Naruto Femdom Foot Fetish

Naruto Femdom Foot Fetish


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A thick rainstorm blanketed the land of Sound, dark clouds filled the sky and blocked out the sun, covering the land in a dim light that was occasionally illuminated by erratic and random lightning bolts. 

"Ugh, damn this rain!" Tayuya groaned, sinking further into the sofa she was on. "All this sitting around is killing me."

"I know, this is boring.." Kin said, looking out the window as lightning flashed in the distance, she turned and walked off towards her kitchen. "I'll go make some tea or something then."

"'Kay." Tayuya said, dismissively waving her hand towards her fellow ninja before leaning her head against the back of the sofa. She stared up at the ceiling and mumbled to herself. "I need something to do before I kill myself."

The two girls had planned on training together today but unfortunately for them the weather obviously had other plans. An hour earlier the storm had begun just as Tayuya arrived at Kins home and they'd been stuck inside ever since. From her sprawled out position Tayuya could see the doorway across the room that led to the kitchen, occasionally Kin would pass by it as she prepared some tea. Tayuyas eyes drifted towards another door, specifically the door to Kins bedroom. A devious grin crept across Tayuyas lips. 

"Time to snoop!" She said quietly to herself before popping up and stealthily making her way over to the bedroom door, opening it, slipping inside and closing it without making a single sound. 

Tayuya stood with her back against the door, looking over the room as this was her first time being there despite coming to Kins home many times. It was a relatively normal room for a teenage ninja girl, a bed and desk, a banner on the wall bearing the symbol of the village, as well as various weapons and other items one would expect to find in a young shinobi bedroom were littered about the small space. Tayuya began walking around the room in search of anything interesting and/or any embarrassing items that just so happened to be laying around. She looked through various drawers and even rummaged through the closet, finding only more random items. With a annoyed groan Tayuya slammed shut the closet door and was ready to leave when she saw a small black book leaning against the wall behind Kins desk. 

"Well well, what is this?" Tayuya asked herself, before crossing the room and retrieving the book, standing back up a devilish grin spread across her lips as she read the single word written across the cover. 


Immediately Tayuya opened the diary to the first page and quietly read the single sentence on the page. "Unless you're Kin you'd better not read any further, I'll murder you!"

"Heh, must be some juicy little secrets in here. I can't wait to blackmail her!" Tayuya chuckled, flipping to a random page and began reading to herself.

"'April 15th    1:05

Yet another sleepless night spent fantasizing about that red bitch's feet. Ever since I nicked her sandals and switched 'em with mine, it got even worse. The smell is priceless- I found myself breathing into it the whole night one time. That just makes me crave for more.
But, her feet... Just seeing those suckable toes makes me wanna rip her shoes off and jam those suckers into my mouth, feeling them helplessly squirm on my tongue.....

....Shit, I'm drooling again.'"

Tayuya quickly covered her mouth with a hand to keep herself from laughing too loudly, though it didn't do to terribly much. A muffled giggling filled the room as she allowed herself to fall backwards, plopping on Kins bed before raising the diary above her head to read on, all too ready to see more of Kins intimate thoughts and secrets. With nefarious intentions in mind, Tayuya flipped through the book to another random page and began reading aloud. 

"'June 4th 20:45

Today, I had the best idea, ever! I got a day off, so I spent sone time practicing shadow clone and transformation jutsus, when it hit me- why not combine them? Being the pro I am, it took me a mere second to make a copy of myself and transform her into my favorite red haired flute-chick. With the door locked, I threw the bitch on my bed. The kunai did a quick job on her sandals, as I went to town on those puppies. Sadly, I couldn't immitate the smell, but everything else is all natural. Feeling the soft skin of her sole on my tongue is just....

Got to cut it short now, Tayuya's calling for me- she wants more attention..'"

"Oh man, she really is a disgusting little perv! Making a clone of me and then licking its feet, she's into some weird stuff." Tayuya said with a amused chuckle as she reread that passage before letting her arms flop onto the mattress. She laid there for a moment or so before a mischievous look came over her. "You know..having someone lick and kiss my feet does sound pretty sweet actually. And the look on that foot freaks face would be priceless when she sees me with her diary."

Diary in hand Tayuya hopped up and looked down at her feet, they were hidden away within her rather worn black sandals with the exception of her shapely toes of course. "Time to get these puppies sucked on!"


Kin set the tea kettle on the hot stove top and let it there to heat, turning on her heel to return to the living room where she'd left Tayuya several minutes ago, sarcastically speaking to herself. "She's been too quiet, either she passed out from boredom or is off murdering someone..Or both."

Kin entered the room and stopped in her tracks. Sitting at the left end of the sofa was Tayuya with one leg crossed over the other, she held a little black book in her hands. "T-tayuya what are you doing!"

"Oh...just about to do a little light reading." Tayuya said casually as she opened the book and flipped to a random page, not bothering to look up. Her face was a mixture of faked boredom and satisfied smugness. Kin noticed that she was barefoot as well, her sandals had been unceremoniously tossed next to the couch. Kin felt her face redden slightly, something Tayuya took note of.

"Give me it!" Kin demanded, trying to be as intimidating and domineering as possible. 

"Or what? You'll throw a few kunai at me?Ohhh, you're so scary!" Tayuya said sarcastically, wiggling her toes a several times as she began reading the random page she'd flipped to. It didn't contain any foot related stuff but that didn't seem to matter to Kin.

"Give it!" Kin ordered as she lunged for the diary, she moved fast but fast enough. In a split second Tayuya moved her right leg outward, causing Kins stomach to collide with the red haired girls outstretched foot. 

With the wind effectively having been forced from her lungs Kin doubled over, clutching her stomach as she dropped to her knees gasping for breath, her eyes closed tight in pain. If anyone were to walk in it would have appeared as if Kin was bowing before Tayuya. Her head was inches from the ground, slowly she opened her eyes to find herself staring down at the top Tayuyas right foot. Resisting the urge to begin kissing and licking was quite hard. Just as Kin was about to tear herself away in feigned disgust solely for the purpose of keeping up appearances she felt Tayuyas other foot come down on the back of her head, forcing her face against the top of Tayuyas right foot. Kin felt a wave of perverted joy wash over her as she rubbed up against the red haired girls soft skin. That feeling of joy was followed immediately by a feeling of dread and the realization that Tayuya discovered her secret. Above she heard Tayuya chuckle, making her spirit sink that much further. 

"Wow, I'm surprised you haven't started licking my foot yet you little perv!" Tayuya sneered, removing her foot from the back of Kins head who then immediately got up on her knees. Tayuya flipped through the pages of the diary, looking at Kins quickly reddening face with a mischievous grin. "I'm disappointed, I thought you loooved my feet. You wrote out your weird little fantasies on nearly every page!"

"W-why would I want to kiss your disgusting fe-" Kin began to say but was cut off when Tayuya suddenly moved her feet. Kin soon felt Tayuyas right foot hooking around the back of her head and the left pressed against her face. A moment later Tayuya pulled Kins head towards herself with the right while pushing forward with the left, squishing Kins face into Kins silky smooth sole. 

"They're even better than I imagined!" Kin thought, though she'd never admit it. 

"Disgusting, huh? You think they're disgusting? That's not what it says in this little black book, in fact, let's take a look!" Tayuya said, obviously enjoying herself as she flipped to a random page and began reading aloud. "'Today after a sparring session with Tayuya she sat down at took off her sandals. I stared at those sexy feet of hers for so long I'm surprised she didn't notice!'"

Her face still buried in Tayuyas sole, Kin groaned loudly and attempted to say something but all she managed to do was make a various incoherent muffled noises. With every word Tayuya read Kin could feel her face growing redder and redder in embarrassment

"What's that, perv? You want me to read more of your weird book? Well if you insist..." Tayuya asked, smirking and pressing her captives face harder against her soft sole before flipping to a few dozen pages later. Again Kin tried to protest but just as it did last time her words came out as a jumbled mess of noises in a desperate attempt to get Tayuya from reading. As much as she was enjoying her current position with Tayuyas feet all over her she didn't want the red haired girl just spouting out all the wants, desires and fantasies that were in the diary. 

"What's that? You don't want me to read anymore?"

"Mmpf mmmph!"

"So you admit your a disgusting foot loving pervert?"


"That didn't sound very convincing, but I think I've made my point." 

With that Tayuya removed her feet from Kins head and stood, looking down at Kins embarrassed face. Unsurprisingly Kin shied away from making eye contact and instead cast her gaze upon the ground for a moment before looking elsewhere before Tayuya had a chance to make some joke about her staring at her feet. 

"Oh you look so cute when your embarrassed, I would be too if I was as big a weirdo as you." Tayuya teased, playfully patting Kins head. "I wonder what the others will think of this..."

"No! Please don't tell anyone!" Kin blurted out, she felt so humiliated to be on her knees begging Tayuya but she was desperate. Deciding she wouldn't be so easily pushed around, Kin stood up in front of the red haired girl and tried to sound as intimidating as possible. "If you tell anyone I'll shove a kunai down your throat!"

"Oh please we both know you could never do that. I'd beat you in a instant." Tayuya boasted, sitting back down on the sofa and crossing one leg over the other with a smug smile. "So violant... And to think I was going to let you lick my feet."

"Y-you were...?" Kin asked hopefully without thinking, she immediately regretted it as Tayuya began laughing at her. 

"Ha! You really are a pervert, you looked so happy when I said that. Pathetic!" Tayuya teased as Kins face grew redder and redder. "...But I suppose I could be persuaded to let you do it anyways." 

"You're evil!" 

"And you're a pervert!"

Kin stood there and crossed her arms defensively, looking down at Tayuya who was seated comfortably on the couch. Kin tried to think of a comeback or witty rebuttal but came up short. She'd been discovered and couldn't do a thing about it. After several seconds of prolonged, awkward eye contact Tayuya chuckled with a grin. 

"Relax you weirdo, I'm not going to tell anyone. At least probably not." Tayuya said slyly. "Now then weirdo, how'd you like my foot pressed up against your face? Answer honestly and I'll let you be my foot slave, or whatever you foot loving creeps call it."

"Seriously?" Kin asked as a perverted smile formed on her lips, she could hardly believe what she'd heard. 

"Yes, you degenerate I'm serious. I wanna get my toes sucked!" Tayuya said, placing her soles flat against the ground. "Now tell me how great my feet are and then we can have some fun."

"F-fine." Kin said followed by a groan, she had no doubt this wouldn't be embarrassing but it was far too good of a opportunity to simply let slip by. Kin stood there for a moment, letting out a sigh as her face slowly grew redder. "... Your feet are amazing...I think about them all the time, please let me lick them."

"Think about them all the time, huh? Well I can't say I'm surprised, I mean look how damn sexy they are!" Tayuya snickered, raising her right foot up so Kin was given a delightful view of the red heads sole. "Well I'm convinced you're a generic pervert. Time for some fun, you can start by kissing my foot!"

"You'd better not tell anyone about this.." Kin said before dropping to her knees with Tayuyas foot dangling in front of her face. A delighted smile spread across her lips as she wrapped her hands the red heads ankle and she starred into her creamy sole. "...Not gonna lie, I'm really excited for this!"

"Yea you'd better be, now less talking and more kissing weirdo." Tayuya ordered, pressing her foot against her new slaves face. 

Without a moments hesitation Kin let loose, pressing her lips against Tayuyas sole a dozen times in the span of three seconds. She'd have a massive smile if her face wasn't buried in the red heads foot. After planting a few dozen more quick pecks all across Tayuyas sole Kin slowed down and instead pressed her lips up against the bottom of Tayuyas heel for several long seconds. 

"Oh yea... I'm liking this, we'll definitely be doing this a lot." Tayuya sighed contently as she slumped down comfortably into the sofa watching as Kin planted another passionate kiss on her heel.

With a little smirk Tayuya rested her head against the back of the sofa and closed her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy the moment. The feeling of Kins lips pressing up against her foot was nice one, one that Tayuya hadn't experienced. In fact, no one had ever so much as touched her feet before, let alone passionately make out with them like this perverted ninja girl was currently doing. From her place at the red heads feet Kin saw the smirk on Tayuyas lips and couldn't help but feel a wave of happiness flow over herself. Tayuya was certainly enjoying making use of Kin secret foot fetish, Kin hopped that this was the first of many times she'd find herself at Tayuyas feet. Practicing on clones of herself was getting old. Kin took hold of both of Tayuyas and brought them to her face, admiring their soft beauty. 

"..You have really nice feet." Kin said a bit shyly, openly complimenting Tayuyas feet after years of fantasizing felt odd but she couldn't help herself. 

"You really are a hopeless pervert." Tayuya taunted, looking down at Kin for a moment before closing her eyes again. "Now shut up and do stuff."

Shutting up as instructed, Kins cheeks reddened slightly. Surprisingly, even to herself, she found that she rather enjoyed being bossed around by the domineering red head. With a perverted glint in her eye Kin brought her face to her comrades soles. Tayuyas feet jerked slightly and her eyes shot open as she felt a warm wet sensation being slowly dragged up her left sole. She looked down at her feet as Kin, feeling her tongue slowly make its way up her foot. She sat there starring at the girl at her feet, Kin was to busy lavishing the red heads right foot with slow up and down movements with her tongue to notice the gaze upon her. Kins tongue felt warm and wet on her skin, she could feel the perverts breath occasionally brush against her sole. All in all it made for a rather strange sensation, a sensation Tayuya found herself enjoying more and more each time she felt her slaves tongue move across her skin. 

"God I love foot fetishes!" Tayuya announced loudly, a huge smile was present on her lips as she once more leaned her head back against the sofa, this time keeping her eyes on the girl at her feet.

Somewhat overjoyed by Tayuyas reaction to having her feet licked Kin continued to worship the red heads soles with renewed vigor. Still holding her ankles, Kin brought Tayuyas feet side by side and stuck out her tongue. Starting on her left foot Kin slowly drug her tongue to the right, her tongue traveled across Tayuyas left sole before reaching her right foot. Kin licked all the way across Tayuyas right sole before proceeding to drag her tongue backwards towards the left. 

"Yea, keep doing that, I like it." Tayuya ordered with a smirk. "And tell me how they taste, they're delicious I bet."

"They're amazing!" Kin said in between licks, sliding her tongue back and forth between Tayuyas soles as instructed. "And smelly."

"Smelly?" Tayuya asked with a slightly evil glare, leaning forward in a vaguely threatening manner. 

"I-in a good way, in a good way!" Kin said, laughing awkwardly. She buried her nose between the toes of the red heads left foot before taking in several deep and rather loud whiffs of Tayuyas foot stink. Salty and slightly cheesy was how they smelled, with a hint of leather due to them being trapped in sandals all day but Kin adored the smell immensely, so much so that she ceased her licking and instead just began taking in deep breaths of the red heads foot smell. 

"Yea, you'd better like my smelly feet, you weirdo." Tayuya said with a dark grin as she crossed her arms, watching Kin bury her nose between her toes to deeply breath in their smell was surprisingly entertaining. 

A abrupt and very loud whistling noise came from the kitchen...

"Sounds like the tea is done, go get me some." Tayuya ordered, playfully slapping Kins cheek roughly with her foot. 

"Of course, whatever you want Tayuya." Kin said with a sheepish smirk on her face, she stood up and disappeared into the kitchen. 


Kin stood by the counter next to her stove, preparing the tea. She poured the steaming hot liquid into the fanciest cup she owned, she was intent on being as good as a slave to Tayuya as possible. The sights, tastes and
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