Natascha Gangbang

Natascha Gangbang


Natascha Gangbang


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"Just die!" they like to write, or: "Why don't you just go back to the cellar and stay there..."
Thirteen years ago Natascha Kampusch, who is now 31, made headlines around the world when she escaped from the secret cellar of her kidnapper, Wolfgang Přiklopil, after almost eight and a half years of imprisonment. Now she has written a new book, in which she details all the hateful comments and hostilities that she has received on social media since then.
BILD met Natascha Kampusch in Vienna to speak about her cyberbullying experience: "When I look back at my past, the hostile behavior was probably one of the worst things," she says, "I filed so many complaints, but nothing ever happened because the reports were always in a grey area. For example, if someone told me to 'go die', the police would see it as a kind of suggestion, not an acute threat. At some point, I got so tired of it."
What affected her the most was when anonymous people on social media claim they doubt her story. She gets a lot of questions asking why, as a child, she didn't flee the cellar earlier. Her kidnapper killed himself after Natascha fled and the secret cellar had been discovered. Přiklopil kidnapped Natascha when she was just 10 years old and kept her in a windowless and soundproof, 54 square-foot room underneath his garage for eight years.
"[After escaping] online abuse became a part of my everyday life. There were times where I didn't even go out anymore because the abuse was so bad," Natascha says. "But I don't want to hide. I never wanted to. This is why. in my book, I want to bring attention to the issue and tell people how cyberbullying can feel."
It is difficult for outsiders to judge how Natascha has been doing since she escaped in 2006. She says she's building a relationship with her older sisters Sabina and Claudia again and also with her mother, Brigitta, whom she sees regularly.
Natascha has tried to shake off her past but sometimes finds it difficult to do so. Most recently, she wanted to sell the house of her kidnapper — which she was given after his death — to a group of refugees. But the neighbors and the mayor of her town were against it. She still has to pay for electricity, water, and taxes for the house she was held captive in. It still remains today and so do Natascha's nightmares. She doesn't like to talk about the topic further.
She does not have a boyfriend, but sometimes she still imagines what it would be like to be a mother one day. "The desire to have children has always been there," she says, "but I have to think about it realistically and that simply wouldn't make sense at the moment."
The former kidnapping victim finds peace in her newly discovered passion for horse riding and her mare "Loreley."
"A relationship with a horse is so nice, easy and uncomplicated," says Natascha. "You can spoil it and are rewarded by being smiled at. In the world out there, I have learned to ignore the hate directed at me and only accept the nice things. And Loreley is always nice."
Even as a little girl she dreamed of riding her own horse. "I remember a holiday in Hungary, where we stayed in a huge riding facility," she says, "My sisters were allowed to ride, but I was still too young. And when I was old enough, I obviously wasn't allowed to go horse riding."
She now makes up for the lost time intensively: "I actually feel like such a teenager when I'm in the stable," she says. When she's with Loreley, Natascha forgets everything. She says when she's riding, she feels like the past doesn't matter anymore because Loreley doesn't care about what happened.


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"Just die!" they like to write, or: "Why don't you just go back to the cellar and stay there..."
Thirteen years ago Natascha Kampusch, who is now 31, made headlines around the world when she escaped from the secret cellar of her kidnapper, Wolfgang Přiklopil, after almost eight and a half years of imprisonment. Now she has written a new book, in which she details all the hateful comments and hostilities that she has received on social media since then.
BILD met Natascha Kampusch in Vienna to speak about her cyberbullying experience: "When I look back at my past, the hostile behavior was probably one of the worst things," she says, "I filed so many complaints, but nothing ever happened because the reports were always in a grey area. For example, if someone told me to 'go die', the police would see it as a kind of suggestion, not an acute threat. At some point, I got so tired of it."
What affected her the most was when anonymous people on social media claim they doubt her story. She gets a lot of questions asking why, as a child, she didn't flee the cellar earlier. Her kidnapper killed himself after Natascha fled and the secret cellar had been discovered. Přiklopil kidnapped Natascha when she was just 10 years old and kept her in a windowless and soundproof, 54 square-foot room underneath his garage for eight years.
"[After escaping] online abuse became a part of my everyday life. There were times where I didn't even go out anymore because the abuse was so bad," Natascha says. "But I don't want to hide. I never wanted to. This is why. in my book, I want to bring attention to the issue and tell people how cyberbullying can feel."
It is difficult for outsiders to judge how Natascha has been doing since she escaped in 2006. She says she's building a relationship with her older sisters Sabina and Claudia again and also with her mother, Brigitta, whom she sees regularly.
Natascha has tried to shake off her past but sometimes finds it difficult to do so. Most recently, she wanted to sell the house of her kidnapper — which she was given after his death — to a group of refugees. But the neighbors and the mayor of her town were against it. She still has to pay for electricity, water, and taxes for the house she was held captive in. It still remains today and so do Natascha's nightmares. She doesn't like to talk about the topic further.
She does not have a boyfriend, but sometimes she still imagines what it would be like to be a mother one day. "The desire to have children has always been there," she says, "but I have to think about it realistically and that simply wouldn't make sense at the moment."
The former kidnapping victim finds peace in her newly discovered passion for horse riding and her mare "Loreley."
"A relationship with a horse is so nice, easy and uncomplicated," says Natascha. "You can spoil it and are rewarded by being smiled at. In the world out there, I have learned to ignore the hate directed at me and only accept the nice things. And Loreley is always nice."
Even as a little girl she dreamed of riding her own horse. "I remember a holiday in Hungary, where we stayed in a huge riding facility," she says, "My sisters were allowed to ride, but I was still too young. And when I was old enough, I obviously wasn't allowed to go horse riding."
She now makes up for the lost time intensively: "I actually feel like such a teenager when I'm in the stable," she says. When she's with Loreley, Natascha forgets everything. She says when she's riding, she feels like the past doesn't matter anymore because Loreley doesn't care about what happened.

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