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Needless to say, his "life of the party" reputation took a huge hit.
— Tywin Lannister , A Song of Ice and Fire

Lupin III: Part II first episode (" The Return of Lupin III ") features the gang — including the Inspector Zenigata — reuniting after they all get invitations to a cruise ship. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a ploy by a former criminal mastermind who's out to get revenge on Lupin.
A variation of this is shown in the Xxx Holic movie, although the host doesn't kill them, he simply "collects" them.
Umineko: When They Cry plays with the trope; the party isn't specifically to kill the participants, but the more people that gather there, the less likely it is that someone important will die in the summoning of an ancient witch.
The opening chapter of Fairy Tail has a villain who uses magic to trick women into going to a party on his boat, then drugging them and selling them into slavery.
In Maiden Rose , the introduction to the first real villain, Princess Theodora, has her eating a nice dinner with her cabinet ministers on their private train. Or rather, she's eating and they're lying dead on the table after ingesting a little too much poison. Apparently the dinner party was "rather boring".
To an extent, Mewtwo from Pokémon: The First Movie . He sends several invitations to his Island Base for trainers in what appears to be a challenge from the world's best trainer, but it's just a ruse to take the Pokémon to use for his cloning machine (the logic being that the trainers who made it to the island had the strongest Pokémon). Once his plan his complete, he decides to spare his "guests" to give them preparation for their eventual deaths at his hands.
The "Murderer Party" arc of Murciélago centers around a man named Satori Hyoue who has invited several criminals, including the protagonist, to a party in order to murder them all.
In One Piece , going to one of Big Mom's tea parties is usually a lot more pleasant than what she'll do to you if you refuse to go. However, during the Whole Cake Island Arc, where the party was supposed to cement an alliance between her and the Vinsmoke family , she was actually planning to assassinate them. The plan was foiled because Sanji (who was to be married to Pudding at the party as part of the deal) overheard the plan beforehand. Of course, Vinsmoke Judge and Capone Bege were both planning - independently - to do so to her at the party; the good guys prevailed because the bad guys were too concerned with each other .

In Hack/Slash , Laura Lochs decides to wipe out a beach party full of kids on spring break as a protest against sexual permissiveness .
In the EC Comics Shock SuspenStory "Just Desserts!", a man holds a dinner party for the nanny whose negligence led to his son's accidental death, the business partner who defrauded him into ruin, the aunt who refused to bail him out of bankruptcy, and his wife and her lover who were carrying on behind his back. It ends with a Splash Panel showing all the guests seated at the dinner table as decapitated corpses. ◊
The massacre at the Bar With No Name during the original "Scourge of the Underworld" storyline, where eighteen villains were murdered, was a variation on this, except that the host wasn't behind it. The villains had met there to discuss the danger that Scourge posed, and because they knew at this point that he was a Master of Disguise , they doubled down on security, had everyone searched before entering, and they all checked their weapons at the door. Unfortunately, Scourge had disguised himself as the bartender, and no-one ever thought to search him, leaving them all vulnerable when he made his attack, gunning them all down.
At least two The Punisher stories involved this. In one, a group of corrupt corporate executives have a party on a yacht and are killed by Frank Castle, via blowing up their boat with some C4. Another story involved Frank killing a group of gangsters by poisoning the soup they all eat at the dinner.
In White Sand , all Sand Masters are poisoned at the graduation, utilizing the fact that all the most powerful Mastrells drink from the same cup as part of the ceremony.

The movie version of Clue . With the twist that one of the guests, and not the host, is doing the killing except in the "true" ending, where it turns out that all the guests save one and the host himself are murderers: they were invited by Mr. Boddy for the express purpose of killing his informants, conveniently cleaning up any evidence against him and ensuring they all had at least one new skeleton in the closet for Mr. Boddy to blackmail them for. Then it turns out that the one guest who was actually innocent is actually a federal agent, and he kills Mr. Boddy just as the cavalry arrives.
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer has the villain Benjamin Willis concocting a convoluted plot to kill the heroine Julie and her friends; first he has his son Will befriend Julie, then he has a fake radio contest in which Julie's friend Karla "wins" tickets to an island in the Bahamas, and while the group are on the island Willis starts taking out all the remaining employees so he can have Julie all to himself. Of course, things don't work out.
In Hellraiser: Hellworld the villain simply known as the Host hosts a Hellworld party and invites the friends of his son Adam, who he blames for Adam's death, to the festivities. While the group are partying the Host drugs them, buries them alive and starts manipulating their perception of reality via messages sent through cellphones to make them believe (the thought fictional) Pinhead and Cenobites are killing them, causing them to die in real life from such things as heart attacks and self-inflicted wounds .
In The Final , a group of outcast students invite the bullies & snobs who have tormented them throughout high school to a costume party. It's not because they want to play Pin The Tail On The Donkey.
Inglourious Basterds features a Nasty Nazi Party where Shoshanna plans to kill the German high command by burning down her movie theater while they're in it.
In the remake of House on Haunted Hill , the ghosts alter the guest list of the Prices' party in order to gather the descendants of their murderers into the house to be tortured and killed.
In Adele Hasn't Had Her Dinner Yet , Baron von Kratzmar invites Professor Bocek and his granddaughter for tea and to watch the feeding of a carnivorous plant. What the Baron didn't say is that... Adele is a Man-Eating Plant and Professor Bocek is to be her first course. Kvetuska, the granddaughter, will be violated by the Baron's servant and then sold to a South American brothel.
No Time to Die : The imprisoned Blofeld arranges a birthday party for himself in Cuba, attended by most members of Spectre, and lures James Bond to it so that, as the high point of the festivities, he can be killed with a nanotech virus weapon programmed to recognise him by his DNA. Unfortunately for Spectre, the Mad Scientist who created and programmed the nanotech is secretly working for Blofeld's rival Diabolical Mastermind Lyutsifer Safin, and instead programs the nanotech to kill all the Spectre members and spare Bond, combining this trope with Make Way for the New Villains .
In Truth or Dare (2012) , young British boys and girls travel to an isolated cabin after being promised a night of heavy partying. Instead of the fun they hoped for, they meet a killer out to reap vengeance on them for the death of his brother.
In Coherence , a party for friends quickly goes wrong when alternate universes cause them terror.
In The Invitation (2015) , a man is invited by his ex-wife to the house they once shared for a dinner party. The already tense situation escalates when the hosts become demanding and start to reveal their real (culty) motivations.
In The Endless , two brothers, former members of a cult, are invited back under the pretense of a reunion. Even when they agree to go, the brothers wonder if they're walking into a trap.
In The Man They Could Not Hang , Dr. Savaard invites the surviving members of the jury who convicted him, along with the others he blames for his execution, to his mansion. The place cards for their dinner places list the order in which they will die, and the exact time it will occur.

Used in the The Dresden Files book " Grave Peril ", in which the leader of Chicago's vampires invites everyone she hates to a party so she can kill them all. This was incredibly risky as Sacred Hospitality is very important in the supernatural circles and breaching it would be construed as an act of war. She planned to force Harry a Sadistic Choice of either breaching her hospitality (so she could kill him without any political backlash) or allowing her to kill an innocent in a manner that will destroy a powerful anti-evil weapon. She did not expect him to burn the entire mansion down around her, though her death still ultimately sparks a war between her vampire faction and his wizardly council.
This is how the dictator gets rid of all his rivals in Gabriel García Márquez 's The Autumn of the Patriarch .
The climax of Victor Hugo 's Lucrezia Borgia has the title character, a notorious poisoner, setting up one of these for the nobles who turned Gennaro, whom they did not recognize as her son, against her. Unfortunately, Gennaro is among the attendees at the party and tragedy quickly ensues.
The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud features more than one scheme of this type.
This was the plot of the R.L. Stine novel The Halloween Party .
A Song of Ice and Fire has a severe case of shindig + politics = murder. Here are most of them:
Edmure Tully's wedding gains the moniker "The Red Wedding" for this very reason. In revenge for a political slight and open treason (respectively), Walder Frey and Tywin Lannister arrange to have Robb, Catelyn, and a large percentage of their bannermen slaughtered at the reception, with the treacherous Northern Lord Roose Bolton personally murdering Robb. This is considered especially shocking as all cultures respect Sacred Hospitality and as a result, nearly everybody in the Seven Kingdoms despises the Freys .
Later in the same book, Lady Olenna Redwyne (probably, the culprit is not explicit) murders Joffrey at his own wedding, framing Tyrion for the act. She was motivated as Joffrey was a Sadistic King who was marrying her granddaughter and his death means his kinder and weaker-willed brother Tommen succeeds.
There is also the Dothraki party in Vaes Dothrak. Viserys turns up drunk and threatens his pregnant sister Daenerys, telling her husband Khal Drogo he was promised an army to take back the Seven Kingdoms, and mocking them as they can't use weapons or shed blood in the city. Drogo promises Viserys a crown of gold and pours molten gold over his head.
Ramsay Bolton's wedding to "Arya Stark" (really Jeyne Poole, who is being forced into this role to help the Boltons hold the North) begins becoming this. The Northern Houses hate the Freys present due to the Red Wedding, and people keep turning up dead . Also the three Freys travelling with Lord Wyman Manderly from White Harbor, who lost one of his sons at the Red Wedding with the Freys lying and claiming Robb Stark murdered his son, have disappeared, though Wyman brings three pies which he serves to the Freys and Boltons and eats with gusto . When he insults the Freys on Little Walder Frey's death, Little Walder's uncle Hosteen Frey tries to kill him, leading to a fight in which Frey and Manderly men die. Lord Bolton is forced to send the Frey and Manderly men out of Winterfell against Stannis Baratheon.
Over two centuries prior to the story Maegor the Cruel had all the architects for the Red Keep murdered at a banquet to protect its secrets. There are rumors one of them escaped and later murdered Maegor, though it is more likely Maegor killed himself on hearing of his nephew's rebellion against him.
Done several times in Romance of the Three Kingdoms . Notable ones include Cai Mao's attempt on Liu Bei (unsuccessful), Zhuge Liang drugging a number of Nanman soldiers (they had been planning on using the banquet to make a surprise attack), and Zhou Yu's attempt on Liu Bei (also unsuccessful, as Liu Bei was accompanied by Guan Yu).
Discworld :
A strategy supposed to have been used by some Pictsie clans. Always seems to fail because everybody gets too drunk to carry the plan out effectively.
Referenced as a strategy in Interesting Times . However, Cohen points out it would not be appropriate for their situation, as they are up against 700,000 enemy soldiers. He also notes at great length that he would never use poison; his preferred method is to get everyone drunk and then cut their heads off. One of Cohen's fellow octogenarian barbarians says they could still pull it off, if they did something simple for dinner, "like pasta". Apparently the barbarians don't consider this tactic to be dirty or dishonorable at all since anyone stupid enough to fall for the ol' "invite them to a feast, get them drunk and slaughter them" trick was definitely Too Dumb to Live anyway.
Conan the Barbarian . In one story, he starts a fight in the middle of a victory feast, wiping out the warriors of the tribe they were allied with but no longer need to. Apparently, this form of betrayal is a local tradition and thus not dishonorable (Conan's men were simply faster to act).
In the short story "Invitation to a Poisoning" by Peter Tremayne, the villain Nechtan invites all his enemies to dinner and then poisons himself since he believes that he is dying of cancer and would like to frame one or more of his enemies for his murder. Inviting the heroine, who happens to be a professional investigator, to the party proves to be a mistake.
In John Christopher 's post-apocalyptic young-adult novel The Prince In Waiting , the protagonist's father (ruler of the city where the action is set) is invited to a gathering and murdered.
In Saga by Conor Kostick , there is a nasty party with tiers. As each successive group of nobles is killed in creative ways (poison, being glued down and stabbed....), the remaining clever ones who think themselves in the know have a good laugh. Eventually there are only three left, two of whom are killed by the only person left who really knew what was going on.
Older Than Feudalism : Xenophon records at least two:
In one the Anabasis , the commanders of the army of ten thousand Greek mercenaries were invited to a banquet by their supposed Persian collaborator, Tissaphernes. He kills them, leaving the army leaderless (until a sneeze inspires them to elect new officers and march back to Greece).
In The Education of Cyrus , he indicates that Astyages (Cyrus' Mede maternal grandfather), attempting to seek revenge on his brother Harpagus, lured Harpagus' son to a banquet, killed him, and then fed Harpagus his son's flesh at the banquet. Then, in a truly inspired move, Astyages gave Harpagus command of an army sent to kill Cyrus. Instead, when they met, Harpagus joined forces with Cyrus to bring Astyages down.
Mentioned in The Magician's Nephew by Jadis as to how one of her ancestors dealt with supposedly rebellious nobles.
The premise behind Agatha Christie 's And Then There Were None .
Admiral Daala of the Star Wars Expanded Universe fame didn't want to do this at first; she sincerely hoped that the Imperial warlords, whom she invited to a council at Tsoss Beacon, will cooperate and stop their Chronic Backstabbing Disorder . However, they didn't, so Daala picked the Only Sane Man , Captain Pellaeon, and killed the rest with poison gas.
In the Left Behind book Assassins , Pontifex Maximus Peter Mathews of Enigma Babylon One World Faith is invited to a private party hosted by the ten regional subpotentates of the Global Community to show him a massive ice sculpture made in his honor. However, in playing out what the Book of Revelation says about the " whore that sits on the beast ", the ten subpotentates use that party as a united opportunity to kill Peter Mathews with sharp ice feathers from the sculpture , eventually causing Enigma Babylon to fold with the Pontifex Maximus' death and to soon be replaced with Carpathianism following Nicolae Carpathia's death and "resurrection".
The Martian Chronicles : In "Usher II", Stendhal and Pikes construct Stendahl's image of the perfect haunted mansion, complete with mechanical creatures, creepy soundtracks, and thousands of tons of poison to kill every living thing in the surrounding area. They then invite the Moral Climate Monitors to visit and kill each of them in ways that allude to different horror masterpieces.
In Stephen King 's Carrie (and its assorted film adaptations ), the senior prom gets turned into a non-fatal version of this (at least, such was intended ) by the Alpha Bitch Chris Hargensen and her friends when they stage a prank to humiliate Carrie White. They rig the ballots for prom king and queen so that she and her date Tommy win, putting her in a position to get a bucket of pig blood dumped on her head in front of the entire school. Even before Carrie goes on her Roaring Rampage of Revenge , the bucket winds up inadvertently hitting Tommy in the head, either killing him or leaving him badly concussed.
The Divine Comedy : In the Inferno , Dante places "traitors against their guests"—i.e. hosts who break hospitality—in the third round of the ninth circle of Hell (i.e. the third-worst place, after the fourth round of the ninth circle and the three mouths of Satan chewing on Judas, Brutus, and Cassius). The third round features the story of Fra Alberigo, who invited his brother and nephew (with whom he was quarreling) to dinner and then had them killed (the signal being calling for fruit).
In the early Fear Street novel "Halloween Party," several teens are invited to their classmate's titular party. Only one of the guests remains suspicious as to why they specifically were invited when no one else in school was allowed to attend, until it's revealed the host is really a 30 year old woman who wants to kill them all as revenge for their parents causing the deaths of her own mother and father. She manages to kill the kid whose dad drove the car that caused the accident all those years ago, and planned to kill the rest by burning the house down with them trapped. Thankfully the guests escape with help from the woman's uncle and she's stopped from killing herself after her plan's foiled.
Point Horror has an initially non-fatal version of this in The Invitation , where the Alpha Bitch invites five rather unpopular students to her annual party but intends to use them in her people hunt party game. It doesn't stay non-fatal however as a gate crasher sneaks the protagonists to different locations and rigs them so they will die slowly. The three who succumb are saved and taken to hospital but it's left unclear if they survive.

The Angel episode " Bachelor Party " had a bachelor party where the groom and his family were planning to eat Doyle's brains. (Long story.)
The new Doctor Who :
In " The End of the World ", Cass
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