Nameless-AOSP OnePlus 8 series changelog

Nameless-AOSP OnePlus 8 series changelog

Chris Chen

Source changelog

• Merged November security patch (android-13.0.0_r14)

• Added Nameless Launcher & Launcher Switcher

• Added HeadsUp notification customizations

• Added long press volume key track control

• Added Immersive gesture bar

• Added long swipe back gesture actions

• Added media output controller icon in volume dialog when bluetooth device connected

• Added hotspot toggle in Internet QS tile

• Allow to use Face Unlock in third-party apps

• Switched bluetooth QS tile to dialog type like Internet tile

• Fixed Monet

• Fixed hide IME bottom space not working

• Fixed aux camera not working on third-party camera apps

• Fixed charging bolt not showing in text style

• Fixed music indication not showing in ambient display

• Fixed bootloop with launcher mods

Device Changelog

• Fixed FOD not working on some devices

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