Naruto Eroninja Sex

Naruto Eroninja Sex


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During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinob...
Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-01-10 - Updated: 2013-01-11 - 6999 words
Story Index
1. Birth of and First Target: Ino
1. Target Hinata
3. Target: Tsunade
4. Target “?”
5. Target Ayame
6. Target Yuugao
7. Target Temari
8. Target Matsuri
9. Target: A surprise
10. Target: Anko
11. Flashback: My First Jinchuriki
12. Target: The Inuzuka’s
13. Yugito Nii & Confessions
14. Target Shizune
15. Target: Koyuki and a Bonus
16. Target: Konan
17. Target: Shiho
18. Target: Karin
19. A Day in the Life
20. Return to Wave: Tenten
21. Return to Wave: Haku
22. Return to Wave: Tsunami
23. Kin: Part I
24. Kin: Part II
25. Why Me: Part I
26. Why Me: Part II
27. Why Me: Part III
28. Recovering Lost Mojo: Part I
29. Recovering Lost Mojo: Part II
30. Target: Yakumo
31. Target: Maki
32. Target: Komachi
33. Target: Mabui
34. Target: Pakura Part I
35. Pakura: Part II
36. Chapter 36: Target Rin
37. Last Days
38. Know Pain: Part I
39. Know Pain: Part II
40. Know Pain: Part III
41. Severing Bonds
42. Reunion
43. Chapter 43: Blast from the Past Arc: Mito: Part I
44. Blast from the Past Arc: Mito: Part II
45. Chapter 45: Blast from the Past: Guren Part I
46. Blast from the Past: Guren Part II
47. Chapter 47: Trouble in Sand and The Pack: Part I
48. Chapter 48: Trouble in Sand and The Pack: Part II
49. Trouble in Sand and The Pack: Part III
50. Chapter 50: Trouble in Sand and The Pack: Part IV
51. Blast from the Past: Part Deux: Toka Senju Part I
52. Blast from the Past: Part Deux: Toka Senju Part II
53. Blast from the Past: Part Deux: Toka Senju Part III
54. Target: Samui
55. Blast in the Past: Sara
56. The Snakes among the Flowers
57. Target Fuka
58. The Rise and Fall
59. Target: Mikoto Uchiha
60. Target Karura
61. Grand Opening: Part I
62. Grand Opening: Part II
63. Grand Opening: Part III
64. Expanding Territories: Sasame Fuma: Part I
65. Expanding Territories: Sasame Fuma: Part II
66. Expanding Territories: Yugakure
67. Expanding Territories: Yugakure Part II
68. Night Terrors
69. Night Terrors: Part 2
70. Chapter 70: Welcome to Club N
71. Welcome to Club N: Part II
72. Welcome to Club N: Part III: See the Real Me
73. Welcome to Club N: Amateur Night
74. Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part I
75. Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part II
76. Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part III
77. Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part IV
78. Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part V
79. Revenge Arc: Sins of the Past, Haunting the Present: Part I
80. Chapter 80: Revenge Arc: Sins of the Past, Haunting the Present: Part II
81. Revenge Arc: Sins of the Past, Haunting the Present: Aftermath
82. Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part I
83. Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part II
84. Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part III
85. Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part IV
86. Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part V
87. Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part I
88. Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part II
89. Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part III
90. Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part IV
91. Chapter 91: Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part V
92. Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part VI
93. Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Aftermath Part I
94. Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Aftermath Part II
95. Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Aftermath Part III
96. Letting Go! Part: I
97. Letting Go! Part 2
98. Chapter 98: Letting Go! Part 3
99. Chapter 99: Letting Go! Part 4
100. Chapter 100: Letting Go! The Dust Settles

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Chapter 1: Birth of and the first target Ino

Naruto had a knack for finding trouble. He was two and a half years into his training trip
with the Perv he called a teacher. The Pervy Sage was off gallivanting with some prostitutes leaving Naruto to his own devices, which was how he got caught up in defending a man being strung up in a tree in the forest near the village they were staying in. The man had been chased to that spot by several ronin samurai most likely in the employ of the local governor.
Naruto was simply minding his own business when he came across the scene. The lead samurai said, “You’ll never touch the Governor’s wife again scum.”

“Look fellas this is all one big misunderstanding,” the man said sounding rather calm considering the situation, “besides leaving a hot piece of tail like that is a crime. Your governor should really think about losing some weight to solve that erectile dysfunction he suffers from.”

The lead samurai growled angrily before saying, “Very well cur, prepare for oblivion.”

The samurai was just about to have his men pull the rope taunt when the man seeing Naruto said, “Ah apprentice just in time to save your master.”

The lead samurai and his men spun to confront Naruto, seeing the blonde the leader said turning back, “Ha this boy is going…?” He trailed off noticing that the man was gone and in his place hung a silly looking doll with a note attached to it. Glancing at the note, which read, “Better luck next time.” The samurai rounded on Naruto shouting, “Where is he boy?”

“How should I know?” Naruto shouted right back, “I’ve never seen him before.”

About then one of the other samurai said, “Don’t lie to us he said you where his apprentice?”

“Well he lied to you,” Naruto said taking a step back as the samurai all pulled their swords.

“Regardless, because of you he escaped, so you will take his punishment.”

“Hey now, hold up…what did he even do?”

“He slept with the governor’s wife. Now die,” the samurai said charging. Luckily for Naruto the men were not the Samurai that lived in the Land of Iron so the blonde made short work of them.

After entering the village he passed a café which was when he heard, “Ah apprentice.”
Turning towards the sound he growled seeing the man that he had inadvertently helped escape from the governor’s justice earlier. He was about to launch himself at the man, but he quickly held up his hands saying, “Whoa, look sorry about earlier but I have a strong aversion to dying.” He could tell Naruto was still on the verge of attacking so said, “Look at least let me make it up to you. Let me apologize to you by buying you dinner.”

“Fair enough,” Naruto said before sitting down and ordering half the menu. After eating his fill Naruto said, “Thanks mister…”

“Kanji,” the man supplied amused.

“Well thanks, I guess you aren’t such a bastard after all,” Naruto said standing.

“Hold up a moment,” Kanji said, “There is one other way I would like to apologize and that is by making you my apprentice.”

“Thanks and all but I already am learning from someone and no offense, but if you needed help escaping from those weaklings I’m probably a lot stronger than you.”

Kanji chuckled saying, “Oh I wouldn’t doubt that. But my strengths don’t really lie in battle, but in the bedroom. Tell me do you know why those men were after me.”

Naruto nodded saying, “You got to fresh with the governor’s wife.”

“Ha, that's a wonderfully naïve way of putting it,” Kanji said his tone riff with amusement, “In truth I fucked her six ways from Sunday and she loved every moment of it. So much so that for the past year she has been slowly bleeding the fat bastard dry of his money and giving it to me.”

“What? How…Why would she do that?”

Looking confused Kanji said, “What are you confused about? Did you not understand the part about me sleeping with her?”

“I got it,” Naruto said quickly, “I just don’t understand why she would do all that because of you sleeping with her?”

“Because I make her feel special,” Kanji said with a shrug, “it’s what I do.”

“So you are a con-man and don’t actually care for her,” Naruto said sitting back as a hard glare appeared in Kanji’s eyes.

“Kid I like you, but I’m a shinobi. We do all sorts of despicable things. However I do care for her, just as I do all the women I’ve charmed. That’s why while you were taking out the governor’s guards I went back and rescued her. She’s waiting for me at the edge of town, where I’ll take her to my manor to introduce her to the others.”

“You mean she knows about you sleeping with other woman,” Naruto said his jaw dropping.
Giving the blonde a lecherous grin Kanji said, “Oh yeah, and she can’t wait to meet them, so here take this.” Handing the blonde a scroll Kanji said, “These are the techniques that I’ve perfected to making any woman you want yours. Granted they work best on civilians since most Kunoichi seductresses may recognize some of the techniques as variations of the ones they use. But in the right hands they can make any woman devoted to you.”

“I don’t think I’ll need something like this,” Naruto said pushing the scroll back.
Kanji frowned, but said, “Keep it. Use it or don’t. But it’s my gift to you. Trust me kid once you make it with a girl you’ll realize that these jutsu are worth far more than a mountain of gold.”

Kanji stood about to leave but Naruto said, “Wait…why me?”

“Well for one you helped me out of a jam. Also I guess you kind of remind me of myself back when I was a genin for the Hidden Hotsprings Village.”

“Isn’t that some sort of resort town or something?” Naruto asked.

“It wasn’t always that way,” Kanji said, “But since lots of famous people went there for relaxing, it sort of became one. But it’s also where a great deal of the techniques in that scroll came from, since it was a shinobi’s job to seduce the women that went there in order to make them betray their husbands and countries. I went freelance shortly after amassing power by seducing the women behind the powerful men of the continent. Not to mention, I left because some crazy religion was starting up around then. Anyhow, I’ve got to get going. I’ll be interested in seeing if you one day use those techniques, kid. Later.”

With a wave, the man disappeared into the crowd of passerby’s leaving Naruto to contemplate whether to take the scroll or not. In the end he did, but told himself it was only to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Arriving at the hotel room he shared with Jiraiya he sighed seeing the, ‘Do not disturb’ sign on the door. Knowing that meant his pervert teacher wasn’t done entertaining his lady friend he settled against the wall next to the door. He looked at the scroll feeling a temptation to open it but fought it down. An hour later the door opened and the women left sending a wink his way. Entering the room he was glad Jiraiya was at least covered this time. Sticking the scroll in his bag he got into his own futon and went to sleep. Already forgetting about it by the time he woke up the next morning. The scroll would lay forgotten in his bag for the next six months.


He was unpacking from saving Gaara when he pulled the scroll from out of his bag. For a moment he looked at it in confusion before remembering what it was for. He was surprised to find the temptation to look at it return with such force, but guessed it had to do with Sakura throwing up the same walls in front of him. Hearing her latest refusal of a date playing again in his head he decided to open it.

Inside the scroll was writing on the techniques that he needed to master. After that, was what appeared to be lessons on how to apply said techniques. Most of them appeared to be gibberish requiring some key to make them legible. For instance to unlock the first lesson he needed to master the art of the Temptations Touch what the technique he needed to master was called in order to proceed. Apparently he would need to get his chakra to feel just right and press them to the seal to unlock the next lesson. Staying up all night he set to work on learning the art of foreplay using the chakra techniques the scroll described.


Ino wondered who her mystery client was. All she knew was that she was to meet him at a training field for some training. Not normally a mission she would except accept it had asked for her by name and promised her a bonus should she perform all the tasks asked of her. Considering that she had been eyeing a brand new dress it was a mission she found too tempting to refuse. However seeing Naruto waiting for her at the most secluded training field found herself wishing she had.

Not that she didn’t like him but she knew that considering the way he trained in his youth whatever she was getting paid wouldn’t be enough. But noticing the changes that he had gone through in the past three years she could think of worse ways to kill an afternoon then sparing with the attractive blonde. Giving a wave that was quickly returned, she hustled over towards him saying, “Are you the client Naruto?”

“Yep,” he replied.

Teasingly she said, “Kind of sad that you need to pay a girl to spar with you. What’s a matter Sakura not doing it for you anymore?”

“Aw come on Ino,” Naruto said. “You haven’t seen me in three years and you have to put me down almost moments later.”

“I’m just teasing Naruto,” she said flashing her white teeth in a dazzling smile.

Naruto gave a grin back especially as thoughts of what he had in store ran through his head. Ino hadn’t been his first choice, Sakura naturally being that. But since he was positive that she would kill him if he asked, he had to find another candidate. Hinata had almost been his next choice but since she could barely form a coherent sentence around him and was prone to passing out settled on Ino. His fellow blonde would be an excellent test subject for his techniques since she was as Sasuke orientated as Sakura and due to how she dressed seemed to be a bit more promiscuous as well. He was positive with a little coaxing he’d get her to go along.

Deciding to get down to business the Kunoichi asked, “So what sort of sparring do you have in mind.”

“Oh, it isn’t sparring but training,” Naruto said correcting her.

Ino frowned having a hard time imagining Naruto training in anything but ninjutsu or taijutsu. And since for the most part training in ninjutsu was often done alone had believed she was there for a sparring match. Shrugging she said, “Okay, then what do you need me for.”

“I want to use you as a test subject for my techniques,” Naruto said a blush adorning his cheeks.

Not liking the sound of being a test subject Ino said, “What sort of techniques?”

“Basically I want to touch you in order to find out what seduction techniques work best,” Naruto said.

Almost as soon as he finished Ino was saying, “Hell no, there’s no way I’d let you put your hands on me.” Rounding on her heel she said, “I guess Sakura was right and being with that pervert teacher of yours did turn you into one as well.”

Far from being offended Naruto said, “A shame really. Guess I’ll have to find someone else who wants this dress.”

Ino stopped to see Naruto holding the dress that she had been working for. Surprised and confused she asked, “How did you afford that? It was imported from Iwa and made…”

“From only the finest silk harvested from the Earth Daimyo’s personnel silk worm farms,” Naruto finished repeating what the sale woman had told him as he purchased it. Adding what she said afterwards, “It’s a shame really because the store owner was rather positive that Konoha would never see another one like it.”

Ino knew that of course, which is why she had wanted it so badly positive that when Sasuke returned seeing her in the one of a kind dress would make him fall madly in love with her.
Biting her lip, but wanting the dress Ino asked, “Is that the bonus the mission was talking about?”

“That’s right,” Naruto said keeping the smile he felt from his face, “I didn’t choose you by accident Ino. I believe you are the only one that can help me master this technique.”


“Because, we never really hung out so if they work or fail I can expect an honest response from you. Also, I know I’m asking for a lot and seeing you eye this dress and well everything just sort of fell into place after that.” Seeing that Ino was on the fence he said, “If it makes you feel any better I’ll keep my hands above your clothes.”

Ino gave it some thought but was torn. On one hand she really wanted the dress but allowing Naruto to grope her in order to get it sort of made her feel cheap. Yet on the other hand she’d have to do a S-ranked mission simply to afford it. “Besides,” she reasoned with herself, “It’s only Naruto. He’ll probably suck at it and give up after five minutes and there are Kunoichi who do this kind of thing for a living. Might as well see how the other half live.”

“Alright Naruto, but you keep your hands above my clothes,” Ino said her tone promising consequences if he didn’t listen.

Naruto allowed the smile he felt to reach his lips as he said, “Fine, Ino and thanks.” Placing the dress back in the box it had resided in he began making his way towards young woman.

Ino turned away and closed her eyes waiting for his initial rough grope of her body. However, she opened them again in surprise as she felt Naruto’s hands on her shoulders. He then began to gently massage them.

He must have sensed her confusion because before she could speak he said, his tone hushed, “Shh, Ino I know that this is a mission to you but that’s no reason not to enjoy it. Relax you’re too tense.” Ino almost couldn’t help but do as Naruto suggested feeling the tension melting from her body. It almost felt like his hands were warming her insides.

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