National Nudes Day October 5

National Nudes Day October 5

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national send nudes day

Brown was one of Spiegel's Kappa Sigma brothers at Stanford. The Ghost of Reggie Brown wasn't the only relic of Spiegel's Kappa Sig days that clung to Snapchat. Amanuel was recently asked by co-workers if she had Snapchat. Amanuel says that the Cambridge Analytica story, with its exposure of widespread data harvesting, helped prompt her to get off social media, and many more young people seem to be turning against Facebook; on Tuesday, it was reported that the number of Facebook users aged 18 to 24 in Britain is expected to fall 1.8% this year. Of the young people Hill Holliday surveyed who had quit or considered quitting social media, 44% did so, she says, in order to “use time in more valuable ways”. Dr Amanda Lenhart, who researches young people’s online lives, conducted a survey of US teenagers, asking them about taking time off social media. Bielby agrees that young people are becoming more aware of the amount of time they waste online. Some are more sanguine than others. It was getting in the way of schoolwork or jobs, with more than a third of respondents citing this as their primary reason for leaving social media.

national send nudes day

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