Ne jamais dire jamais

Ne jamais dire jamais


Ne jamais dire jamais
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Written by Qualified French Expert Aurélie Drouard , HKH, Licence d'anglais LLCE
Ne ... jamais = Never (French Negations)
Written by Qualified French Expert Aurélie Drouard , HKH, Licence d'anglais LLCE
Je ne vais jamais à la gym. I never go to the gym.
Je n' écoute jamais le prof. I never listen to the teacher.
Learn more about these related French grammar topics
Je n' écoute jamais le prof. I never listen to the teacher.
Nous ne sommes jamais de mauvais poil. We are never in a bad mood.
Je ne vais jamais à la gym. I never go to the gym.
Je ne vais jamais à l'école à pied. I never walk to school
Il ne conduit jamais sa voiture. He never drives his car
Nous n' allons jamais faire ça. We're never going to do that.
Ne ... jamais = Never (French Negations)
«Nous ne parlons jamais à Claire» means select ... We never speak to Claire We don't speak to Claire any more We don't speak to Claire
«Jeanne ne prend jamais le train» means select ... Jeanne doesn't take the train any more Jeanne never takes the train Jeanne doesn't take the train
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Céline Kwiziq team member Correct answer
PewDiePie A0 Kwiziq community member
Cécile Kwiziq team member Correct answer
Cécile Kwiziq team member Correct answer
Cécile Kwiziq team member Correct answer
Cécile Kwiziq team member Correct answer
Cécile Kwiziq team member Correct answer
Amitgera A1 Kwiziq community member
explain all the articles in detail.
Chris C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor
Have you read the corresponding lessons?
explain all the articles in detail.
need explanations from the grammar part cod
Chris C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor Correct answer
Chris C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor
need explanations from the grammar part cod
Tamani A2 Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor
In micro quiz no. 1, the answers all begin 'Frodon' rather than Frodo.
Rant A2 Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor
Came here to report the same. Maybe add note about this so people know?
I've amended the hint to add that. Thanks for the suggestion.
In micro quiz no. 1, the answers all begin 'Frodon' rather than Frodo.
We (in english) have the idiomatic expression: "Never say never..." Do you have one similar? "Ne jamais dire jamais?" Or something else?
Chris C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor Correct answer
We (in english) have the idiomatic expression: "Never say never..." Do you have one similar? "Ne jamais dire jamais?" Or something else?
Chris C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor
Stewart C1 Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor
In the examples above, why isn't it: - Je n'écoute jamais AU prof'
Aurélie Kwiziq team member Correct answer
J'écoute ma mère. I listen to my mother.
Stewart C1 Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor
In the examples above, why isn't it: - Je n'écoute jamais AU prof'
But does the order change if the verb tense changes? Can I say " Il n'a rien mangé?
Chris C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor Correct answer
I talked to a native speaker and cleared this up. "Il n'a rien mangé" is the only correct form. Similarly "Il ne m'a rien dit" is correct, whereas "il ne m'a dit rien" is infact incorrect and sometimes heard being used by small children. I hope that clears this up. -- Chris (not a native speaker).
Chris C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor
I have heard the sentence "Il ne m'a dit rien du tout" said by a native French speaker. It set off bells in my head because, just as yourself, I learned to say "Il ne m'a rien dit". Apparently "Il ne m'a rien dit" emphasises that he really told nothing at all. Emphasis by inversion? Apprently it is possible.

-- Chris (not a native speaker)
Ron C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor
Bonjour Diana,
One point of emphasis is that there is a very large gap between written French and spoken French. I learned that the negation using le passé composé is in the form:
noun + ne + auxiliary verb + negation, i.e. pas, rien, etc. + past participle. While le passé composé is the conversational past preferred, I do believe the correct syntax is like noted above.

But does the order change if the verb tense changes? Can I say " Il n'a rien mangé?
Why does jamais come afetr the verb?
Ron C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor
Bonjour Taejah,
That is a fixed form that is used in negation. Similarly there are other fixed forms in French negation such as ne. . . pas, ne. . .plus, etc. Please see the following link which goes into greater detail.

To that end, in compound verb tenses and moods, «ne precedes the auxiliary verb with «jamais», for example, following it, «jamais» is then followed by the past participle.
Je n'ai jamais voulu manger encore de pomme.
Bonne chance et bonne continuation.
Why does jamais come afetr the verb?
Laura Kwiziq team member Correct answer
Bonjour Susan, Ne ... jamais = "never." Je ne vais jamais à la plage - I never go to the beach. Ne ... pas = "not." Je ne vais pas à la plage aujourd'hui - I'm not going to the beach today.

© 2022 Kwiziq Ltd. Kwiziq French is a product of and © Kwiziq Ltd 2022
Notice that to say never , you use ne.. jamais around the conjugated verb.
Note: ne becomes n' when in front of a vowel or mute h .
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here some examples for this grammar. I hope so it be useful for all of you!
Tu ne fais pas de sport ! =You don't do sports!
Tu ne fais jamais de sport ! = You never do sports! 
Je n'aime pas mon travail. = I don't like my job.
Je n'aime plus mon travail. = I don't like my job anymore.
Tu ne manges pas ! = You don't eat!
Tu ne manges rien ! = You eat nothing!
Nous n'allons jamais au cinéma. = We never go to the movie theater.
Elle ne va jamais à la bibliothèque. = She never goes to the library.
Vous n'allez jamais à la bibliothèque. = You never go to the library.
Je ne regarde jamais la télé. = I never watch TV.
Je n'ai jamais terminé ce livre. = I've never finished this book.
Vous n'avez jamais vu ce film ? = You've never seen this movie? 
Je n'ai jamais vu ce film. = I've never seen this movie.
Merci beaucoup pour ces exemples ! Une excellente contribution de votre part !
Je veux suivre un cour de frencais 
here some examples for this grammar. I hope so it be useful for all of you!
Tu ne fais pas de sport ! =You don't do sports!
Tu ne fais jamais de sport ! = You never do sports! 
Je n'aime pas mon travail. = I don't like my job.
Je n'aime plus mon travail. = I don't like my job anymore.
Tu ne manges pas ! = You don't eat!
Tu ne manges rien ! = You eat nothing!
Nous n'allons jamais au cinéma. = We never go to the movie theater.
Elle ne va jamais à la bibliothèque. = She never goes to the library.
Vous n'allez jamais à la bibliothèque. = You never go to the library.
Je ne regarde jamais la télé. = I never watch TV.
Je n'ai jamais terminé ce livre. = I've never finished this book.
Vous n'avez jamais vu ce film ? = You've never seen this movie? 
Je n'ai jamais vu ce film. = I've never seen this movie.
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if jamais means never, then what does pas means??
The word 'pas' means not , a negation , but it is most often accompanied by 'ne' just as ne....jamais :
Je n'ai pas de lait = I have no milk ( Lit- I do not have any milk )
Take a look at the following Kwiziq lesson -
But words on their own are nothing without context so beware!
Pas means not too but when we have never(jamais) we cut pas.
Nous n'allons jamais au cinéma. = We never go to the movie theater.
Tu ne fais pas de sport ! =You don't do sports!
if jamais means never, then what does pas means??
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What is the difference/nuance between this two sentences?
Je ne suis jamais allée à Marseille. 
Je ne vais jamais à Marseille = I never go to Marseille ( present tense of aller )
Je ne suis jamais allée à Marseille = I have never been to Marseille ( perfect tense of aller )
What is the difference/nuance between this two sentences?
Je ne suis jamais allée à Marseille. 
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I believe, 'Alice never listens to you.' would be:
Alice ne t'ecoute jamais.    Sorry, I don't know how to put accents with my keyboard
Thank you, Nancy, found the typo...Disgraceful of me!
Please try and post on the same question as I had a job finding it ...
I believe, 'Alice never listens to you.' would be:
Alice ne t'ecoute jamais.    Sorry, I don't know how to put accents with my keyboard
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i know the verb écouter takes a direct object and in the example above (Je n' écoute jamais le prof) it's rather obvious. in another lesson however, there's an example like (tu n'écoutes jamais Alice).. my question is: how can i tell the meaning of the sentence, i mean when i read the example i thought someone is saying to Alice that she never listens, not the actual meaning of someone is saying to another that he\she never listens to Alice!
If I have undertood your question correctly -
Tu n'écoutes jamais Alice = You never listen to Alice
Alice ne t'écoute jamais = Alice never listens to you
Alice, tu n'écoutes jamais! = Alice, you never listen!
i know the verb écouter takes a direct object and in the example above (Je n' écoute jamais le prof) it's rather obvious. in another lesson however, there's an example like (tu n'écoutes jamais Alice).. my question is: how can i tell the meaning of the sentence, i mean when i read the example i thought someone is saying to Alice that she never listens, not the actual meaning of someone is saying to another that he\she never listens to Alice!
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Je n'ai jamais de temps = I never have any time
Je n'ai jamais d' argent = I never have any money
Elle n'a plus d 'enfants à la maison = She has no children left at home
Sorry, hit the wrong key. Why is the syntax not <> It seems from the examples that you still use the regular articles, whereas other forms use <> I don't see an example that offers a direct comparison, so maybe I've missed something?
Sorry, my computer is doing strange things?
Why is the syntax not "Je ne mange jamais DE tomates?" Other negative forms use "Elles n'ont plus DE sucre."
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I am not entirely clear what your question is. If you are asking "what is a COD" then here is the answer:
COD stands for C omplément d' O bjet D irect, i.e., a direct object to the verb. It is usually something that the verb's action is directed toward. The concept of COD exists also in English. But don't be mislead: there are instances where a certain verb takes a COD in one language but not in the other. Here are a few examples of COD, with the COD highlighted:
Je mange une pomme. -- I eat an apple . Les voisins ont acheté une nouvelle voiture . -- The neighbors bought a new car .
Here an example where the French takes a COD but the English does not.
Tu m' attends? -- Are you waiting for me?
By the way, it might be a good idea to goolge the term.
Not sure about your question, could you explain?
Ah, and here one which isn't a COD in French but it is a COD in English:
Il a téléphoné à son copain hier. -- He phoned his friend yesterday.
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Hi Tamani, in the orginal French translation, his name was Frodon.
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In French there is this idiom which comes close:
Il ne faut jamais dire : fontaine je ne boirai pas de ton eau . 
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It is difficult to divine your question from only a single word ;)) 
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if we use ne ... jamais to say never then when do we use ne pas?
if we use ne ... jamais to say never then when do we use ne pas?
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Ne jamais dire jamais : phrases modèles

Non, il ne le prend jamais.
Non, il n’en mange jamais.
Non, il ne lui parle jamais.
Oui, il en mange toujours.

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Je ne vais jamais à Marseille. Je n’y suis jamais allé et je crois que je n'(y) irai jamais. Mais je vais souvent à Bordeaux. J’y suis déjà allé 10 fois et je crois que j’ y retournerai.
Je ne fais jamais de tennis ni de base-ball. Je n’en ai jamais fait et je crois que je n’ en ferai jamais. Mais je fais souvent du football. J’en ai déjà fait des milliers de fois et je crois que j’en ferai encore.
Je ne mange jamais de fromage. Je n’en ai jamais mangé et je crois que je n’en mangerai jamais. Mais je mange des desserts. J’en ai déjà mangé des millions de fois et crois que j’en mangerai toujours.
Je ne parle jamais à ma voisine. Je ne lui ai jamais parlé et je crois que je ne lui parlerai jamais. Mais je parle à mon voisin. Je lui ai déjà parlé deux ou trois fois et je crois que je lui parlerai encore.
Je ne regarde jamais la télé. Je ne l’ai jamais regardée et je crois que je ne la regarderai jamais. Mais j’écoute toujours la radio. Je l’ai écoutée pendant toute ma vie et je crois que je l’écouterai toujours.
Je ne bois jamais d’alcool ni de choses sucrées. Je n’en ai jamais bu et je crois que je n’en boirai jamais. Mais je mange des trucs salés. J’en ai toujours mangé et je crois que j’en mangerai toujours.
Je ne prends jamais l’avion. Je ne l’ai jamais pris et je crois que je ne le prendrai jamais. Mais je prends souvent le train . Je l’ai déjà pris des dizaines de fois et je crois que je le prendrai encore.

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