Navel Fetish Story

Navel Fetish Story


Navel Stories
Stories about belly buttons
One summer night, a storm had been brewing, and considering the heat and humidity, Becca thought she would sleep in just her bra and panties. After a few hours asleep, the single sheet Becca was under was tossed aside, exposing her entire belly, along with her wonderful belly button. Becca’s navel is a vertical oval-shaped innie, and pretty deep, too. Her belly button has plenty of folds and bumps inside to play with. Becca loved the feeling when her belly button got a good playing with. She was always jealous of those few friends of hers who happened to have outies.
As the rain poured outside, with lightning and thunder in the distance, Raijin sensed that a belly button was uncovered this night. Raijin made his way into Becca’s bedroom, and saw her perfect stomach out in the open, with that lovely belly button resting right in the middle. Raijin decided he’d have a little fun before he would take Becca’s belly button. He placed his index finger on her belly, his finger beginning to orbit her belly button, moving closer with each revolution of his finger until his finger was circling the rim of her belly button. At last, Raijin’s finger plunged into the depths of Becca’s navel.
While Raijin’s finger moved through the folds and bumps hiding inside Becca’s belly button, a smile crept onto Becca’s face. Raijin’s finger danced among all the intricate details within her belly button. Raijin decided to go a little further with his belly button play. He decided he would take a little taste test before he would actually eat her belly button. Raijin moved his face right next to Becca’s belly, bringing his tongue out to meet her navel. As Raijin’s tongue flicked around inside her belly button, Becca began to stir awake.
“Who are you?” Becca asked. “I’m Raijin, and I’m just getting a taste of your belly button before I eat it.” Becca was shocked. She heard stories of Raijin, but didn’t think he was real. “You can’t eat my belly button! I love having it played with. As much as I enjoyed having you play with it, I’d like to keep it, if you don’t mind.” An idea popped into Raijin’s mind. “I’ll tell you what. Since you didn’t mean to show your belly button tonight, I’ll let you off with this: I still get to have your belly button, but I’ll give you this outie I’ve been holding onto for a while. How does that trade sound?” Becca paused to think about it only briefly, mainly a little saddened she would lose her adorable innie. Aside from this, Becca jumped at the chance to get an outie, after wishing all her life she could have an outie.
“I’ll take the outie,” Becca said with a slight grin on her face. Raijin moved his index finger into Becca’s belly button, feeling those folds, bumps and ridges for the last time, and took her belly button right off her stomach. Raijin decided he’d have one last bit of fun with Becca’s navel before he finally ate it. He pushed on the back of her belly button, flipping it inside out to show all the details that hid inside Becca’s belly button. “Whoa! You turned my belly button inside out! Way cool! Can I see it up close?” Raijin agreed to Becca’s request, and moved is finger closer, with her belly button still folded out onto the tip of his finger. Becca looked to see all the folds stretched open, showing off all the detail inside. “Goodbye my belly button,” whispered Becca to her belly button.
And with that, Raijin ate Becca’s navel. “A most delicious belly button! And now for the outie I promised you.” Raijin reached into his satchel and brought out the replacement belly button. Raijin placed the outie on Becca’s belly, and pushed it in a bit. “There. Now you have your nice little outie, just like you asked for.” Becca was now on cloud nine at this point. “Thank you so much for my new belly button! I love it already!” Raijin then left Becca to play with her new belly button. Becca pushed and pulled on her new outie, and felt all the wonderful sensations associated with her outie-ness. Becca circled her belly button, then pushed her outie. Becca was as happy as could be.
To start off this blog right, I thought I would share a story I wrote last night. I figured this one should be fiction. I may occasionally update this story to keep improving it, so if you would like to help improve the story, just comment with suggestions as to where the story may need improvements. And now, without further ado, I now present:
Sarah and I have been together a while. As far as girlfriends go, she’s been amazing. She even shares my love for belly buttons. We both have innies, except Sarah’s is approximately a vertical oval in shape; that, and my belly button is deeper than hers. We would play with our belly buttons daily. One night was interesting, though. “Can we press our bellies together?” Sarah asked me. “Sure thing,” I replied. Sarah pressed her belly onto mine, her belly button placed directly over my own. Sarah and I are of close enough height, that it was no problem for her to press her belly into mine, or to put her belly button over my navel.
Here’s where things get interesting. “There’s been something I’ve been wanting to share with you for a while, Dan. There’s something special I can do with my belly button… I can make it shapeshift,” Sarah told me. Her belly button then began inverting itself, turning into an outie stalk, and started pressing deep into the folds and crevices of my deep innie. I then felt the most wonderful sensation in the seat of my belly button. I could feel the flesh of her belly button bonding with mine, our belly buttons becoming one. My body shuddered with pleasure as our belly buttons were made one. “Sarah, that feels amazing,” I told her. She replied, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
Yet another sensation started rushing through the seat of my belly button. She was doing to my belly button what had been done to hers. She was giving me the ability to shapeshift my belly button. “Now let’s have some fun with your belly button, shall we?” Sarah asked. While I had gained the ability to shapeshift my belly button, Sarah had to teach my belly button several patterns.
First, Sarah made my belly button an outie, making a swirly outie, and then making a round marble outie. After each transformation, Sarah released her belly button from mine, allowing me to touch, feel and see her work. I was amazed at how my belly button changed so well into an outie. My belly button felt just like any ordinary outie at this point. It was as if I always had an outie. It was strange, seeing and feeling my belly button as an outie, after having an innie all my life. This was a dream come true, for my belly button to be transformed into a real outie.
Then she made my belly button exactly like hers, a somewhat oval vertical innie. Another new experience, for my belly button to be just like Sarah’s. It was so strange, for me to touch this belly button of mine, this innie I had always known to be Sarah’s belly button, yet her belly button now rested on my belly as well.
Then Sarah made my belly button a round shallow innie, with all the folds and bumps visible at the surface, and a rim around the opening of my belly button. Those folds and bumps, much like the details found within my usual deep innie now at the surface, is amazing. I pressed my finger into this shallow innie, being filled by the pad on the end of my index finger. I swirled my finger around some, feeling my entire belly button be so easily pushed and pulled by the end of my finger.
Sarah then made my belly button deeper than my original innie, deep enough to put my entire index finger inside. Sarah also made my belly button a T-shape innie, and after that a vertical slit innie. It’s amazing how flexible my belly button can be with regard to shapes. Then she returned my belly button back to its original deep innie pattern. This is how I got the ability to shapeshift my belly button.
Again, another spasm of pleasure was about to sweep through the base of my belly button and throughout my belly. Sarah’s belly button again inverted itself into my belly button. Only this time, after our belly buttons bonded together, Sarah’s belly button pulled itself back to its innie pattern, bringing my navel with it, drawing out the inner depths of my belly button into her belly. Then Sarah released the connection our belly buttons had, and soon my navel snapped back to its usual innie pattern. At this point, waves of pleasure rippled throughout my body. “Oh God! Sarah, that felt amazing!” I exclaimed. “I knew you would enjoy that,” Sarah replied.
After this happened, I then had some fun with her belly button. My belly button then inverted into a similar outie stalk, pressing itself into hers, studying all the folds, bumps and crevices of her belly button. I made her belly button look just like my own, the same shape, and just as deep, with all the little folds and textures found within. I find it interesting, to see the belly button I had known for so long on my belly, to be copied over onto Sarah’s belly. I examined closely, to find that all the folds, bumps and all, perfectly copied into Sarah’s belly button. I decided to have a little fun with this copy of my belly button. I first did the usual treatment of fingering, and soon moved on to tasting and feeling around the belly button with my tongue. Sarah’s body shivered at the touch of my tongue in her belly button. “Mmm…” Sarah sighed. “Dan, that feels amazing!” After this little episode, I returned my belly up to hers, pressing my belly into Sarah’s, placing my belly button directly over hers again. I tuned Sarah’s belly button back to her usual slightly oval vertical innie.
Then I did what Sarah did to my belly button earlier. My belly button inverted itself into hers, our navels bonding together, at which point, I drew my belly button back inward, bringing out her belly button into my own. I savored the feeling of my belly button holding onto her navel, keeping it in place in the depths of my belly button. I moved my belly button around, as if massaging her belly button using my own. I knew Sarah was enjoying this, because her breathing had changed, she was softly moaning in pleasure, her eyes half-closed. I then released the connection our belly buttons shared, feeling her belly button snap back into place as her usual, nearly oval innie. When I released her belly button from my hold, I could feel Sarah’s belly shudder in ecstasy over what I had just done. “I haven’t had anyone do that to my belly button in quite a long time,” Sarah said.
Sarah taught me how to shapeshift my belly button, we taught each other the patterns of our own belly buttons, she taught me the belly button patterns she knows, and we pleasured our bellies. This was a truly wonderful evening.
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Navel fetishism, belly button fetishism, or alvinophilia[1][2][3][4] is a partialism in which an individual is attracted to the human navel.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
In 2012, it was the second most popular fetish search on Google as per their global monthly averages.[12]
A navel fetishist can be sexually aroused by a variety of stimuli, including key words, thoughts or specific forms of physical interaction with the navel.[1][2][13][14][15][16]
Some navel fetishists find physical acts involving the navel to be turn-ons.[1][13][17][18] Physical acts can include licking the navel; applying body lotion or suntan oil; and pouring substances like champagne, honey, chocolate sauce or whipped cream into and around the navel and licking or sucking it up.[19][20] Similarly, licking or rolling the tongue into the navel while underwater can produce erotic sensations,[15][21][22][23] as can an ice cube when rubbed over or rested over the navel.[15][24]
The navel region is an erogenous zone with heightened sensitivity[2][25][26] that when touched by the finger or the tip of the tongue can produce erotic sensations.[15][26][27][28] Individuals who are ticklish in that area[29] can be aroused by tickling, blowing raspberries, or being teased with a feather, flower, or blade of grass.[2][30][31] Fingering the navel is also a common act.[21][22][32]
Some prefer to perform navel torture, a series of pain-inflicting acts such as sucking or pulling the navel out (often with a syringe), dripping hot oil or wax into the navel, poking pins into the navel,[33] and stabbing the navel.[1][2][7][34][35]
This attention is usually directed at a partner's navel,[33][36] but may include a fixation on the fetishist's own navel.[37][38][39][40]
A sex worker in Turkey stated that some men have attempted to have sexual intercourse with her navel.[41][42]
Some navel fetishists can be aroused by viewing a navel.[43] In the case of a heterosexual man, a woman in bikini or low-rise clothing like jeans, shorts etc., that reveals the navel is also considered sexually arousing.[44] Indian journalist Bachi Karkaria once commented, "The navel is an erogenous zone. This is the reason why its exposure is always in fashion. Women have flashed it through the ages because men are turned on by it. It is shown because it wants to be seen".[45]
Videos featuring above said physical acts are very common and are viewed worldwide. Their popularity has become more compared to regular porn videos.[46][47] Fetish model Wonderhussy stated in her blog that she had performed in belly button fetish videos in which she laid back and played with her belly button, poking her finger in it and stretching it out.[48] Other models such as Elan kane,[49] Indica[50] etc., have also featured in similar videos.
Belly dancers often have navel piercings or insert sequins into their navels to make it look attractive when they perform.[45] Not only them, many young everyday women also have them to add a charm to their navels.[51] Such decorations also arouse when seen.[30]
Sometimes just the thought of the navel is enough to stimulate.[52] Some navel fetishists sexually fantasize about the above physical acts on a person's navel to attain sexual pleasure.[53]
Sometimes literary works focusing on navels or which sexually symbolize navels can also act as stimuli to navel fetishists. One such work is Navel Revue by author Jay Hahn-Lonne which is an autobiographical study of a man's obsession with navels.[54] In the Song of Songs, a book in the Hebrew Bible, there are allusions to exotic things in nature, with frequent interweaving of nature with erotic imagery. In Solomon's lavish praise of his love – the country girl, Sulaimi – the navel is mentioned as follows: "thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like a heap of wheat set about with lilies." (7:2).[55][56][57]
American poet May Swenson in her poem "Little Lion Face" wrote, "Now I'm bold to touch your swollen neck, put careful lips to slick petals, snuff up gold pollen in your navel cup."[58] and poem "August Night" wrote, "Your navel a little pool in pulsing tide an aura round your knees".[59]
Czech-born writer Milan Kundera in his 2015 book The Festival of Insignificance conveys about the eroticism of exposed female navels.[60][61][62] Alain, one of the characters in the book, observes to his friend how most of the young women in Paris wear T-shirts or blouses that expose their midriffs, displaying their navels for all to see. The navel has become, in effect, the new locus of desire.[63][64][65]
Robert W. Service in his short poem "Navels" wrote, "Men have navels more or less;....Woman's is a pearly ring,....So dear ladies, recognise The dimpling of your waist Has approval in my eyes,Favour in my taste......How a rosebud navel would Be sweet to kiss!"[66][67][68] In Ancient Indian Sanskrit literature, writers like Adi Shankara, Kālidāsa etc., have symbolized and referred to the navel while describing the beauty of Hindu Goddesses.[69]
In 1970, the short-lived Belly Button Magazine, of which only two issues were recovered by The Kinsey Institute, featured descriptions of penetrative navel intercourse and images of sexual acts directed at navels.[70][71]
In 2011, MTJ Publishing released an adult comic series entitled Navel Maneuvers 1: Bellybutton-Tickling Erotica.[72] In 2014, a Kindle eBook entitled Bellybutton Fetish: Erotic and naughty stories for bellybutton lovers was released.[73][74][75] In the same year, MTJ Publishing released a second edition of the Navel Maneuvers series.[76]
Navel fetishism can co-exist with stomach fetishism (alvinolagnia)[1][77] or sadomasochistic acts such as navel torture.[78] Navel intercourse is commonly linked to weight-related fetishes like BBW, feederism, and belly expansion.[79]
During the late nineties, there was a small but thriving online group of belly button fetish sites. These sites were maintained by individuals and usually hosted on third-party forum sites like ProBoards or InsideTheWeb. Each forum catered to a unique variation on the fetish, but were mostly the same in that they had individual boards for celebrity photos, candids, erotica, and personal stories. As the internet outgrew forums in favor of social networks and corporate porn sites, these sites began shutting down one by one. Subsequently, the site The Original Bellybutton Forum (OBF) became popular but got shut down due to admin-related problems. It reconvened with the name BellyLove but met the same fate as OBF.[79]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Navel fetishism.
^ a b c d e Aggrawal, Anil (2009). Forensic and medico-legal aspects of sexual crimes and unusual sexual practices. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. p. 121. ISBN 978-1420043099. Retrieved 6 July 2014.
^ a b c d e Katie Tandy. "Touch Me There!: The World Of Belly Button Worship". Ravishly. Archived from the original on 25 July 2015. Retrieved 24 July 2015.
^ "Beyond The Foot: A Look At Some Of The Most Unusual Sexual Fetishes". Retrieved 6 July 2014.
^ "Prevalence of Fetishes". 2013-04-20. Retrieved 6 July 2014.
^ Tim Clinton, Dr; Mark Laaser, Dr (April 2010). The Quick-Reference Guide to Sexuality & Relationship Counseling. ISBN 9780801072369. Retrieved 16 April 2015.
^ "Navel Fetishism". Retrieved 16 April 2015.
^ a b "Fetishism: Navel, navel fetish, navel torture". Archived from the original on 19 January 2011. Retrieved 16 April 2015.
^ The Disappearance of the Universe - Gary R. Renard - Chapter 14 - Better Than Sex.
^ Jesse Bering. "Partial for Protuberant: The Man Who Was Into "Outies"". Scientific American. Retrieved 4 August 2013.
^ Heilbrunn, G. (1975). "On the Erotization of the Umbilicus". The Psychoanalytic Quarterly. 44 (2): 269–73
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