National Tailors Day

National Tailors Day

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Cold HDD (sc1) volumes, though similar to Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) volumes, are designed to support infrequently accessed data. If you require infrequent access to your data and are looking to save costs, sc1 provides inexpensive block storage. This volume type is a good fit for large, sequential workloads such as Amazon EMR, ETL, data warehouses, and log processing. Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) volumes, though similar to Cold HDD (sc1) volumes, are designed to support frequently accessed data. Both st1 and sc1 are designed for performance consistency of 90% of burst throughput 99% of the time. Be conscious of your language in all interactions, stay true to your word and be on time! The Latin word for tailor was sartor, meaning someone who patches or mends garments; the English word “sartorial”, for something related to tailored garments, is derived from this word. The "HIDDEN TAILOR" Keeps Your Wardrobe Looking Crisp and New! Volumes provisioned with more than 32,000 IOPS (up to the maximum of 64,000 IOPS) yield a linear increase in throughput at a rate of 16 KiB per provisioned IOPS.

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