National Bosses Day Message

National Bosses Day Message

What National Month Is January

january 27 national day

I would absolutely love to see my Guix system using the runit init system one day but it just works and I finally learnt that it was all that mattered if you wanted to get things done in the end. The Guix system meets all my daily needs now, so I have no technical w for the future - but I trust the many creative minds working on advancing the project to come up with nice new ideas. Buying our first server for the build farm was difficult, since we wanted to use a machine with Libreboot that would work well with the GNU system. In contrast, my wetware 100% GNU FSDG-compatible, and so, generation 1 of Guix burned successfully into my brain, without any headaches. I honestly did not believe such people could ex online until I saw Guix. While I was immediately smitten by the perfection and elegance of Guix, I have stayed th long not for the technical excellence but for the people. I w people would much more take care of their dependencies (with Guix, of course!), put much more thoughts in their usage of dependencies, break-up dependency hell and support third parties in building their sources with free software (instead of relying on binary dependencies and opaque containerized dev-environments).

january 27 national day

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