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What order to play the Neptunia series and what are your thoughts?
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I saw this list made late last year. Anyways what’s up with the remakes? Also for VII and VIIR, which is better and one more question. Why are some of these games so expensive?
Neptunia series Original / Main: Hyperdimension Neptunia Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (aka. Ultra Dimension Neptune V) Megadimension Neptunia VII
Remakes: Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 Sisters Generation Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation Megadimension Neptunia VIIR (Victory II Realize)
Spin-offs: Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune vs Zombies Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online Super Neptunia RPG NepNep☆Connect: Chaos Chanpuru Neptunia Shooter
Just play Re; Birth 1 and see if you like. I think it is the best game to start because it is where everything started and you won't get overwhelmed by the references to other games. If you like RB1 you can play Re;Birth 2 and 3, then Megadimension VII or VIIR.
About the spin offs: Only played Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart, Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed and MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune vs Zombies Superdimension.
From those three i only recommend the Noire game.
Probably because niche games don't sell much and fans from niche games/companies are loyal af so they will pay.
From those three i only recommend the Noire game.
I would say Action Unleashed and Sega Hard Girls to be the go-to spinoffs to recommend.
The waifus are honestly what make these games. They can re-use levels in 5 games, but I still get dem anime tiddies that keep you coming back. I cuddle a Uni body pillow every night. A warning though, with so many waifus you are bound to fall in love with at least one.
The originals aren't worth touching. Start with ReBirth 1, and if you like that, play 2 and 3. Haven't played any others so I can't really say whether VIIR is better than VII.
I would start with the remakes and play vii and not viir because viir doesnt add much unless you have VR.
For the spin offs play them after the main games. Also the spin offs are very different form one and another. So I would do some research of your own and see if it interests you.
And don’t play the original three main games they are not as good as the remakes.
Start with Re;Birth1. It's the best introduction to the world and characters. If you like that, continue onto Re;Birth2, then Re;Birth3, and finally VII.
Re;Birth1 isn't fully connected to the other titles. Re;Birth2, Re;Birth3, and VII all continue into each other, but Re;Birth1 is its own thing for the most part. Still, Re;Birth1 is still the best introduction, as most concepts and characters are the same in other games, and the title does the best job at introducing these concepts.
The original Hyperdimension Neptunia, Mk2, and Victory aren't worth bothering with. All of them feature inferior gameplay to their remakes, and aside from the original Hyperdimension Neptunia, all feature the same story. The original game arguably has a better story than its remake, but it's still not worth playing. The cutscenes can be found on YouTube if you're curious.
The choice between VII and VIIR depends. VII features two more endings and various DLC characters, while VIIR has better graphics and VR events where the characters walk around and talk to you. I'd recommend VII, but the choice is yours.
None of the spin-offs are connected to each other, so you can play them in any order you want. Though NepNep☆Connect: Chaos Chanpuru isn't available to play anywhere as far as I'm aware.
You'll either love the games or hate them. It's rarely in between.

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A controversial Neptunia retrospective
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A place to discuss all things from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Let's show some love for those CPUs.
Vert playing games late at night (@gigatera00)
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Me: Wait a minute, who we praying to yourselves?
Yeah we gay. Move along. - HDD NepNowa💜🖤
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TL;DR : My opinion of Neptunia is very harsh and I only like a few of the games. If you are a hardcore fan of Neptunia, this is probably not the post for you.
This will be a summary of what I thought of every Neptunia game I have played. It should be mentioned that I did not play all of them, and of the ones I did play, I didn't finish all of them. Every Nep game was played on PC except for the ones that have no PC port, and Super Neptunia RPG.
Before we start, I should mention that the games I did not play are: mk2, Victory, Producing Perfection, and any of the gacha games.
General Thoughts : For long, I have been of the vastly unpopular and controversial opinion that Hyperdimension Neptunia is a brillant series of immense wasted potential, with the only thing keeping it afloat being the legions of fans who would mindlessly buy and positively review just about anything as long as it had Neptunia on it regardless of quality. This opinion will stand until the series proves me otherwise - and I have been waiting for it to do so for the past 5 years, and it appears that I'll have to keep waiting.
I will give it credit for being the series that introduced me to some of the best of friends I've ever had, and for introducing me to more JRPGs. It's just a darn shame that Neptunia can barely catch up to what those better JRPG have already been doing right 10 years ago.
"mk1"/Hyperdimension Neptunia : I played this after I played most of the games later down the line. While the gameplay is... quite frankly, just about the most terrible thing I've seen that isn't Quest 64, the story and character writing is IMO the best in the series , with how everyone's character wasn't defined by a singular joke, and how the story could actually balance its lighthearted and serious moments. There is some semblance of world building, but since this game was supposed to be a one and done, it's understandably not fleshed out.
The writing wasn't perfect by any means - hell, it was pretty rough at times - but it was a noble first attempt. It's a shame that IF/CH was more than happy to throw all that out the window in favour of... whatever the writing is now - inconsistent world building and quite honestly bad character writing.
Re;Birth1 : My first Neptunia game. I have a lot of good memories of this game. I don't think the gameplay is anything to write home about, probably because I have been spoiled by better turn-based JRPGs. After having played mk1, the story and writing isn't as good, and it would unfortunately be the last time we see the very slight glimmers of the characters actually having character beyond "Neptune protagonist, Noire lonely, Blanc angry washboard, Vert big tits sister thief".
Some people would try and argue that the one-note characters we get from Re;Birth2 onwards are actually deeper than they appear - but I'd argue that any writer worth their salt should know better than to keep using the same jokes across several games if they actually want the characters to have more depth than they seem. What little we see of the supposed "depth" of the characters is overshadowed by the sheer volume of their one-dimensional personalities and jokes, so I seriously doubt that this is a case of "the writing is too smart for me".
Re;Birth2 & 3 : Bundled these two games together, because they're essentially Re;Birth1 with different cutsecenes. It's probably how they were able to make the entire Re;Birth trilogy in a year. They are okay on their own, but otherwise unremarkable. I've always heard about how Conquest Ending is the best writing in the series, but personally I don't see what everyone else is seeing.
Action Unleashed : The words that you should not use to describe an action game would be "insufferably boring", but that's what this game is. Neptunia's first step into action games ends up being a repetitive, mediocre musou. "Repetitive" and "musou/Warriors" sounds like they go hand in hand, but Action Unleashed somehow makes it a hundred times worse. The difficulty is either so easy a quadruple amputee could play it, or so artificial that you can almost smell the chemicals the devs must have inhaled by the tankful in order to think putting you in one circular room for a mission in which you must kill 1000 enemies is "good level design".
The gameplay is boring, and the story might as well not even exist.
It's honestly hilarious (and unintentionally realistic) that in this hack and slash game, the best character is the one that uses a machine gun with a bottomless magazine.
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies : Second verse, no better than the first. Neptunia's second step into action games ended up being more of the same. Gotta say, really bold of the developers to design stages that can be completed faster than you can cook minute rice. There's online multiplayer, too, I guess, but good luck putting up with the game's no good, god-awful, terrible netcode. For every step forward they took, they also took a step back.
This game also deserves a special place in my recycle bin because it is the only game that stopped working for me after it crashed during a multiplayer session, and refused to stop crashing on launch unless I completely wipe it from my computer and reinstall it. This makes it the first PC game I know of and own that fucking game-ends itself when attempting to do something as simple as play one of its modes . Maybe it was self aware of how terrible it was and didn't want to embarrass itself any further.
Cyberdimension 4GO : I had a lot of hope for this game. I thought it would be great. I thought that finally, Neptunia can have a good action game. But no. Third time wasn't the charm. Doesn't matter how much the gameplay improves if the AI in the game is dumber than all the characters in the game's idiot plot (i.e. a plot that can only happen if everyone in the story is a complete moron).
Much like MegaTag, this game also has multiplayer. And just like MegaTag, the netcode is complete and total ass candle.
Megadimension Neptunia VII : Widely considered to be the best the series has to offer. I'm inclined to agree to a certain extent. While the gameplay is some of the best in the mainline titles, I still think mk1 had better character writing. VII is probably as good as the series will ever get. It's an almost decent JRPG in its own right. Almost. It's one of the very few games in the series I have more positive opinions of than negative ones.
VIIR : V erily, I t I s R edundant.
Hyperdevotion Noire : I never finished this game. It got way too boring, and the whole time I only thought of how much I wanted to play Final Fantasy Tactics. I should probably emulate that some day.
Superdimension Sega Hard Girls : You know, if the series had mk1 writing, VII combat, and a more fleshed out this game's dungeon exploration, we might have a decent JRPG. As a side note, my copy of the game runs at a bizzarely locked 48 FPS. How strange.
Super Neptunia RPG : Also never finished this one. It looked really pretty, though. Ultimately, the poor optimisation on the Switch port proved to be my biggest problem with the game. Even if that were not the case, the gameplay just wasn't fun, it flows like a river of bricks.
Hearing talk about how Compile Heart only gave Artisan Studios 15 months to make the game upsets me even more. Goes to show that even when outsourcing, IF/CH just don't or can't give a shit.
Virtual Stars : This game turned out exactly how I expected it to turn out: mediocre. It truly is an amalgamation of all the bad things that plague the series: shitty AI, low quality 4th wall meta humour, the usage of the same character jokes that got old in the games that started those jokes years ago, an otherwise barebones plot stretched thin over hours of cutscenes and boring gameplay. What little enjoyment I got from playing the game as terribly as possible to see how bad the AI was fizzled out real quick, so the game couldn't even entertain me unintentionally for long. It honestly really feels like IF/CH only roped VTubers into it because no one would give a shit otherwise, because the implementation of the VTubers is so lazy - it's like they were stapled onto the game at the last minute before they started burning the discs unfortunate enough to bear this game.
The PC port is a hunk of junk, too. My frames constantly fluctuate from 5-60 FPS while standing perfectly still in the middle of an empty arena , so it's about as smooth as sitting on a faulty shopping cart in a rocky gorge with nothing to push myself along but a few sheets of toilet paper with all my failings listed on them. No doubt amongst those failings will be written "The audacity to have hope for Virtual Stars".
My opinions of the series are some of the harshest for someone who claims to be a fan of it. Deep down I still like Neptunia, after all, I wouldn't have made fanart for 4 years if I didn't. But it's getting hard to stay.
The friends I made (and still speak with to this day) through our shared interest for Neptunia have long since given up on the series. I don't blame them.
I know this series can make something out of itself. There is a good game, and I mean Falcom JRPG level of good game buried somewhere in Neptunia's mountain of potential. Neptunia can be good.
But it honestly feels like it never will be.
My hopes are pinned on Neptunia's next game.
I'll be more than happy to be proven wrong with that, or really, any future Neptunia game.
You're... Not that out of line with any of the retrospect you've listed. I'm inclined to agree with you for most if not all of them.
The only thing I can really tell you is that the reason people praise the Conquest Ending so much is because it breaks the norm of a Nep game always ending happily, and gives the cast an unavoidable scenario (at that point in time, if we forget the True, Normal and Holy Sword Endings) and they have to come to terms with their deaths, showing their true character all in the process, even people like Neptune who are usually joking or not taking things seriously most of the time come to terms that this was their final moment.
Nepgear gets the most out of it, not because she survives, which is pretty big of a reason mind you, but she has to come to terms with what she's done and how it's affects not only her, but the future of Gamindustri, even more so recognized when the DoS taunts her in its final words, implying that she may return after all to fight once more. Not only that, but what happens to Gamindustri after Nepgear becomes the sole goddess, which can be the plotline for a game or two in of itself.
You're right, the neptunia series has so much potential, but doesn't use it.
I said this before but it also fits here.
When I imagine the neptunia writers room I see 3 people. Person A has basically given up. All passion and creativity dried out so he just recycles jokes and fills out the plot with the handbook basics to feed his family. Person B is super motivated and fun. But his ideas are subpar and he doesn´t think ahead. Person A knows that and tries to cover it up with self aware jokes. Person C really sees the full potential of the series and is super talented and knowledgable, but he is too shy to take over and just does his parts as best he can.
Neptunia dies this decade, atleast we got a few decent things out of it.
I wanted to like Hyperdevotion Noire. I tried really hard to enjoy it but it's not my thing. I always hated how the enemies always had unlimited movement or at least more than you. I think that the plataform that I played this game on(PC as well) is not apropiated for it. It's repetivness comes out on the light and hurts the game pretty bad. No that the mainline games don't do the same though, but since I don't enjoy the gameplay of this game as much, it is easier to notice.
I want to give it another shot on the vita when I can because it really feels like actual care was put into the game(watching at the other spin offs I mean). But maybe it's me again, searching for something that isn't there.
The way I see it... if a modern Tactical RPG can't hold up to Final Fantasy Tactics, which is a 1997 game, then it's a lost cause.
Honestly, you'd think a game released in 2014 would be leagues ahead of FF Tactics, but no, Hyperdevotion Noire can't even hope to compare.
Nah, mate; I agree with you immensely.
It seems the problem is that you were expecting too much out of a niche, low budget game series.
Tbh i don't think Neptunia is something for you.
Ok so its bad at worst and slightly bad at best but if you think that the game will NEVER get better then why would you even put your hopes up for the next game? Won't you just get even more disappointed if it didn't came as good as you like? Not to mention you would waste your hard earned money just to get upset.
Neptunia isn't for you i guess. Maybe try something else? Like the persona series? Or maybe play something with a good story like spec ops : the line or something more casual like call of duty, the sims, city skylines, among us.
I'm only expecting decent games, which Neptunia has provided, even if it's rare that it does. Yes, while the games IF/CH put out are niche and low budget... Indie devs work with much less, yet are able to put out better games.
I'm hopeful because it's better than straight up just giving up on the series outright. I'm of the opinion that every game deserves a chance, and I'd be damned if I just turn away every future Neptunia game just because the franchise has quite a few stinkers. But I'm also a realist, and I have reasons to believe that Neptunia may never get better.
While I'm willing to be open to the idea that Neptunia isn't for me, the fact that I like the series enough to have made fanart of it for 4 years, and that I do genuinely enjoy some of the games in the series (Re;Birth1, Sega Hard Girls, V
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