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Hi, I recently read a thread on this forum from a nepiophlie that you can see here: paraphilias/topic90782.html I was struck by the comment from "myyoungboyspace". Do you really think that nepiophiles are shunned by pedophiles? Wow, that seems really unfair to me! If that's the case I apologize on behalf of myself for not having been more supportive. Do you guys (nepiophiles) think that it could be because people are brought up with the term "pedophile" being a sickenly horrendous thing etc, and so "pedophile" related threads get more attention? There are an infinite number of "...philias" that exist out there that human beings identify with, but the big "P" seems to dominate due to the media. Is that culturally enforced, dyou think? I mean, to my knowledge, i haven't seen any threads so far where someone has said "Help! I think I might be a nepiophile!" It seems that nepiophiles are pretty sure of their attraction and tend to be somewhat less perturbed by their sexuality than pedophiles are?!?! In the spirit of being supportive and wanting to learn more, I'd like to ask this question. I'm a bit in the dark as to what nepiophilia strictly refers to. I've read the "scientific" definition, which tends to suggest "under the age of 5", but is that accurate? Am i just being ignorant? Does your attraction include new born babies, or is it just toddlers? I'm intrigued because just in terms of physical form i would have assumed that a walking, babbling toddler is a different entity to a very young baby. To you folks, are they in the same category or does baby/toddler break into different categories?

I am a nepio/pedophile whose strongest attraction is to boys aged 3-7, though depending on the circumstance, I'm attracted to kids as young as 1. I don't find that other pedophiles think poorly of me for this. After all, we all know that we didn't choose our attractions. Having said that, as a nepiophile, it can sometimes be even harder on us than other pedos simply because children of the ages we are attracted to are most vulnerable. It's like, there's a thicker layer of stigma. It's one thing to be sexually attracted to a 12-year-old. It's quite another to be attracted to a 3-year-old.

I am also a nepi, and my attraction include newborns to about 2-3 years old...and I think pedophile is the word people relate to anything with kids....but there are seperate categories, as we know here.

Feel free to message me if you want

what's the difference between nepio and paedo...? oh ok read the rest... Can't say i'm really into that... lol. Lucky for you, the general public doesn't bother to, or is too ignorant to distinguish much between people who like babies, children or early teens (or even late teens in some cases)... if they did they probably point a lot more rage and hatred in your direction. People wouldn't even be disgusted if they heard nepio as it's not a familiar term where as paedo immediately beings the most horrible connotations and feelings possible.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate

I'm a nepi/pedophile and I think nepi's get "shunned" by other pedo's who see themselves as GL's. It's like they (some) treat nepi's the same way the rest of society treats pedo's in general, which is really hypocritical! It's like they think, if someone is a nepi then they abuse kids. Personally i would never touch/harm a kid but I cant help the things that go on inside my head, just like they can't!

I am a nepi and I am attracted to boys or girls from newborns up to around 3 or 4 years of age and I am also attracted to older as well but it seems to me that these days that I am becoming more and more attracted to children under the age of 5 years old. That is where my primary attraction is focused and I am not attracted to adults at all or even in a small way. I am an exclusive pedophile/nepiophile as well. I don't care if other pedophiles want to look down on me because I am a nepi because I am not that interested in getting into arguments because of my attraction.

I felt that I should respond to this since I was mentioned, firstly I must post a few apologies. 1) For my late response, this was due to me being on holiday 2) The MODs have let me know that they may think my name or posts have been a little triggering and I am deeply sorry for any upset, offence or problems that I have caused. 3) I would like to clarify my point to 'some paedophiles' obviously it is not all (or even most) and actually this site is very supportive. I am a nepiophile who has sexual interest from newborns up but I have to seperate my feelings as I do not see sexual attraction at the youngest ages - that tends to start from toddlers up. I think there is a series of points on this topic, some have been tackled already. Firstly is this idea that obviously the lower the age the harder it is to comprehend it. WIth pubsecent (or older) children it is more obvious to see how human sexuality could result in that whereas sexuality towards babies and toddlers seems stranger. I do think nepiophiles seem more acceptent of their sexuality but I guess thats simply because it is so far from the norm it is hard to mistake for anything. Its nice to hear support though but sadly and perhaps strangely some paedophies do place a line in ground between themselves and their even more difficult and unfortunate sexuality neighbour, nepiophiles. I think it is perhaps a problem also that so few people know the term or what it means. As I said previously I actually wrote about paedophilia at a high level and my tutor who has taught about philosophy of sex for many years had not heard of the term.

What if when you get aroused think of or looking a newborn baby you are really being aroused by the thought of having or making a baby. Maybe all you have to do is think of a mature beautiful busty lady ready to take the cock to make yourself normal again. Making a baby is a highly arousing thought for me especially if you are sharing a sexual encounter with a femle friend.

Firstly I want to clarify that I (markspringer100) am 'myyoungboyspace' I have changed my name as the mods thought it might be triggering and I agreed. Secondly to Z3nh7p0crite, I think its a nice attempt to explain it but I don't think its the case or a solution for a number of reasons. I must say I am a broody person and do really want children but I don't think that is a comparable feeling at all, I am not sexually arroused by incest in fact I find the idea quite the opposite, especially in relation to my own future children. Another issue is that I am very much gay and the only thing less attractive than incest to me is the idea of having sex with a woman, especially a big busted woman As for your comment about normality I think my feelings are normal, perhaps not common and certainly not acceptable to act upon. I think whilst I appriciate you trying to help that actually you are just proving my point that whereas people often try to comfort paedophiles on sites like this they simply try to disprove nepiphiles and make it out that we are confused or worse when actually we are just a rarer, more unfortunate victim

Anxious58, to your last point I feel that I agree with you. I guess that's why I was asking the question. There are clearly nepiophiles on this forum and they obviously have difficulties dealing with their attraction to some degree. It is, clearly, as un-fulfillable attraction as much as it is for pedophiles, hence why I was so shocked that pedophiles would shun nepiophiles. I mean, would you? Anxious58? You said that you aren't "into that", but would you shun nepiophiles as a result? Z3nh7p0crite, what you've said is very interesting. Is there a sexuality for being attracted to the production of children, rather than the act itself, no matter what the medium? Intriguing! I was under the impression nepiophilia refered to a sexual attraction to very young children themselves, not their conception. Maybe you could explain further? MarkSpringer100, you said that you label yourself as a nepiophile, and are attracted to newborns but that you don't start to think of children until toddler age upwards. Why is that? Is that just a condition of nepiophilia, or is there some more complicated moral aspect to it? I ask because pedophiles sometimes say that they are attracted to 8 year olds, but wouldnt want to do anything with someone that young and are more "sexually" attracted to 12 year olds etc. Do you think the same separation applies, just at younger age range scale? I.e. new borns would be wrong to fantisize about, but toddlers are ok to fantisize about? To all of you that have commented saying that you have an attraction to very young children, but think that it's reacted to as a more exagerrated form of pedophilia, do you feel that the word "pedophila" encompasses you as well? In other words, if someone rants about hating pedophiles and makes stereotypical assumptions about what pedophiles are and what they do, that you feel included in that category, or do you feel entirely separate from it? It's difficult for me to explain, i guess. I mean, if someone has a very hateful thing to say about "pedophiles", do you feel affected by it? Or do you feel separate from it because you attraction is strictly, scientifically different to pedophilia? Does the word, the term "pedophilia" carry so much more resonance because it's become a by-word for anything sexually evil, or do you feel less affected and more comfortable in yourselves because that word doesn't quite apply to you scientifically (and because it's less well known)?

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by tlkproxy » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:12 am
by Musicman » Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:06 am
by hallja » Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:48 am
by Anxious58 » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:42 am
by lastmanlost » Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:06 am
by Blben » Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:13 pm
by markspringer100 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:02 pm
by Z3nh7p0crite » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:59 am
by markspringer100 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:01 am
by tlkproxy » Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:45 am
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