Nasty Doktor Com

Nasty Doktor Com


Nasty Doktor Com

Planet Valenti
Európolis Management • Planet Media Books

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MAY 22-4, 2020) — THE PLANET has lived through three previous pandemics. We’re now on our fourth.
We shall leave out “minor” outbreaks such as Ebola and Mogo-on-the Ga-GoGo.
Of the 1957-8 and 1968 events, we should point out that the country’s populations were 48% and 38% respectively smaller than today, greatly enlarging the relative value of the numbers for those years. Population today: 330,749,556 and growing … 1957: 171,984,130 … 1968: 205,805,755. In those previous situations, people took reasonable precautions, accepted the risks, and the United States of America not only kept functioning but kept doing so as the world’s leading superpower. We didn’t pull an instant shutdown, the equivalent of driving a car at 80 mph into a brick wall.
Scientists say there are hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of viruses that accompany mankind on our terrestrial voyage. Most serve a useful purpose and actually makes life possible. Only six are known to infect and debilitate humans, and four of those cause the common cold, of which there are many variations that cross over into influenza. Only SARS and the COVID viruses mess with us in a serious fashion, and we’ve already handled SARS without taking a shotgun to our heads while jumping off the 14th floor of the Crowne Plaza.
We are now into our second generation of
We could go on, but the point is made, here and elsewhere. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich recently wrote an essay written around this very theme. Gingrich found himself stranded in Rome, and he used the enforced shutdown to retreat within himself and sharpen his senses when he turned his gaze outward again, a rare example of that odd species politicus erectus turning in a performance more comfortable in literature than in polemics.
America leads the league not in the gentrification but in the pussification of the population, as our national response to COVID-19 illustrates — a misdirected reaction that produced the world’s greatest number of cases and fatalities. In the process, we turned what was and shold have remained a dangerous but manageable medical situation into economic suicide, social devastation, and even greater political division. We made many huge mistakes. THE PLANET would finger our technological hubris as the biggest, specifically our reliance on modeling. Fed by nerd techies, scientists and researchers developed algorithms to for a series of projections on how the virus might affect us. The models “proved” everything from “not much worse than a bad cold” to a “species-ending Black Plague.” Naturally, the worst-case cases got the publicity: “2.2 million deaths expected” blared the trumpets.
Then and there, the battle was lost.
In the end, historians will look back on this battle with COVID-19 and observe that, in America, the real contagion was hysteria.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend, everybody.
“Man is born free but is in chains everywhere” — Jean Jaques Rousseau .
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May 21, 2020


The United States of Unemployment. We’ve reached socialism and Bernie isnt even in office.
We are in a global corona-virus pandemic, thousands of people are dying everyday, people with preexisting health problems are at great risk, nursing homes account for 1/3 of COVID-19 deaths, 40 million American people lost their jobs and health insurance, Berkshire County’s summer tourism season is lost, states face billion dollar budget deficits, while local governments face million dollar budget deficits, sports are gone, Broadway is closed through Labor Day, but all that matters is the almighty dollar? The irony is that when you die, you can be worth millions of dollars, but you cannot take it with you.
Of course it is about the almighty dollar, which I am fine with. I don’t know about you, but I have never worked for a broke person before.
Yeah,but you’ve worked so a poor person could have his-her cigs and booze.
The U.S. Senate, along with the U.S. House, took the entire month of April of 2020 off, and then the U.S. Senate reconvened on May 4, 2020 through May 21, 2020 – or nearly 3 weeks. After the U.S. House of Representatives passed a new stimulus bill worth $3 trillion, the U.S. Senate did not pass even one piece of legislation relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting on Friday, May 22, 2020, the U.S. Senate is on a new 10-day long recess until they reconvene on June 1, 2020.
That means between the months of April and May of 2020, which total 61 days, the U.S. Senate convened for 18 days. During our time of need for leadership from Capitol Hill, nothing got passed legislatively by both chambers of U.S. Congress relating to the corona-virus pandemic in April or May of 2020.
In closing, U.S. Congress is not helping “We the People” during our time of need. Instead, they are more interested on being on paid vacation and raising money for their political campaigns during this 2020 election year that will decide their fates for partisan control of the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and The White House.
Mr. Melle, would you please inform us who Patrick Fennell is, since you keep writing letters to him, and posting them on this blog?
People aren’t wearable masks. Went to a 7 11 and people were hugging right in front of the doorway and changing clothes in front of the doorway from his rap filled music boggy buggy. With the door open blocking cars from leaving.
He is a political activists from Great Barrington who tells off local, state, and federal elected officials in emails and letters to the editor. I always enjoy reading his emails and letters.
Thank you for the answer. Never heard of him except through you, but I don’t read local papers these days. How are you reading his emails?
Like you, I neither believe in nor support pork barrel spending. The Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives should not have used the COVID-19 pandemic for political ends. That does not mean the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were right to neglect the COVID-19 pandemic for two whole months (April and May of 2020).
2020 is an election year that will decide which political party will control the White House, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump and Biden, McConnell and Pelosi, and company, all are more interested in raising money from billionaire-funded Super PACs and K Street corporate PACs than showing any real leadership in addressing the needs of the millions of American people suffering from the impacts and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In closing, pork barrel projects and PACs come first, while the COVID-19 pandemic goes unaddressed on Capitol Hill and in the White House. What a shame!
For decades, Massachusetts had a pork barrel project called Boston’s “Big Dig”, which has killed innocent people, leaks millions of gallons of dirty water everyday, will only last around 50 years, and then its leaky tunnels will eventually be submerged in the Atlantic Ocean. My dad, who was a Berkshire County Commissioner, spoke out about Boston’s “Big Dig” pork barrel politics when Governors Bill Weld then the late Paul Cellucci hypocritically said that Berkshire County government should be abolished and taken over by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts due to inefficiencies. The price of Boston’s “Big Dig” doubled during Weld’s time as Governor. It had a $2 billion cost overrun during the late Cellucci’s time as Governor. In the end, Berkshire County government was abolished, but Boston’s “Big Dig” still stands as Exhibit A in pork barrel government spending at its worst.
The Big Dig started out as a $3 billion project. By the time good-ol’ Massachusetts corruption ran its course, it cost us $15 billion.
The border wall started out free.Mexico was not interested in building a wall for Trump which was a insane idea but he sold it to you guys.Now that wall is at 8 billion and Trump corruption is all over it…..I know Trumpers wont agree.What would Fox brain say about the big dig and what would Fox brain say about Trump wall.
The wall is cheaper than criminal aliens are. We’d save a lot more if they were all deported and NEVER allowed back. Schooling their foul spoor, medical/ER coverage, free housing, welfare, jailing/court costs, ……… And that is for the 22 MILLION they admit are here.
And criminals are not a race, they are criminals, so don’t call it racist TSC.
Want to come to America? Get in line and do it legal, otherwise criminal go home.
I am on his email list, and I always enjoy reading what he has to say about politics.
Dan you have got to be stupid or trolling.
We had vaccines for influenza in the 50’s and 60’s massive herd immunity for various strains of influenza.
You are so desperate to make this like the flu it’s making you stupid. In 20 or 30 years we can act like this is just the flu.
Dan is riight. This was a massive overreaction, and the democrats are gleeful over the suffering of the Average Joe, in the hopes even a demented sex offender liar with foot in mouth disease can get elected POTUS. Herd immunity would have happened by now if we didn’t shut country down. Open every damn thing. Today.
I agree, Tell. Open every damn thing today. The reason that we were given for the lockdown was to avoid overwhelming the hospitals. That never happened. Lift the lockdown Guv!
What you idiots don’t understand is that the threat and potential of overwhelming hospitals doesn’t go away for a long time. I agree we should open things up but if we do it all at once, those that are asymptomatic and symptomatic will mix with the healthy, you’ll get a spike and we will end up right back where we started.
In China a city of 102 million had a spike of 32 cases ( I would bet 10x that) and they just locked the entire city down. The Chinese know what they created and know what it can do.
You are all living in the bubble of a successful stay at home and quarantine order.
You are are what my husband calls REMF ( rear echelon mother fuckers) who think “the war isn’t so bad” because you aren’t seeing the dead and suffering while you sit at a desk thousands of miles from the action.
No ladies you keyboard heroes are protected by nurses and doctors and medical staff that care so that you can live on in your blissful ignorance and stupidity. The selfish crybabies.
Wow….you are so nasty and angry….jeesh give it a rest!
Ok please stay out of the medicine cabinet it’s really making your mood swings awful. Take a deep breath go outside and get some fresh air. Please!
You may have a husband but based on your gutter mouth on this blog, you are an angry white male.
Damn straight Fritz. Plenty of beds, ventilators, and more tests than people that want them in a dozen states according to the left wing Washington Post even. And there is zero evidence the lockdown helped and if fact there is evidence it made matters worse.
You mean like Biden’s latest – “you ain’t black” if you have trouble figuring out if your for Biden or Trump, to a black interviewer.
I just write the stuff! The reactions are up to my readers, including you. With that, however, I do thank you for the pushback. There are many legitimate points for your position. Stay well and keep contributing!
Yeah, she has such a way with words.
Trumpers say flu and smart socialist capitalist athletes nurses doctors statisticians utubers teachers photographers engineers carpenters journalists business tycoons say 100,000 died during a lockdown.Trump wants us now to go maskless and party on.Good luck moron America Trump loves you and wants you to pretend its OVER.
RN, you have to be trolling or stupid. Assuming you work at BMC, then you very well know that place is a ghost town and on its own way to economic ruin. I don’t see anywhere in Dan’s article where he refers to this as the Flu. According to the MA dashboard as of yesterday 102 people have died in this state under the age of 60 with a whopping 0 under the age of 19. Average age of death is 82. The data has been more and more clear, we overreacted and now will be paying for years to come. How many kids will suffer because their parents lost their jobs & health insurance? How many people are going to die because they missed an “elective” procedure or could not see their specialist? Worse yet, how many people will die because they lost their health insurance and now cannot afford medications for Cholesterol, BP, Insulin, and other chronic and much more serious diseases then Covid? The models were worse then weather predictions, its time to open now.
Read back, it’s just like the flu. There have been plenty of times here that dan and others have said all of this shut down was not needed because it’s no big deal.
It is no big deal because of the shut down. Millions more would be infected and the precious curve would have spiked right up.
The point is that the numbers are wrong, under reported purposefully because reopening has ALWAYS been about the numbers.
Yes, thank you for the correct reading. I have never said it was the flu or it was as similar to the flu.
“An inability to productively handle setbacks and failure.” – Dan, your last bullet point is the end result of all the others. The adults have failed the chlldren, and so now the children cannot handle failure. A SNAP card in every pot, and a pill for every problem!
“the pussifiation of the population” is one of your most astute observations ever. Great column Dan, and thanks for calling them like you see them. This country is now on the verge of ruin, and I must say, the radical left, which includes the radical feminist movement, is largely responsible.
Open America Now. We are freeing jailbirds left and right, including the A – hole who got shot up the other night (how many more will be shot this weekend in our lawless country, but arresting business men and woman trying to make a living. Wake up America. You are not going to catch Corona sitting in your front yard watching the world go by, so take off your stupid masks as you sit there staring at teach other. Same goes for walking in the woods. My personal favorite is seeing people drive, alone, with a mask on. This weekend, re-claim your liberty. Wake Up and Rise Up. Government cannot enforce mask wearing. Burn your masks, turn off the so called “news”, get out of your house, every single day.
Support your local barbers, hair salons, restaurants, etc, who should open en masse, today. You’ve all been fed a big fat BS sandwhich by the deep state. Spit it up, throw it up, whatever, just Wake Up America, and Rise Up.
The hysteria I see is the result of having a government that seems clueless how to deal with the problem. Trump acts like he is playing a video game blowing shit up right and left and the carnage does not even effect him. He Is sneering at his subjects as he watches them suffer and die, reveling in his uncontained power over life and death.
And there are people who are helping him and encouraging him, not realizing that in the end they too will boil in the pot with all the other frogs. But they are too caught up in his power trip to see that they are being used. Used until they too are no longer needed.
From Berkshire Blog – 4/7/2008: “KRIPALU: Not-For-Whose-Profit? — Milking A Sacred Cash Cow”
Not gonna do a thing to the idiots that run it. They will take a “pay cut” but just shift their compensation to perks.
Just like how chartock doesn’t list any of his WAMC cars, dinners, travel expenses, tickets, meals and lodging.
He makes easily an extra $100k a year on just those extra benefits alone.
He has a company credit card.
What ever happened to the head Yogi who was banging all the girls/women there?
Yes, Herr Dotkor has been on easy street for a long time. All things have an ending, however, as Stevie Wonder sang. That’s coming for him.
I think the people that work there will be better compensated on welfare or unemployment. I am sorry for them though as they were living pretty threadbare before.
Froggy – to Trapper’s point above – please tell us what happened to Kripalu’s yogi? Can you say “cult?”
He left Kripalu, took a brief hiatus while living with friends, then resumed teaching yoga. This is from WIKIPEDIA:
When Mickey Singer, a long-time supporter and host of Desai’s seminars, heard that Desai had left the Kripalu community, he invited him and his wife to spend some quiet time living with the Temple of the Universe community in Alachua, Florida. The Desais arrived in December 1994 and stayed on the property for the better part of three years.[12]
Desai resumed teaching in 1996 at the original Kripalu Ashram in Sumneytown, PA. After a couple of years, mostly in PA, the Desai family relocated to Salt Springs, Florida in 2002, where Yogi Desai currently teaches at the Amrit Yoga Institute, a beautiful lakeside retreat on the banks of Lake Kerr in the Ocala National Forest. Amrit Yoga Institute is an ashram where the guru-disciple relationship continues to flourish and residents enjoy the benefits of a traditional yogic lifestyle. Programs of varying length are offered for yoga teacher training, ayurveda, and recovery.[2]
Kripalu, while no longer an ashram, continues to operate and is presently one of the largest yoga and health centers in North America, offering a wide range of programs and professional trainings in health, spirituality, yoga, and more.[2]
You citing Wiki Dan? I thought you above that.
Desai found a new places to bang his female followers while maintaining a pretense of being “spiritual” and legitimate .
Do you remember “The Bible Speaks” in Lenox too? Pastor Stevens?
Yup. I remember they filed a family member-application and Karma on all things Berkshire,and all jobs. Now everyones out of work, the Ruberto-Tyer jobs on a Rolodex does not include pandemic. So, let’s call out all these leaders getting good taxpayer cash,Hines and Bouvier included….like they say gobsigs be careful what you wish for.,ahhhhhha
Tricia Farley-Country-Buffet is working on tough legislation to help the Berkshires. Don’t you remember? She’s trying to get illegal aliens driver’s licenses. Because, after they can get a DL, they will adhere to all laws.
You know all that BS is a front for mail-in ballots. So the Democrats can count on a vote from Jorge Torres-Saldavar-Martinez, from Ecuador, to vote for Joe Biden.
Speaking of Biden, could you imagine the media firestorm if President Trump m
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