Nataliia Krechko's creative biography

Nataliia Krechko's creative biography

Ukrainian Choral Society named after Mykola Leontovych

Nataliia Krechko is the Honoured Artist of Ukraine (since 2004), associate professor (since 2005), head of the Department of the Academic Choral Art at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, associate professor of the Department of Chamber Singing at the National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music of Ukraine. Since 1992, she has worked at the Department of Choral Conducting at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Since 2005, she has headed ANIMA Student Academic Choir. Meanwhile in 1998 – 2005, she cooperated with the National Organ and Chamber Music Hall of Ukraine as a vocal soloist. Between 2002 and 2004, she worked as a soloist in Kyiv Municipal Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre for Children and Youth, took part in the number of projects of the National Philarmonic of Ukraine and other concert halls in Kyiv.  

She was awarded with the Certificate of Merit by the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine in 2003 and Diploma of the International Academic Rating of popularity “Golden Fortune” in 2007. She is the member of the presidium of Kyiv Regional Department of the National Ukrainian Music Union and the member of the Managing Board of Choral Society named after M. Leontovych.

She frequently participates in concert, educational and civic activities.

Nataliia was born on 13th October 1968 in Uzhhorod. Since 1970, she is based in Kyiv.


  • 1976 – 1987 – Mykola Lysenko Music School in Kyiv.
  • 1987 – 1992 – Kyiv State Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, conducting class of professor Lev Venediktov, the Hero of Ukraine, People’s Artist of USSR (qualifications for the following professions: choral conductor, choral disciplines teacher).
  • 1992 – 1996 – Master of Arts (opera and chamber singer, teacher) at the National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music of Ukraine, vocal class of  professor Viktor Kurin, People’s Artist of Ukraine.
  • 1996 – 1999 – National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music of Ukraine. Probation assistantship focused on solo singing.


Awards in international competitions

Laureate of the International Vocal Competition “Art of the 21st Century” (2004); 

Laureate of the international and Ukrainian choral competitions. Natallia won a special award “Best Conductor” at 30th International May Choir Competition named after Georgi Dimitrov in Varna, Bulgaria (2008) and special award “To Conductor for the Mastery” at the International Dmytro Brotnianskyi Competition in Kyiv, Ukraine (2018).

Member (2003, 2008) and head (2013, 2016) of the jury at the Regional Ivan Kozlovskyi Competition of Chamber Vocal Music and at the Vocal Competition “World Classics in Ukrainian Language” (2017, 2019). 

Organizer of the workshop within 1st Ukrainian Summer Choral Academy in Odesa, Ukraine (25th June – 2nd July, 2017).

The audio recordings of compositions performed by the choirs that Nataliia conducted are preserved in the funds. In addition, she took part in the recordings of the following music TV and radio programmes: “Kyiv the Classical”, “Classic-Premiere”, “Applause-applause”, “Women’s World”, “News for Family”, “Exam for Master”, “Bravo Maestro”. 

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