Natalia Taylor Model

Natalia Taylor Model


Natalia Taylor Model

Natalia Taylor is an American YouTuber who is primarily known for her "storytimes", which showcase her personal life experiences. So, if you love learning about people and their lives, then her channel is one you should definitely subscribe to! With over 734k subscribers on her channel and thousands on other social networking sites, she is undoubtedly a successful vlogger. Taylor also works as a model and was a semifinalist for Miss Coed 2016. Despite having earned much recognition on social media, the ambitious young lady has many more dreams to fulfill. Having studied nuclear medicine in college, she wishes to work with cancer patients in future. A bisexual, Taylor has dated fellow YouTuber Anna Campbell in the past. She is very frank with her audience and openly talks about sensitive issues, such as sexuality, insecurities, or her personal concerns. The multitalented diva enjoys painting as a hobby and also likes to travel and shop in her free time.
C elebrities B orn O n M y B irthday?
Birthday: June 26 , 1996 ( Cancer )
Birthday: June 26 , 1996 ( Cancer )
Notable Alumni: University Of Cincinnati
education: University of Cincinnati
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Beauty From Around The World: Portraits

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I teamed up with Natalia Taylor to shoot six different locations, outfits, and styles.
In this article, I'm going to talk about the shots that went behind Natalia Taylor's newest video (Viewable here ) I'll share some additional images that went into each region we wanted to shoot and explain the techniques I employed for this shoot. Let's begin with Japan:
Japan - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
Japan - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
Japan - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
For this outfit, the emphasis was on cute poses. I wanted to emphasize the subject, so I used a small amount of vignette on the shots, and when touching up colors for the garden area, I wanted to keep the exposure bright and playful by keeping the highlights relatively hot.
United Kingdom - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
United Kingdom - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
United Kingdom - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
For the UK, we wanted to portray sophistication. I also focused on the framing to emphasize the old bus in addition to contrasting with Natalia's outfit. Lighting direction was particularly important in the top shot, and the side lighting created a nice dramatic outline on Natalia's silhouette. I also used a slight dodge gradient filter in post to emphasize the lighting to create a more dramatic shot. Next up is Russia:
Michael Neal Russia - Natalia Taylor
Michael Neal Russia - Natalia Taylor
Michael Neal Russia - Natalia Taylor
For the Russia shots, we wanted everything to be traditional and fierce. Positioning was important here because our location was relatively tight and the lighting (being indoor) offered a little less to work with. Positioning helped to shield elements that didn't fit the aesthetic we wanted (such as a candy machine in a couple of shots.) Additionally, in post, I converted to grayscale to help bring out contrast and separation between the model and the setting, and I metered for the backlight when shooting to avoid blowing the white and highlights and detracting from the model. Next up is Brazil:
Brazil - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
Brazil - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
Brazil - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
For Brazil, I think: Color and contrast. The black staircase we chose really help to set off the red accent pieces and red dress. The lighting added dramatic flair, and movement captured helped to add an additional element to the shots. We took a two-tone approach by shooting some images against a colored wall, and also contrasting with a simpler setting against the black stairs and gold accent pieces to tie everything together. Next up is Australia:
Australia- Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
Australia- Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
Australia- Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
For Australia we wanted elegance. Shot against a simple gray wall, the shots allowed the colors to tie in nicely with the flowing blue dress and the golden blonde hair. In the landscape orientation shot, I wanted to leave room for copy in case that would be added later, and for the other two shots, I focused on movements, using a fast shutter speed and proper metering to capture poses that would draw the viewer's eye and attention to the subject.
United States - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
United States - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
United States - Natalia Taylor Michael Neal
Reaching the end of the day, we wanted to utilize the golden hour for these shots, and I cut the sun's reflection from a building window across the street in several of the shots. Here I wanted to focus on that zone of lighting while also capturing poses and quick movements that would fit the more laid back style of the denim downtown. This shoot was a ton of fun and a great challenge in shooting so much content in different styles. Be sure to check out the video linked in the intro to see more about the shoot, and the thoughts that went behind it.
Dr. Cox may be the most sarcastic, snarky, and nasty person to ever cross television screens.
Dr. Cox may be the most sarcastic, snarky, and nasty person to ever cross television screens. His long-winded commentary and ability to destroy just about anyone made him terrifying and hilarious. Once you broke through his tough persona, Dr. Cox was genuine, caring and dedicated. He wanted the best for his patients and his interns. Here are some of funniest, most sarcastic and downright mean lines that Dr. Cox has said during his stint on Scrubs.
If you can be proud of your country on he 4th of July, you can be proud all year long.
I'm the child of a Marine Veteran. He may have been out of the service by the time I was born, but the Patriotic Pride he lived by has been my family's life line. I grew up with the American Flag hanging in my front porch. My dad has the "Proud to be a Marine" license plate in the front of his car. And red, white, and blue is a completely acceptable way to decorate your living room. But it doesn't end with just that. You need to know why we celebrate freedom.
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It’s the celebration of our great nation, and you’re all invited.
It’s the celebration of our great nation, and you’re all
The patriots of the American Revolution aren't the only ones who gave us the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Independence Day is almost upon us, which means that for most Americans, it'll be time to bust out the lawn chairs and grills, gather around family and friends, and praise our history through patriotic garb and grand fireworks displays. It's the one day of the year where everyone forgets their political biases or historic inaccuracies, at least for a while, to look back on the hazy, illustrious history of the United States.
But, while we celebrate what people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry did for this country, they are not the only ones who embodied the very virtues that our nation loves to advocate for. This Fourth of July, here are ten American women who history tends to forget, despite the groundbreaking things they did for their country.




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Many people have been chewed by casting directors and spit back out, only to find themselves stripped from who we once were. The world of fashion is known for bad behavior towards models, yet very little change has come. Because of this, us scorned are left to warn others. For some, it’s a simple conversation with a friend. A thread of torture. Others, use art in various forms. Natalia Taylor makes YouTube videos.
Natalia Taylor has gained over 700K subscribers since starting her YouTube channel in 2015. She began her channel as a model, story-teller, and young girl who found herself in the pattern most gurus followed at the time. But after uploading a video called, “Watch Me,” in the summer of 2017, she disappeared. For a year her followers were left asking questions, only to find no answers.
Just 3 months ago, Natalia returned (boldly a blonde) in full swing. Since returning, she has posted multiple videos recounting terrifying experiences as a young model. Although her newest videos may be more controversial, it’s obvious that each is more worthwhile. Each is a mini-lesson for young women considering entering the industry, or those in it already. Her advice for cautiousness is something I wish I had a while ago…
I first discovered you on YouTube. What made you want to make videos on there?
A lot of the inspiration came from other people, because when I first started out I wasn’t a YouTuber. I did Instagram and I did Snapchat. I was trying to be an Instagram model. Then I did these long Snapchat stories, and would talk on there. A fellow friend that is also a YouTuber, told me, “You should just start a YouTube channel if you’re gonna be talking on your Snapchat.” So I started it. The inspiration came from giving the point of view of someone in the industry who does acting and modeling. I wanted to give my perspective.
I’ve been modeling since I was eleven. It started because my grandma was a model back in the 60s when television was a thing and she wanted me to be a model, too. She was always like, “I used to model on television!” I didn’t want to be a model then. I thought it sounded lame. I was kind of a tomboy, so I did it for her. Then I began liking it. All because of my granny.
The subject matter for your video, “ My Modeling Agent Was A Predator ,” is something that happens a lot. For such a personal topic, how long had you been debating talking about it?
That happened to me before I started my YouTube channel. I was eighteen or nineteen, and it turned me off from modeling for a long time. Then I thought I needed to figure out a different form of art to express myself through. This experience totally fucked me up. I wanted to take a break from modeling and I started YouTube. But I did not want to talk about it. I never thought I’d talk about it; even to my own therapist because it was so embarrassing. Like who is stupid enough to fall for that? But I’m not stupid and it happens to a lot of people. I didn’t know that was a thing back then. A lot of girls have been targeted by these predators, pretending they can make their dreams come true. And it’s not just modeling. It can be seen in every section of entertainment. But I came to a point where I started healing. I knew people would learn from it. Obviously he probably has seen it, and that’s really scary. That’s with any of my videos.
A lot of these scams happen on Instagram - just last week a fake ambassador account for Lululemon was created, making people believe they’d be working with the brand. Have you experienced it with businesses as well?
I’ve definitely been scammed with sponsorships, and had to learn my lesson with that. That’s why I’m very picky now about what type of sponsorships I do. Most recently, I promoted an app which turned out to be a scam. People were getting scammed and I was promoting it. It’s hard to tell which is why I like to talk about it.
When a sponsorship opportunity comes your way, how do you go about deciding to take the offer?
The number one thing that it comes down to is: Will my subscribers enjoy the video? Out of the thousands watching, only a small percentage are interested in the product or brand. Knowing that, I’m worried about the ninety-nine percent. How will they feel when the video is released? Obviously money is great and when I first started out I always asked “How much money?” I would do anything for the money, but I found this very self-destructive. My sponsorships are few and far between. I look at how they’ll flow with my usual videos.
There has been a big change in the content seen on YouTube. Bigger productions and more thought-out content. Is being a YouTuber something you see yourself doing for a while?
No. I don’t want to do YouTube for the rest of my life. I gotta be completely honest with you: You know, I took this year-long break and it was the best year of my life. I feel like I do it for entertainment purposes. I’m not someone who gets in front of a camera and feels better after. It’s not a therapy for me. I look at it like a profession I’m good at. I have fun doing it, but to do it long-term… I just couldn’t. I get too emotionally attached with it. I struggle seperating myself from my channel. I put my heart into things and when a video doesn’t do as well as I hoped it would, it can be hard on my emotions.
Was the break to help you seperate yourself from the videos?
To ground myself, too. In the beginning, before my big break, I was a narcissist. Technically, a narcissist obsessed with my channel and everything I was doing. I was getting high all the time and doing drugs. Doing whatever the fuck I wanted. For views, attention, money. But I suddenly realized that if I didn’t change my behavior, I would die. So, I took my break and grounded myself. I’m coming back the right way - not so much for myself. I’m a normal human and if I didn’t have my channel I’d be fine.
I can definitely see with the videos you make now, compared to a lot of other creators, that it’s for other people. Because you don’t get anything out of warning young women from America’s Next Top Model.
Honestly with my new content I’m putting myself at risk. Before I used to talk about clothes, or whatever the fuck people wanted to hear. Now I’m talking about real shit. I want to educate young people. I even signed a nondisclosure years ago with America’s Next Top Model, so technically they could sue me. I just don’t care, because I know there are people out there who weren’t aware of what really goes on.
A few days ago you uploaded a video , concerned about Bella Hadid. Do you follow celebrity-type models?
No. I am a fan of all the Victoria’s Secret models, because I wanted to be one of them. I went as far as working at one of their stores. Someone DMed me about the video of Bella Hadid, and I was so shocked. I instantly filmed and uploaded it. I don’t follow them closely but I thought it fit with the style of videos I like to make. I knew some people wouldn’t respond well to it. Anytime you talk about somebody else’s body, people won’t respond well. It’s more about using an example to bring light to a concept.
Obviously the past year has brought a lot of change, with #MeToo and “Time’s Up.” Do you think the industry has changed for the better? Do you see change still needed?
The industry is not accepting of all body types. It used to be one body type. Now it’s three - out of millions. Now that there’s a little bit of acceptance, it’s “Oh my gosh, the modeling industry is getting so much better!” It’s thin, hourglass, and plus-size. They are saying if you don’t fit into those three, you’re not beautiful.The plus-size models still go through conditioning, which the skinny models have always been put through. If you’re a size fourteen, you need to either fit into a four or a sixteen. It’s not body positivity. It’s a cover-up. I knew a plus-size model stressing out because she had to gain all this weight to maintain her plus-size status.
What do you think needs to be done?
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