Nasty Housewife

Nasty Housewife


Nasty Housewife


Vintage Homemaking
Yes, I know it’s a silly posed photograph, but I love the organized shelf!

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In the 1950s, society put an emphasis on the family, the home, and the 1950s housewife. Some have speculated this was in hopes that women who’d joined the war supply workforce during WWII would step aside and let the returning GIs take their jobs. Others think this emphasis was a sinister plot to keep women chained to the kitchen and away from their dreams of career fulfillment. After ten plus years of studying period books and articles from the 1950s, I disagree with this conclusion.
The fact that women could choose to have a career or not is evidenced by the fact that approximately 33% of women worked outside the home in the 1950s, according to a Forbes survey conducted in the decade. (70% of women in America worked outside the home as of a few years ago.) There were celebrated female authors , politicians , diplomats (Clare Boothe Luce & Perle Mesta, U.S. ambassadors to Italy and Luxembourg, respectively), actresses , teachers , doctors ( Virginia Apgar , for instance), nurses , entrepreneurs , and the list continues. Every period book I can get my hands on says that a bride could choose to have a career after marriage, but that understandably some of her salary would go towards paying professionals to do the jobs she would usually do at home – laundering, house cleaning, cooking, even grocery shopping. In the 1950s, society understood that running a household efficiently was a full time job . So if you were working outside the home, you were not expected to “do it all” as women today are. No midnight laundry sessions or 5:00 am gym runs!
So why did 1950s America place such an emphasis on the housewife? I believe it is because they understood the crucial importance of the family structure to the survival of our country, or indeed of any society. Statistics are blatantly clear that children who come from a stable, two-parent home have a much higher chance of succeeding economically, emotionally, and mentally than those who were raised in single parent homes, in volatile/unstable families, or in foster care. “And just what does that have to do with the housewife?”, you ask. Almost everything! When you have a healthy, loving marriage to begin with and the wife has time to create a safe, warm, and clean home environment, it helps the family unit to run smoothly and apparently effortlessly.
The housewife, of course, knows that it’s not “effortlessly”. So does her husband, which is why he appreciates the role she plays in balancing the budget, cooking nutritious food that will keep them healthy & give energy for work and school, cleaning and sanitizing the physical house, scheduling appointments, organizing the calendar, taking care of the children and their activities, and keeping all household tasks running like clockwork. This sort of home which is peaceful and not chaotic makes for an environment that naturally fosters strong relationships – mom is not stressed all the time because she can do her household tasks during the day, leaving the evening for family time – or couple time if they don’t have kids yet or have already raised their brood. When the house is reasonably clean at any given moment, it means this family can host friends for regular get-togethers, which brings a well-rounded perspective to the family circle and creates better emotional wellbeing with a healthy social life of friends.
Of all the things the 1950s housewife was concerned about, her family’s nutrition was right at the top of the list. America was fascinated with health and nutrition at the time, and had a vast knowledge of the vitamins, minerals, and food groups needed for a balanced diet and healthy life. Many universities had already conducted studies proving most everything we know about the nutrition necessary for vitality and a strong immune system. With WWII and the era of rationing long behind her, the 1950s homemaker had more food options available to her than ever before. Once a week, the “lady of the house” sat down to plan her menus and write out her market (grocery) list. I use this same method and find it extremely helpful. To read more about this, you can download our Vintage Meal Planning printable here!
Commercially produced canned goods meant she could buy canned peaches or pineapple at the grocery store and wasn’t dependent on “putting up” all the food herself. The new boom in freezer manufacturing meant she could buy frozen vegetables and meats that would keep longer than anyone could have thought possible a few decades earlier. And with separate chest freezer units, many housewives cooked entire meals ahead of time, froze them, and had a “bank” of dishes to choose from if they had a busy day, a sick friend, or a new baby.
The 1950s housewife also took pride in her well-stocked pantry, knowing she was prepared to feed her family should an emergency or that proverbial “rainy day” come around. My great-grandmother (who was married in the 1940s), still kept this “vintage housewife” outlook on life into her 80s. As a small child I remember visiting her beautiful home in Portland’s West Hills and seeing her garage filled with neatly stacked cans, and a second freezer which she always kept full of food to last all winter should she get iced or snowed in on the hill… ( Click here for a complete guide to vintage can sizes.)
The 1950s Home & Kitchen – The modern kitchen of the 1950s was well-thought out for lighting, storage, ease, and electricity efficiency. For instance, kitchen building plans took into consideration that the refrigerator should never be near an air register, lest the hot forced air warm up the fridge and cause it to work harder to maintain a safe food temperature. Color in the kitchen was also becoming a hugely popular way to liven up the cooking and working environment.
The American housewife had a regular weekly cleaning routine since far before “vintage times”. Remember how Caroline Ingalls would recite her weekly schedule to her daughters in their tiny log cabin in the 1870s? “Wash on Monday, Iron on Tuesday, Mend on Wednesday, Churn on Thursday, Clean on Friday, Bake on Saturday, Rest on Sunday.”? ( Little House in the Big Woods)
By the 1950s, churning day had long gone out the window for the suburban housewife, and many women bought bread from their local bakery rather than making it themselves. Houses had expanded to require more than one day of cleaning, and ironing & mending were done on the same day. But the notion of having a set schedule in place still rang true, and helped the households to have a sense of stability. Being a homemaker in vintage times meant you knew what to do and when to do it!
Every housewife had a morning cleaning routine comprised of things that needed to be done each day of the week. These things would be done quickly after breakfast, to tidy the house from the evening before and get it in pristine condition for another day. The porch was swept, toys and shoes were put away, books returned to the shelves, the kitchen counter cleaned up after breakfast. The windows were opened, and any areas that needed daily sweeping or vacuuming were attended to.
In addition to the morning routine, the 1950s housewife had her weekly cleaning routine that was one major task she needed to do that day – laundry, ironing, vacuuming, mopping, deep cleaning a room, etc. (These were in addition to her regular daily tasks of dishes, cooking meals, gardening, running errands, taking care of the children, etc.). I’ve shared all the best morning and weekly routines in this V i ntage Cleaning Routine E-book , that comes with a printable checklist to take the guesswork out of keeping your house clean!
The 1950s Housewife & the Family Wardrobe
We tend to think that mom did *all* the work around the house, but it wasn’t just the women who helped take care of the wardrobes, though. Fathers taught their sons to polish their shoes each night, and grade school girls brushed their garments with a clothes brush before putting them away in their closet at the end of the day. (I have a lot of documentation on this.) Brushing hats, coats, and clothing was a daily ritual for people who wanted to keep their wardrobes in pristine condition. The clothes brush is an item we’ve almost forgotten about now, but it was used to remove lint, fur, and dust from the fabric of the garment after each wearing so these unwanted items would not break down the fibers of the fabric. While it may seem like a lot of extra work, a minute or two of prevention each day kept their clothes always ready to put on and wear out the door at a moment’s notice. I believe this is part of how people looked so put together! Click here to watch a video I filmed on the subject.
“Mrs. America” of the 1950s made sure her family wore well-fitting, beautifully crafted garments. In the 1950s, it was not uncommon for dad to wear a suit several days a week. “Mother” also had a tailored suit or two, a couple nice pencil dresses, cotton shirtdresses for working at home, casual pants & tops, and a few fabulous cocktail or party dresses. Once you add in the children’s clothing, you can see how much time it would take to keep all those items in good condition, and how much money you’d have to spend to keep the whole family dressed that sharply! Which leads to my next point:
In vintage times, American men and women were raised being told to put some money aside “for a rainy day”. Today we call this an “emergency fund”, but our grandparents’ generation placed much more of an emphasis on it than we do. The adults of the 1950s had lived through the Great Depression in the 1930s – a time when the economy suffered so much that many families lost jobs, income, and struggled to put food on the table. As a result, people became very resourceful in finding ways to make extra money or grow extra food. Thrift and economy became the order of the day, as people scrimped and saved to just get by. By the 1940s, our economy in America was much better as a result of the manufacturing jobs created to supply Europe (and eventually ourselves) with an influx of military supplies for WWII. But the children who’d grown up during the 1930s never forgot the things they saw or the lessons they learned. They fixed things before replacing them, and thought twice before making a purchase.
In general, the 1950s family often preferred to live on much less than they made and put the extra away. The 1950s housewife kept on top of the family budget and planned ahead for spring and fall clothing purchases. Appliances that broke were sent to the local repair shop, and it wasn’t so unheard of for families to pay off their mortagages earlier than we do today, or send the kids through college without debt.
Many 1950s parents taught their kids the invaluable vintage money lessons they’d learned. Watch this vintage budgeting video below that mid-century teenagers viewed in high school to learn how to make a budget! (Being as this was a training video and not a Hollywood high budget production, the actors used for the film were not a-listers. Some people may see this as a little corny, but the principles still ring true today!)
Part of homemaking is not just keeping the house clean, but keeping it filled with good music, books, and films – the “household culture” , if you will! My husband and I found ourselves gravitating towards vintage shows in the first few years of our marriage, for the simple reason that they were clean! It was nearly impossible to find a decent show on television, and we grew so tired of thinking we’d found a good movie, only to have to turn it off quickly. Over time we’ve become experts on classic television shows. Here is my list of recommended family 1950s television shows you can still watch online!
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The hottest, most beautiful wife in the world on our honeymoon July 2009.
She drives me crazy! My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
She was just chillin' on the balcony, but she had me speechless just because of these unbelievable legs. My wife is gorgeous, and these legs, my God these legs.
My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
My beautiful wife Rhonda, headed back to our stateroom after a night out in an evening gown on a recent cruise vacation Fall 2010.
My husband said I was the sweetest, hottest, sexiest, most beautiful wife in the world when we were on our honeymoon last July.
(Description written by my adoring Hubby)
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night.
My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife. Of course that didn't stop me from taking compromising pictures while she wasn't looking.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
My gorgeous wife Rhonda and I spent five fantastic days at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas in May 2010.
Here I am looking giddy as a school girl!
I put my identities in to four characters. Miranda Red the spy, Miss Molly fifties house wife, Sugar Lips the slut and nameless my inner madness. As you can see These photos are of Miranda Red. I took all the images myself with the use of a timer and a tripod.
Picture the scene and the thought process that subsequently races through your mind you see the long legs first across the cafe, oh yes she is wearing black fully fashioned stockings, can i see her stocking tops? Oh the anklet delicately and teasingly poised over her nylons, what does that suggest and then you notice the cigarette and the long red nails holding it and smoker or not your fetish floods your senses. You check your wife or partner opposite you isn't looking and set your gaze again on that vision indulging your fantasies hoping to catch her eye.....admit it you do don't you as you watch her cross her legs, what thoughts are you thinking? do tell us all....x
Here I am looking giddy as a school girl!
Moments after we renewed our Wedding Vows to celebrate our One Year Wedding a perfect setting.
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night. She garnered a great deal of attention at the pool at the Loews Hotel & Resort on South Beach. My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night. She garnered a great deal of attention at the pool at the Loews Hotel & Resort on South Beach. My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
I love taking these 'self portraits' but I hate the iphone camera!!
Another night my husband was mezmerized, and I (yes, I admit it), I was teasing and encouraging him to keep me in!
The hottest, most beautiful wife in the world, Rhonda being very sensual on our honeymoon July 2009.
My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
My gorgeous wife Rhonda at Mandalay Bay in 2010.

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I make videos about Karen's and public freakouts & I speak Redpill truth & facts & knowledge it's important that we break out the Matrix & take the red pill and become truly aware of our self-worth. also subscribe to my YouTube channel. #Karen #funnyvideos #publicfreakouts #wethechosenones Red pill kingz 👑
Dad gets full custody and gives custody papers to the mother of his children. #fathergetsfullcustody
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