Neighbor Quickie

Neighbor Quickie


Neighbor Quickie
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Isadora Baum
Isadora Baum is a freelance writer, certified health coach, and author of 5-Minute Energy .

Zachary Zane
Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, and culture. He was formerly the digital associate editor at OUT Magazine and currently has a queer cannabis column, Puff Puff YASS, at Civilized.

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Quickie sex is a gift given by the gods—one that many of us don’t utilize nearly enough. Don’t get me wrong, we’d all love to have a 24-hour sex marathon . But we're grownups, and we have stuff to do. We have to pick up the kids from school, have an evening call with the boss, or any number of life’s other commitments and inconveniences. That’s why sometimes, when your schedule gets crazy busy, setting aside just a few minutes to get intimate with your partner can seem like an impossible task.
But that’s what makes quickie sex so awesome , not to mention hot. The urgency, the intensity, the fear of someone walking in—all these factors can blast your heart rate and make for a wild ride. The spontaneity is also another factor that makes having a quickie so appealing. You thought you were going to spend the rest of the day working on those TPS reports , but instead, you get that sweet release. Not to mention that with quickie sex you still get the benefits that come with a longer love-making session , including improved mood, stress reduction, a boost in your immune system, and of course, strengthening your bond with your partner.
So the next time you and your partner are in the mood but are pressed for time, try one of these ten fast and dirty positions for quickie sex. You're welcome, my friend.
Is missionary the fanciest position out there? No, but will it get the job done when you’re in a hurry? Yes. There’s a reason why missionary is a staple in most people’s sexual repertoire. It works. In missionary, it’s also easy for you or your partner to stimulate their clitoris , which will increase the likelihood that both you and they will orgasm in the short amount of time you have together.
The flatiron, where you enter your partner from behind as they lie flat on their stomach, allows for insanely deep penetration and typically leads to a quick orgasm for both you and them, making it ideal for a quickie. To increase the likelihood that your partner will orgasm, wrap your arm around their hips, and play with their clitoris while you’re having sex with them from behind.
This is the ultimate quickie position for oral. While your partner sits on a chair with their legs open, you go to town. It’s a great position to warm them up with tongue and a finger or two, but it can also be used as a finishing move to help them orgasm under the time crunch. Your partner will also be able to easily guide you, telling you exactly what it is that they want. It’s also incredibly hot for them, as they’re able to get a full view of you in between their thighs.
Have your partner stand in front of you, bending at a 90-degree angle. Ideally, do this near a wall or table, so your partner has something to hold onto for support. Then enter from behind.
You’re getting a great view with this one, and you can do it almost anywhere. “The partner who comes from behind has plenty of room to stimulate the receiving partner with their hands or a toy, maximizing pleasure even when you only have a few minutes,” says Alicia Sinclair , certified sexologist and CEO of Le Wand & b-Vibe . It’s particularly good for G-spot or prostate stimulation, she adds.
If your movement is limited and you only have space to sit down, try the seated grind. “This position is ideal for a quickie in the car , or another tight space where you may only have room to sit. The grinding motion allows for minimal movement, so you won’t have to worry about squeaks if you need to stay quiet,” Sinclair says.
Here's how it works: you sit down, while your partner gets on top and straddles you with their legs wrapped around your waist. “This creates more friction, compared to an up-and-down motion," Sinclair says.
Running late to work, but you’re feeling frisky? Get in the shower and have sex at the same time.“Have one partner lean against the shower wall for support, with one leg lifted. This gives the other partner plenty of room to enter (with a penis, dildo, shower-safe vibrator, whatever!),” Sinclair says.
Since the receiving partner still has one leg on the ground, you can both support yourselves and avoid slippery falls. (And yes, shower sex injuries are actually super common .)
Basically, this position can be done anywhere with a flat surface—think desk, countertop, washer/dryer, you name it. “The receiving partner sits on a raised surface and spreads their legs, while the other person stands on the floor. Once you’re in a groove, have the receiving partner put their legs on the standing partner’s shoulders for an extra tight squeeze," Sinclair says.
“With this easy modification on classic doggy style, both partners kneel on the stairs, with the giver one step lower than the receiver,” Sinclair says. You’ll be perfectly aligned to get right down to business; plus, there’s something super sexy about both of you being so turned on that you're not even able to make it upstairs to the bedroom.
Whether you’re on the floor or in a bed, there are no acrobatics involved in this move, so it’s super easy to do anywhere. What’s more, “ 69 is the ultimate reciprocal move, so you can efficiently make sure that everyone gets a turn,” Sinclair says.
This is a great position for early morning sex if you’ve already hit the snooze button one too many times. “Coming from behind, penetrate your partner while they grind against you,” Sinclair says. Spooning gives you and your partner plenty of access to stimulate the nipples, clitoris, testicles, and other fun spots all at the same time.

I’VE been having sex with a neighbour who is a family friend. My parents would kill me if they knew but I love being with him.
I’m a girl of 16 and this man and his wife are both 42 and live three doors away. They’ve been friends with my parents since they were all newlyweds.
We were all invited to a Halloween party at another neighbour’s recently. I had some vodka and Coke, though I’m not used to drinking.
My mum and dad were drunk and left by midnight. I sat listening to music with the other couple, then the wife went home to bed.
My neighbour said he’d walk me home when the party was over. He put his arm around me at the gate and kissed me. It was my first kiss with a man.
He invited me into his place for a coffee to sober up. We snogged again and it was brilliant. Then he pulled down my jeans and pants and we had sex on the
kitchen table. I lost my virginity and felt all shaky afterwards.
He asked whether I felt bad about what we’d done. I said, “No, it was fantastic”, because that was how I felt.
He now gives me lifts into town. He always kisses me and we’ve had sex twice and oral sex too.
He’s given me £50 the last few Saturdays to put towards Christmas and I’ve bought new clothes and shoes. Mum and Dad haven’t asked me where they were from and would go mad if they realised.
My lover still comes around to ours sometimes and my parents regard him like my uncle. I wonder whether I should carry on seeing him but I love being with him and love the money he gives me.
DEIDRE SAYS: I know all this spoiling and attention is making you feel special now but you know in your heart that this neighbour is behaving badly, and in the end will make you feel bad about yourself too.
He’s making no commitment to you – nor will he. He’s married and will drop you without a word when he tires of this game. He’s treating you almost like a prostitute.
Your family and his wife will be appalled at your behaviour as well as his if you’re caught out – which is all too likely.
Stop this now, before you get too hurt. I’d like you to tell your parents how he’s behaved, as they deserve to know he can’t be trusted.
If you can’t face that, at least talk over how you got drawn into this in confidence with someone. Contact Get Connected ( 0808 808 4994 , ).
MY girlfriend can’t tell me whether she cheated on me with her mate because she can’t remember anything about it.
I’m a gay girl and my girlfriend and I had a party to celebrate our 25th birthdays. She invited a male friend of hers. He’s 24 and they used to be close.
I was in the front room with friends and at one point the music stopped.
Everything went quiet – and we heard moaning coming from the kitchen. My girlfriend and her mate were in there.
It was really embarrassing. I barged in and my girlfriend jumped up, saying they were just talking. She won’t admit anything because she was trollied and says she remembers nothing about it, but I can’t forget it.
DEIDRE SAYS: If your relationship is otherwise OK and she’s sorry she allowed things to get out of control – whatever happened – focus on your future together and how you can strengthen that, rather than obsessing on one drunken moment in the past.
But tell your girlfriend that she needs to cut down on her drinking so she stays in control in the future. And be clear this is the last time she gets forgiven.
MY husband has found someone else and ended our marriage, saying the 20-year relationship has run its course.
He met her a month before he dumped me. She’s younger and slimmer than me but
is on benefits, while I work.
My husband is 36, I’m 37 and the woman he’s been seeing is 30. I’m putting a brave face on things but when the house goes up for sale, everyone will know. I’m heartbroken.
DEIDRE SAYS: If your heart is broken and not just your pride hurt, don’t lose hope just yet.
He didn’t break with you until he met her, and it’s early days for their relationship. He could yet return cap in hand.
Focus on building a new life for yourself, because that’s the best way of coping and of reigniting his interest. If he doesn’t come back, you will still have new friends. My e-leaflet Mend Your Broken Heart will help.
MY boyfriend constantly stares at other women and it makes me feel uncomfortable. He’s a great guy in every way but he does this a lot. He’s said he’ll stop but things never change and we just argue about it.
I’ve been cheated on before and I feel insecure and bad about myself when he
looks at other women. I love him but don’t want to be with somebody who
would prefer to be elsewhere. We’re both 28.
DEIDRE SAYS: It’s no coincidence that you feel threatened by this when
you’ve been cheated on before. Nagging him for staring at other women is unlikely to make him want to change.
Don’t complain when you catch him staring but say: “Give me a hug, you sexy man”. That will get his attention back on to you and give you the reassurance you need. My e-leaflet Coping With Jealousy explains more
self-help tactics.
I HAVE a pact with my best friend that if neither of us is with someone when we’re 30, we will get together. I’m 29 and I have a girlfriend I love but I think I love this best friend more.
We’ve known each other since we were at university together. She’s 28. I’ve always secretly fancied her but I’ve never said anything for fear of ruining our friendship.
We made our pact when we ended our finals.
My girlfriend is 27 and we’ve talked about getting married and having a family.
Both these girls are stunningly beautiful and any man would be proud to have them on his arm.
There are no problems in my current relationship but my feelings for my friend are getting stronger. I’ve a feeling she likes me too but I’m not certain.
Do I forget my heart, follow my head and make a go of it with my girlfriend, or tell my best friend and hope she feels the same?
DEIDRE SAYS: Secretly fancying is not the same as having a successful relationship.
From the sound of it, you and your best friend haven’t had sex – and maybe that’s what is so tantalising for you – a bad case of “the grass is greener”.
Is your best friend single? If not, then forget it for now and see if this longing for her passes – as it may well do.
If she is single, you have to make a choice. Cheating is out.
You could tell her how you feel and see whether there’s any chance of this being more than friendship. If so, you will have to let your girlfriend down gently, but you may think again when you realise you have to make a choice.
You can’t have them both.
I’M a chilled-out guy all the time I’m at work but I make such a bad job of things at home.
I have a three-year-old daughter. My wife and I are both 30 and she has a ten-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.
I can’t connect with my stepdaughter. I blame her for any upset at home.
If she falls out with her little sister I turn on her, while my partner tries to pacify everyone.
I think sometimes I have a tantrum like a child, but I can’t see it at the time.
How can I fix things and be a good parent?
DEIDRE SAYS: It is often hard being a stepparent. She is another man’s child and you feel protective of your little girl.
But your stepdaughter feels pushed to one side by your daughter, who is the child of both you and her mum.
You’re the adult here and need patience by the bucket-load.
When there’s an argument, quickly assess what’s gone wrong, then walk away for ten minutes and talk about it rationally when you’re calm.
Taking your stepdaughter out one-to-one may help you build bridges.
I’ve also sent you a copy of my e-leaflet Stepfamily Problems? which will
MY girlfriend has a weekly massage with a male masseur and just the thought of it makes me physically sick.
I’m 26, she is 24 and beautiful. She has back problems so sees this man regularly, stripping down to her thong.
I’ve asked her to go to a female masseuse but she says this guy is good and she’s not got the time to go hunting around for someone else.
I’ve heard the guy she uses is very good but the whole idea of it causes me so much angst. She wouldn’t like it if I was regularly visiting a woman for massage, would she?
DEIDRE SAYS: Who knows? But her back doesn’t seem to be improving, so tell her you are worried about her and talk to her about finding a good chiropractor or a physiotherapist through her doctor. That way, you may feel happier that she’s seeing somebody in a purely professional capacity.
If your insecurities stem from an experience you have had in a previous relationship maybe getting some counselling would help you. My leaflet on counselling explains more and gives sources of support.
MY girlfriend’s ex was really well endowed and I feel rubbish in comparison.
I’m 23 and my girlfriend is 25. I just can’t seem to satisfy her and I’m wondering whether it’s because her ex was bigger in length and girth than me.
I just don’t feel good at what I do for her. I’m not even good at foreplay.
We’ve tried different positions but she always gets frustrated. I’m scared she’ll leave me.
DEIDRE SAYS: I’m sure you know I’m going to say “Size doesn’t matter,” and this is still true. Most women don’t get their satisfaction purely through penetrative sex. Many men with micro penises can still satisfy their partners just by learning good sexual techniques.
I’m sending you my e-leaflets How To Thrill A Woman In Bed and Manhood Too Small? to help you feel more skilled and confident.
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