Neck Corset Stories

Neck Corset Stories


Neck Corset Stories
Hi all, I found this story on the net, some years ago. I tryed to find the author, without susses. The site I got it from sayd that the was no copyright on the story. But just to set the records straight, it is not my story, and not my copyrights.
Now that is sayd, I must say that this is one of the best "Collar" storys I ever read - Enjoy it. And let me know if you also like it?

by JB

Chapter One - The Inheritance

There was no choice in the matter, it was stipulated very clearly in my great
grandmother's will that the next female in direct line from her would receive a
legacy of 5 million dollars on condition that the beneficiary be married and
wear my great grandmother's wedding dress, and my great grandmother's entire
wardrobe for at least two years after the wedding - NO ALTERATIONS ALLOWED!

It seemed like a simple enough request to me. However it had been one that both
my mother and her mother before her had been unable to grant. As a result we had
lived a fairly modest existence, while my great grandmother's legacy had
compounded with interest in a trust fund untouched over the last 90 years. It
now amounted to a grand fortune of 800 million.

My great grandmother was called Virginia Henley. She was heir to the Henley
fortune, mainly procured through slave-trading in the mid-19th century. She was
a renowned sadomasochist, who kept her servants in the cruelest fashion
imaginable, and allowed herself to be ruled over by an even crueler husband, one
Captain Reginald Henley. Together they had made quite a formidable couple. Their
daughter, my grandmother, had a miserable childhood and never even tried to
carry out the conditions of her mother's will, being only too glad to escape her
clutches at an early age and marry for love and nothing more.

So you can imagine my shock when my Mother explained the terms of the
inheritance to me. I was 18 at the time and had just been proposed to by Gerard,
a French language professor at the local university. Mother had kept this part
of the family history a secret, but as she watched me grow up she become aware
that like Virginia I was also, how shall we say -kinky.

I loved being tied up by Gerard and wearing whatever he desired me to wear. I
also had a cruel streak that had shown itself since I was a child. So naturally
my Mother thought I had inherited Virginia's tastes and wanted to make me aware
of the opportunity that her will offered, if I should chose to take it.
Especially as our engagement had just been announced. I realized how important
this was and brought Gerard into the conversation. However, we immediately
realized what the problem was as soon as we saw the pictures.

Virginia's wedding had taken place in 1904. In the wedding photo Virginia was
wearing an extreme version of the highest fashions of the day. Her waist was
crushed into a long corset that made it seem even narrower than her husband's
neck. Her own neck was stretched and squeezed into what must have been at least
a five inch high, and extremely tight, pearl and diamond choker. The choker held
her head in a locked position that must have had her gasping for air. Her face
would have betrayed her agony, had it not been so tightly veiled that it must
have been barely possible for her to move her mouth enough to say, "I do." This
was combined with a hobbling dress that could only have allowed her the smallest
of steps. A long heavy silk train was anchored at the base of her throat in such
a way that if she tried to move without assistance from her bridesmaids she
would surely have strangled. It made her the epitomy of fashionable bondage for
the time - and, I thought, really quite beautiful.

After staring at this picture for some minutes my mother's only comment was,
"Geena, I wouldn't even suggest this unless I thought you might be able to carry
it off, but I really think you might. I can see that you quite like this, don't

I whispered, "Oh God, well... what's the rest of her wardrobe like?"

"Worse," she said, "Far worse. No Henley has ever been able to wear any of it."

I flushed, then looked at her apprehensively, and slowly smiled, "And you think
I can?"

"For 800 million it's worth a try, honey."

I looked to Gerard. He was equally excited and he smiled right back at me, "Come
on Geena, you'll enjoy every minute of it. I know you will"

The wedding was three months away. My waist was already a very narrow 22 inches,
my neck 13 inches and not as long as the woman in the photo, I was sure. I

The first thing the executors of the will did was to release the clothes to us,
there were trunks and trunks of clothes and bondage equipment of all kinds. They
had been specially kept and preserved. With them came detailed instructions for
corset training and other forms of body modification and various exotic tortures
that I would be subjected to. Gerard read and followed these with glee, and we
started out on our adventure.

We agreed the corset training would have to start right away if I was to have
any chance of carrying out the demands of the will. It seemed as though every
costume in the trunks had a waist of 18 inches or smaller, and as the will had
stated, there were to be no alterations. However, looking at how intricately
everything was made I seriously doubted anyone could have made alterations even
if that had been allowed. As I looked at it all I realized how deeply cruel
Virginia must have been to wish this torture on her daughter. Especially when we
found the wedding dress and accessories, and the traveling costumes for the
honeymoon. All of them had waists 16 inches or worse.

The choker that we saw in the photo was in fact 6 inches high and only 10 and a
half inches around.

How was I ever going to wear that?

Gerard carefully measured my neck. 13 inches around, and when fully-stretched 4
or 5 inches at the most. This was truly going to be torture...

And who would understand why I was putting myself through this? My Mother said
it wouldn't be a problem. The Henleys in Scotland had been relishing this day.
They in fact ran an Edwardian-themed hotel and would provide all the
accommodations for the wedding and the honeymoon at their large secluded Estate
on the Isle of Mull. She had it all worked out.

That first night Gerard laced me into a long training corset that stretched from
my tits to my knees. I had been laced into corsets before but this was quite
different. By the time they'd finished my waist was down to 19 inches and my
chest and legs so tightly bound I felt short of breath, desperate to be
released. Then Gerard found an interesting device that would prevent me from
loosening the corset - a laced leather mono-glove that bound my arms behind me,
pulling my shoulders back painfully. As he laced it shut, he smiled to himself.
I realized he was enjoying this, so I put up with it.

I thought that was it. But then he said, "Oh look, what's this?" He pulled out a
tiny looking corset made of rubber and steel.

"I'll never get that on," I said, "Not ever!"

He read something from the instructions, then looked amazed, "Ah! This is not
meant for your waist, Geena, this is for your neck."

"You must be kidding," I said, "I'm not sleeping in that."

"You probably won't sleep very much, but I think you should wear it. It says
here that it will train your neck to lengthen and narrow, and should be worn
every night."

"No way!"

"Come on," he said, "You might as well start now. In fact, the sooner the
better." I tried to move away from him when he came toward me with it, but the
corset and arm binder stopped me from getting very far. I whimpered as his hands
led me by the back of the neck to stand at the dressing room mirror. "Now I
don't want to have to gag you darling, but I will if you don't shut up. Is that
clear?" I nodded.

"So chin up!"

Half-looking at the instructions he placed the neck corset around my throat,
laces at the back.
"It's about an inch too small, darling."

"Am I surprised?" I replied sarcastically.

"But the rubber will stretch," he added. My eyes widened in real surprise as he
started to lace it up at the back.

The rubber did stretch, a little. And my neck was forcibly craned up as high as
I could manage. The neck corset was so tight my face was turning red. "Please!
Loosen it a little!" I cried.

"But I haven't even closed it!"

"I don't care," I said, "Stop there."

"Oh, just a little tighter! There!"

I gasped. I could only breath in short grabbed breaths. "Please Gerard," I
whispered, fighting panic, "I can't sleep like this."

"Can you breath?"

"... Just!" I choked.

"Then it is adjusted correctly! It says here by morning you will be quite used
to it, and we will be able to lace it a little tighter tomorrow, as well as the
corset, I hope." Then he smiled sweetly, "Just think of the money, my sweet."

I tried to swallow, but it was very difficult, and the mere attempt almost
strangled me.

But in a strange way, as he laid me down on the bed on my side, placed a pillow
under my head and kissed me, I started to feel very aroused. He went to go, and
I gasped, "Stay with me Gerard!"

He smiled and laid down next to me, gently stroking my hair until eventually
Gerard drifted off to sleep. I was left awake-half, barely able to breath and
viciously uncomfortable. What on earth had I let myself in for? If he hadn't put
the fucking arm-binder on I would definitely have unlaced myself! I wept a
little, then established a rhythm for breathing. Eventually I slipped off into a
fitful sleep. It seemed that no sooner had I had shut my eyes, but a loud dawn
chorus filled the air outside our window.

Now my first day of true bondage was about to begin!

Chapter Two - Lord and Lady Henley

The next morning Gerard unlaced me and allowed me to shower. I stood shivering
with pent-up arousal in the rain of water. Before I had a chance to think,
Gerard was in the shower with me and offered to help. I nodded. He held my
wrists firmly behind my back, lifted me up onto him and entered me deeply. He
brought me to an orgasm the likes of which I'd never had. It was fast and wild
and fantastic!

Then he smiled and whispered, "Now let me dress you!"

"You want to dress me?"

"Today, yes."

He picked out a corset, tighter than the one I'd worn during the night. Then I
picked a blouse with a 4 inch high collar. It was the lowest one I could find. I
thought that and one of my normal business suits, a pair of high heels, and a
cape, should allow me to go to work that day without drawing too much attention
to myself.

I worked as a receptionist for Smith and Wilson Real Estate. I just had to sit
and look pretty most of the day, and this would help.

Gerard laced the corset down to 21 inches quite quickly, "See? The training
corset worked!"

I smiled, but when he pulled it in another two inches I yelped like a dog!

He'd taken my breath away, and was about to tie it off there, "I could close it
with just another inch if you like, Geena."

"Try!" I whispered.

He pulled with all his might! "There!" he said, "I've closed it!"

18 inches!

I could only half-fill my lungs. I felt cut in two.

"This is torture." I whispered. But as Gerard ran his hands over my fanny and
kissed the back of my neck, I decided I simply didn't care, "Put the blouse on
me, Gerard."

The blouse was made of the finest silk, the arms were tight all the way down to
the wrists and it fastened at the back. Of course, the collar was about an inch
too small for my neck.

"I'll never close this without tearing the collar fasteners," he said.

Then Gerard looked at the note that came with it. He read it out loud, "If you
have problems with the collar you will find what you need at the bottom of the

"God," I whispered, "She thought of everything."

"Here..." Gerard pulled out a complicated-looking contraption made of the finest
kid leather straps. On the strap were the words: "For a 12 inch neck only -
start at the top."

There were four straps, 1 inch wide and 12 inches long. Every 12 inches there
was a thin 2 inch high steel connector where the next 12 inch strap started, and
so on... Making the binder 4 inches high in all.

He pulled the first strap under my chin, digging into the soft flesh and pulling
it sharply so it clicked shut! I gasped, "Oh God! That's so TIGHT!" Then he did
the next three straps, until in an instant my neck from my collar bone to my jaw
bone was encased in the tightest, strictest and highest collar I'd ever worn. I
immediately swooned for a moment, then found a way to breathe, just barely!

My eyes watered.

I felt incredibly aroused!

Gerard looked worried, "Is that too tight?"

I whispered, "I can bear it. It's not too bad." Then my fingers ran over the
taut leather that had become my new neck. It was as if my neck belonged to
someone else. As if I was totally owned by the collar - a collar that if it was
any tighter would strangle the life out of me.

I loved it! I cut a half-smile with my lips, then gasped, "This is going to be
okay Gerard. Really!"

He smiled back at me, "We haven't finished yet."

He did up the blouse collar. It closed, a perfect snug fit around my new neck.
Then we found out that the rim at the top of the blouse collar was made of
steel, and the sides were whalebone-lined. If I even so much as tried to move my
head, the steel seemed to garrote me. To the casual observer the collar simply
looked like tightly-drawn silk, encasing a beautifully-long throat. For me it
was a torture device!

My face was turning a little red from my restricted throat. Tears were flowing
from my eyes.

"Oh this is so cruel," I whispered.

Now the blouse was on and Gerard picked out a long tight suede suit for me to
wear. I put it on, desperately trying not to look down because every time I
moved my head the collar dug deeper into the soft skin under my chin! So Gerard
helped me with the tight dress. then with an evil smile said, "Lets zip up the
kick pleat here!" The kick pleat was practically the only thing that allowed me
to walk in the dress.

The zip was there mainly for show, but Gerard often liked restraining me. By
zipping up this or that, and making me wear my highest heels, he enjoyed
watching me hobble around town taking the tiniest steps and drawing stares from
every man and woman who understood the bondage I was subjecting myself to. Today
this seemed like the last straw though.

"Oh please, Gerard," I begged, "At least I must be able to walk!"

"Not today." He smiled, and promptly slid my arms into the inner sleeves of a
beautiful cape. Before I knew it the cape was closed and the sleeves were
binding my arms behind me so strictly my shoulders ached and the collar seemed
even tighter.

I was totally restrained and almost passing out from the pressure. "How am I
going to work in this Gerard?"

"Oh, you're not working today, we're going for a walk in the park. Then lunch. I
phoned in your resignation."

"You did what!"

"A woman worth 800 million doesn't exactly need to work, Geena. And neither do I
for that matter. My job now is to torture you for the rest of your life."

A mix of pleasure and fear shot through me. But before I could say anything
Gerard instructed me to hold my chin up. He pulled a net veil so tight around my
face I couldn't open my mouth or even blink! Then he secured the veil to a
pillbox hat on the crown of my head. "There," he said, "Now no one will see
those tears, so stop crying Geena!"

The car ride was excruciating, bumper to bumper all the way into the city.
Gerard had cruelly fixed the seat belt around me so that every time he braked it
tightened even more, and never loosened. Why he bothered I don't know. I
couldn't move my arms or legs in this outfit.

I was in terrible pain from the corset, and stiflingly hot under the suede dress
that seemed to be getting tighter and tighter. And the seat belt was practically
crushing me by the time we arrived at the park.

As he turned the engine off and released the belt, Gerard said, "Maybe next time
I should fasten this around your neck. I think you'd enjoy that."

I murmured an agreement, but the veil was too tight to allow me to speak. My
jaws literally clamped together as if by a wire mesh! I didn't know it but
Gerard was taking me to meet the Scottish relatives who had been flown over to
see me. It took two hours to walk across the park to the restaurant. My bondage
was so tight I almost fainted four times. But each time Gerard revived me, then
tightened my cape a bit, or my veil, or even the collar, by using a special
little key that fitted ingeniously into the steel and bone beneath the silk. No
one could see my bondage, or imagine my agony.

I soon learned not to dare faint again, but instead to control my breathing and
move in a very restrained and sedate fashion. Gerard explained that the
relatives we were going to meet were the head executors of the will. Only when
they were satisfied that all the conditions had been met would the money be
released to us. So it was very important that I impress them. That was why I had
to be so tightly bound today.

As he took the cape and veil off in the restaurant the rush of air made me
shiver. I tried to look as calm as I could as I was led to the table. Seated at
the table were Lord and Lady Henley. Lady Henley was bound at least as tight as
me at the neck and waist. Her hair was pulled so tight away from her face it was
almost making her scalp bleed, but she smiled warmly as I tried to sit in my
corset. I tried to reach for my neck but found the sleeves of my suit were now
so tight they didn't allow my arms the freedom to do so. She smiled even wider
as she noticed that the steel edge of my collar was cutting deeply into my
throat. "You look very smart today, Geena."

"Thank you," I whispered hoarsely.

"However that collar is a little forgiving. Virginia must have bought that when
she was on vacation or relaxing somewhere very informally. No, I'm afraid we
always insist on at least a five inch high collar for ladies' relaxed wear on
the estate, don't we darling?" She smiled at her husband. As he smiled back I
noticed his collar, though not as high at a mere 3 inches, was probably even
tighter on him than mine. It was so tight he couldn't make a sound, and my heart
went out to him.

Lady Henley looked to Gerard, "My God, you will need to smarten up I think,

Gerard swallowed, fingering his throat nervously. Then she looked back at me,
wide-eyed, "But you will manage I'm sure, Geena, although I think the evening
wear your great grandmother left will be the real challenge for you. It makes
your wedding dress look positively benign."

"Benign?" Gerard whispered, looking even more worried.

"Oh yes, the wedding dress was a relaxation compared to the other gowns she

My heart sank. This was far worse than I thought it would be. Lord Henley gasped
a whispered comment that
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