National Booty Day

National Booty Day

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national bootie day

Bush v. Shalala, the Appropriations Clause, and the doctrine of sovereign immunity all permit the ordering of a benefits calculation in the present circumstances if the time limits are not met. The problem of awarding benefits without supporting findings that so concerns the dissent is, therefore, illusionary in the present circumstances. On the present record, therefore, Butts has made his showing of disability, and the Commissioner has failed to meet her burden of rebuttal. First, we do not consider a ruling that a proceeding may not be held indefinitely open for one party to offer rebuttal evidence (or even not to offer it) as necessarily constituting an injunction, particularly when a prior opportunity to offer such evidence was missed. Were the option of a time limit not available, we would have deemed the remand to have been an abuse of discretion because of both the Commissioner's ability to have avoided the delay occasioned by the failure to produce rebuttal evidence and the self-evident purpose of Congress that disability benefits be provided somewhat near the time they are needed.

national bootie day

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