National Hug Your Boss Day 2023

National Hug Your Boss Day 2023

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january organizing month

You can send these thank you notes via text/SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter, IM, or any social networking sites to show your mentor, boss, and leader how grateful you are for all the encouragement, inspiration, and motivation. You are a wonderful teacher, boss, leader, and friend. All 2022-2023 Mentoring Program Participants are invited to a Pair Orientation and Kick-off that will highlight resources available to support your mentoring relationships. I will always appreciate your support and guidance. Thank you to Dr. Jim Browning and Dr. Don Plumlee for your guidance and support. Dr. Browning, Dr. Cornell, and Dr. Plumlee were all very helpful in th research process and gave meaningful feedback. Her help during th process has been incredibly beneficial to our team and we could not have fin th without her. You have shown me how to transform my thoughts into profitable skills. They truly made my inbox better, and I now feel ready to take on the working world with the skills to pick the perfect GIF for any meeting. So although I never had any connection to the Marine Corps of my own, I sometimes feel I inculcated a drop of its cultural tincture via a man I admired, loved, and learned a lot from.

january organizing month

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