National Sister In Law Day 2016

National Sister In Law Day 2016

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I love you, my cute sister. It wasn’t surprising Makenna gave her big sister a letter before graduation. God gave our family a very precious gift the day you were born, and I'm thankful every day for your constant friendship and support. I'm thankful to God that He gave me the kindest sister in the world. Happy birthday to the best sister in the world. You should also celebrate this day by showing how proud you are of your sister on social media. You are a great sister in law. Since that day in 1970 when my grandfathers went their separate ways without speaking, Taiwan has evolved from the “White Terror” of martial law into a full-fledged democracy. I wish you a Happy Birthday Sister in Law. Thanks for all the fun and good times we've shared, you're a wonderful sister and I'm so lucky to have you! Have a wonderful day full of special moments! May your day be full of fun, laughter, and cake!

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