remembers when this movie first came out and how scandalous it was, as it depicted probably one of the first gay sex scenes in commercial theaters. Jake Gyllenhaal and the late Heath Ledger play two cowboys who find themselves attracted to each other while out on the field working. Though not completely graphic, the scene is the moment audiences were all waiting for as they rooted for the two men.
The movie features three sex scenes but the hottest one has to be the one between the two male protagonists. At first, things are a little muddy due to the rough nature between them, but then you realize that they both like it rough, and oh boy, is it hot to watch.
Toy Boy is about a stripper named Hugo who spent seven years in prison after being framed for murder. After being released, he sets off to find his former lover, whom he is convinced framed him for her husband’s murder.
In a very sensual scene, Hugo and his lawyer, Triana, hookup. He undresses her, puts her over his shoulders while pinning her against a wall, and proceeds to eat her out. (It’s the type of stuff that only men in the movies can do.)
Netflix's newest erotic film 365 DNI quickly climbed the horny ranks when its shower sex scenes started circulating all over TikTok. Dubbed as a sexy crossover between Fifty Shades of Grey and also Beauty and the Beast, this nearly-two-hour movie has its fair share of sex appeal (I mean, just check out the lead character). That said, this movie romanticizes an extremely toxic relationship, so only watch it for the sex scenes, mmk?
Skip to 1:08:38 for a boat sex scene that lasts, no joke, maybe four or five minutes. Super hot.

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Okay, so the naked scenes in Sex Education aren't necessarily the the most romantic thing you'll see in a show, but it is the most realistic, okay? (I mean, it's literally a British comedy set in a high school that follows a student as he navigates his own sex therapy company). But FWIW: The show has v inclusive characters that show the different spectrums of sexuality and gender preferences, which IMO is awesome.
Any of the built-up sexual tension with Eric and Rahim (pictured here as prime example) or the masturbating sex scenes. Seriously. Watch the show... in its entirety.
There's something about international shows that just hit different. And Elite...hits different. The characters are obsessed with only a few things: stirring up drama and having sex. Lots, and lots, and lots of sex. Come for the juicy murder plot, stay for the sex scenes that could buy out porn. (Btw, if you're a non-Spanish speaker, you'll need to watch this one in subtitles).
Polo, Cayetana, and Valerio's sexy pool-side threesome in the third season. Talk about polyamorous goals.
If you're in search for a horny, want-you-but-have-lots-of-emotional-baggage love story, All the Bright Places is for you. Like, I hate to be a sap, but you can't not root for this duo as they go throughout the movie building up sexual tension, and tension, and tension, until...well, no spoilers, you'll see for yourself.
The Violent and Finch sex scene you've been waiting for the entire movie. It's YA *chefs kiss*.
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If you love Game of Thrones, know a little something about history, and enjoy watching sexy men walk around in skirts, you’ll stan the blossoming romance between this hot Scottish man and his gorgeous English lover. The three seasons of Outlander on Netflix will give you alllll the ~feels~ despite the main character’s complicated past (and future).
Season 1, episode 7: The Wedding. Without spoiling too much, Sam Heughan’s character, Jamie, and Caitriona Balfe’s character, Claire consummate their marriage in a series of ultra-sultry sex scenes exploring each other’s bodies and hungrily tasting each other for the first time. It’s worth watching the whole season for, but if you’re feeling dirty, I won’t tell anyone you skipped to that scene specifically.

Two words: Henry Cavill. He reeks of sex in this whole series, so much so that one editor wrote about all the times she felt inadvertently horny while watching the first season. The show follows Geralt of Rivia, aka Henry Cavill, who is a monster struggling to find his destiny in a world with princesses, sorcerers, and beasts.
Season 1, episode 3: Betrayer Moon. This sex scene between Yennefer, played by Anya Chalotra, and Istredd, played by Royce Pierreson, plays on all your voyeuristic fantasies. The two engage in sex while a whole audience watches them, and it’s exactly as hot as it sounds.
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Millennials is like the (more) modern-day version of Skins UK when it comes to young adults dealing with everyday problems like love affairs and unemployment. And unlike real-life millennials who are barely having sex these days (thanks, COVID-19), these Millennials can say they’ve never had a dry spell so far.
In the second season, Ariana, Juan, and Mario get down and dirty in a good, old-fashioned threesome. Sprinkle in the element of voyeurism as one of their roommates walks in on them and watches them devour each other.
For when you want a rom-com but, like, a rom-com with a “What if you met the guy you lost your virginity to at a sex addicts meeting?” twist, go no further than Sleeping With Other People. This 2015 film written and directed by Leslye Headland is as secretly raunchy as it is refreshing.
It’s gotta be the focus on female pleasure—for example, actress Alison Brie masturbates during sex with a guy at one point. And strange as it may sound, the most tension-driven scene involves Alison’s character, Lainey, teaching Jason Sudeikis’s character, Jake, how to, ahem, please a woman through a demonstration on an empty bottle.
This 2015 gem of a movie is about two women embarking on a secret lesbian relationship during the 1950s. The movie features some of the most iconic women in Hollywood: Sarah Paulson, Cate Blanchett, and Rooney Mara. That cast alone is bound to at least make you a little hot and bothered.
The moment where Carol takes Therese home for the first time is bound to have you squirming at the edge of your seat as the two women make out in bed while completely naked. This scene definitely had me wishing I was Rooney Mara.
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