Natalia Tena Topless

Natalia Tena Topless


Natalia Tena Topless
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Here’s some new nudity for you fans of the fantasy genre. Natalia played Osha the Wildling in Game of Thrones, and Nymphadora Tonks in the Harry Potter films. I can swear to the former, but I had to read the latter on Wikipedia. I may be a massive nerd (I once read all the available Conan stories, and then tried to assemble a chronological biography of the famous fictional Cimmerian), but Harry Potter is too nerdy even for me.
Daniel Radcliffe as Al Yankovic, is apparently going for Extra Weird Al.
Sexy nerd Meg Turney seems to be in an all-booty version of a Harry Potter novel.
Clémence Poesy in Bienvenue Chez les Rozes (2002) You recognize her as Fleur Delacour from the Harry Potter films.
Ostro. The heirs of Theodoric, who had taken Italy from Odoacer , who was a God knows what (I’ve seen Hun, both sorts of Goths, etc), who had taken it away from the Romans by making the last Western Emperor an ex-Augustulus. Theo sealed his settlement with Odoacer at the celebratory feast by taking out his sword and giving him a good cleaving right through the collarbone.
Much later Robert the Bruce practiced the same form of personal diplomacy to secure the Scottish throne – stabbed his rival in a church.
Actually it was Belisarius who did the taking. Justinian, unlike his wife, was not a martial sort but he could pick generals.
Thanks, Bill. I’d hate to offend the wrong Goths. And Belisarius is a character in the novel. I just said Justinian because I figured he was more of a household name than Belisarius nowadays.
I didn’t know about anything Odoacer, though. My history is very spotty. I have an elementary knowledge of the Byzantines only because I liked Isaac Asimov’s (!) book about them.
I can’t remember Justinian’s wife’s name, though. I think she faced down a mob that was going to overthrow him, if that’s what you mean.
Theodora. That was the big rumble at the Hippodrome. Justinian wanted to get the hell out of town but she put her foot down. Belisarius attended to the actual details of killing just about everyone in the place.
Thanks, now I don’t have to dig out Asimov’s book! Are there nude mosaics of her? That would make this more on-topic for this website.
Well I guess that makes me super-duper nerd or something. Mass consumer of Conan (even the posthumous stuff my best college friend always refers to as the “Sprague de Camp pastiches”) but also big on the Harrys. Avoided the stuff for years but then a work friend of mine lent me her DVD of the first film which I watched about a month later more or less from duty. Found that I actually enjoyed it and dove into the books.
Can’t quite qualify for Lord High God Nerd status though, not being a Trekkie
beyond the original series or a Star Wars buff.
My daughter and niece dragged me to some of the Harry Potter films and I thought they were OK except for the first one, the one you took inspiration from, which seemed to me like a kiddie movie. Since I only saw about half of the movies, I never knew what was going on, but they seemed to be clever enough that I wasn’t driven to leave, but neither did they inspire me to watch the series from scratch to fill in the blanks, and I have not read any of the books.
As for all the Star Trek and Wars movies and shows, I’ve enjoyed them when I’ve run into them, excepting the first Star Trek movie and that Star Wars film that seems like watching C-Span (The Phantom Menace?), but I’m not inspired to binge-watch any of them in sequence, or any of that crazy stuff I used to do when I was young. My binge-watching now is mainly the occasional comedy series.
And I guess I’m kinda de-nerded in that I am tired of the comic book movies, and may occasionally prefer a rom-com (!!)
(Although I did watch The Big Bang Theory from start to finish about a month ago, all twelve kajillion episodes, so I guess I’m not fully de-nerded.)
This is the second mention of L Sprague de Camp I’ve seen this week. I thought I was about the only person who remembered him.
From the same era as Isaac Asimov. Much lesser known, but a similar type of renaissance person: scientist, fiction and non fiction author and creator of some type
I’ve been giving away books in a chat room and I’m sending his Dragon of Ishtar Gate to a person there, and when showing it to the guy, another person said “that’s a good book.” And I replied, “how can you know that, nobody remembers L Sprague de Camp.”
I gave away another of his books a few years ago called The Ancient Engineers. Interesting book if a bit too much ‘official history.’ According to him though Imhotep was the first architect of any merit.
Gobekli Tepe if nothing else has clearly disproven that, but the book was written in the 1960s.
Anyway, I first heard of L Sprague de Camp when I was around 12 years old because I liked (and still like) to listen to old radio plays, as did a few friends of mine I went to school with and one of our favorites was based on a short story he wrote called A Gun for Dinosaur which was done by the science fiction old time radio series of either X Minus One or Dimension X (or both.) It’s easily found on youtube if anybody is interested.
I always liked de Camp’s fiction. I’ve still got a copy of his “Lest Darkness Fall”, about a guy in Rome in about 1938 who accidentally goes back in time to about 538, or whatever was a year or two before the Byzantine Emperor Justinian took it from the Goths (can’t remember if they were Ostro or Visi). “The Wheel of If” was the short story of his I remember best. Good writer, it’s a shame if he’s not read today. Better with characters than Asimov, IMO, if not as good with science.
There were some very good science fiction writers of that era. I disagree with his politics, but if you appreciate those who had minority opinions, Robert Heinlein was different in that he was something of a libertarian conservative while most of the others were more liberal.
I haven’t read a lot of science fiction, but I’ve heard a lot of them through the old time radio shows.
If you’re interested in the old science fiction writing, you can get Astounding Science Fiction pulp and other publications on ebay for fairly reasonable prices.
Street and Smith which published the science fiction pulp was also behind the radio shows X Minus One and/or Dimension X.

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The video below features actress Natalia Tena’s full frontal nude scene from “Game of Thrones” brightened, color-corrected, and enhanced in ultra high definition. This nude scene would have been infinitely more sexy if Natalia Tena would have pulled that burka over her fugly face instead of dropping it to the floor… Not that her body ..

Full archive of her photos and videos from ICLOUD LEAKS 2021 Here
The Nudogram video below presents actress Natalia Tena’s full frontal nude scene from the series “Game of Thrones” (2012) Season 2 Episode 6 (s02e06) color-corrected, brightened, and enhanced in slomo HD.
Natalia Gastiain Tena (born November 1, 1984) is a British actress and singer (Molotov Jukebox). She is also known for her roles in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, “Black Mirror”, and “The Mandalorian”.
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