National Twins Day 2023

National Twins Day 2023

happy national twin day

twin day

McGonagall did not attempt to remove the fireworks that surfaced around the school causing great disruptions. Romeo and 2 Juliets: Elizabeth and Jessica fight for the part of Juliet in thea school play. Fred even stated that it was time for Harry to "play with the big boys" in Harry's third year when he was excluded from the Hogsmeade visit and Fred as well as George stayed behind with him. Fred and George had a good relationship with many Hogwarts professors. Hagrid seemed to be one of their favourite members of the staff, as he was not too serious and very tolerant, as many other professors were viewed as. Hagrid thought that Fred and George were trouble-makers, but still very funny. Fred and George also tried to get Hermione to relax, joking around with her about things such as their late uncle Bilius's penchant for making mischief at weddings. Hermione would eventually become Fred's sister-in-law through her marriage to Ron. They seemed to regard Hermione like a sister, due to her relationship with Ron and as she is always trying to keep them on track, despite being almost two years younger than them.

twin day

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