Name Slut

Name Slut


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Last night, I started to make a list.
At the very least it is certainly not politically correct.
I name this list…Names of Stereotypical Bimbos.
These names, when you hear them, can often be associated with women wearing pink lipstick and very small tops, which barely cover enormous…enhancements. Enhancements which compensate for what is in these women’s heads.
Alright, now shut up! Yes, this is definitely not a nice thing to write, but I’m not really a nice person, now am I? And think of all the bimbos you see on TV. Or even people you may know in real life.
The point is, there’s so many names which, like it or not, we automatically link with these people on television, who are often the unsuspecting prey to the serial womaniser. Yes, I’m looking at you Barney Stinson.
Now as a beforehand, yes, you non-existent readers may have these names. And you may be geniuses with IQ’s double my own. Like I said, this list is far from being politically correct. So please, if you don’t like this sort of thing, DO NOT READ IT. It’s only for a bit of a laugh, for horrible people like me. And if you do decide to read this, despite being against stereotypes, it is not my fault if you are offended by this list.
Do we understand, imaginary readers, who are nice and lovely and pure?
…Or at least readers who are offended by stereotypes of pretty bimbos?
Now, here’s an example of how mean I can be.
Behold…The Names of Stereotypical Bimbos List.
Or by it’s alternate title, What Not To Call Your Daughter. And no, I cannot be more creative than that.
Candy. Or Kandy. Or worse, Kandi. Or even worse, the dreaded double i…. Kandii. *shudder*
Crystal. Or Krystal. Seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to put in a K instead of a C in Crystal? It makes it even more tacky.
Amber. Personally, I don’t know what’s wrong with Amber, but my mother apparently skipped the name when naming me, because it sounded like a stripper’s name.
Barbie. I always hated Barbie as a kid. She always seemed too goody goody to be an actual human being. So whenever I hear the name on another person, I end up associating them with the stupid doll. I’m a horrible person…but seriously, why would you name your daughter after the iconic doll? You’re putting them through years of PAIN!!
Bambi. Or Bambii, (ewwwwwwww). The name belongs to an adorable little deer, who is incredibly innocent. Of course, this name is suitable when your baby is an adorable little girl, with big innocent eyes. But it’s pretty tacky on a grown woman.
Skipper. Wasn’t that Barbie’s little sister or something? Whatever. I always felt that Skipper sounded like the daughter that lived in her sisters shadow, and would probably go into the sex, drugs and alcohol scene as she strove to make her own image. Nuff said.
Or anything that ends with the sound “eek”.
Kelly. Or Kelli. Double i doesn’t look like it would work here, so I’ll just stick with Kelli. But for some reason, I cannot take the name Kelly/Kelli seriously. It sounds like the name of a little girl, not really one for a grown woman.
Honey. Yes, How I Met Your Mother may have influenced this a bit, but when you think about it, yeah, it does sort of fit.
Tiffany. Or, its evil twins, Tiffani and Tiffanii.
Cindy, Cindi and Cindii. Again, names which belong to a little girl, and not a grown woman.
Paris. And for the record, this name would’ve never been on the list if it hadn’t been for the infamous Hilton. A name that once suggested culture and sophistication now implies sex tape and spoilt rich girlness.
Lexi. Rhymes with sexy. And that’s the first thing that comes to mind when one hears that name. Doesn’t matter if you’re a physicist or an engineer; Lexi will always be associated with sexy.
Diamond. Or worse, Diamond spelt incorrectly. Aka. Diammond, Dyamond, etc.
Baby. Although, I cannot imagine anyone naming their child Baby. Nickname, maybe. Actual name, no. Unless they happened to be on crack when writing down the name of the birth certificate.
Sandy. Though fortunately, it can be lengthened to Sandra, so they don’t have to face the embarrassment in the workplace.
Charity. Slutty girl who’s only thoughts involve makeup and hair, and her name is Charity. Walking contradiction!
Just about any adjective which is used as a name!
So that concludes my Bimbo Name List.
Yes, I know. I am a horrible person. My mother tells me this daily, so don’t bother reminding me. I warned you, non existent reader.
One thing I’ve noticed about these names is that the majority of them are incredibly cutesy. They’re more often nicknames for a little girl, rather than actual names. Parents might give these names to their little baby girls, and because they are babies and they’re adorable, it’s acceptable.
But the thing is, these babies get older. And they grow into independent women, who will come to despise the name Bambi or Sally or whatever name you gave them when they start working in industries where little girl names are unquestionably laughable. It may even start earlier. Or they’ll choose to stay a little girl. Mentally anyway. I mean, the alternative is to get picked on in the workplace, so why go into one then? Why not just remain a pretty little girl?
So. Two options then; the eternal hate of your daughter, or at the very least, the fact that your daughter will never hit her full potential.
Oh, and lets not forget about the dreaded ‘double i’s’. Or even just names with an i instead of a y at the end. And let’s not forget names that are horribly misspelt. That’s right Krystal/Kristal. And you two aren’t the only culprits. It’s like people seem to think that changing the letters of a word makes it a creative name. Kristal is not a creative name.
…I sound like that notepad on Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared.

Then again, I am being incredibly bigoted at the moment. Everything I have mentioned thus far are stereotypes. It’s not just girls called Candy who become bimbos, and at the same time, people who are called Candy can achieve great things. Though to be fair, these stereotypes have to come from somewhere…
So for those non existent readers who don’t hate my guts at the moment, here’s Question of the Day.
For those kind souls out there, here’s this one: What names do you hate? I think all of you non existent readers have met at least one person who’s name you can’t stand. Or maybe you hate a name because of a certain person. Tell me about it!
For those people who are horrible, like me, here’s your Question of the Day. Actually, it’s more of a challenge. Add more names to my Bimbo list! If I can do it, you can do it. C’mon guys, let’s get creative!!!
Anyway, being horrible is tiring, so I shall go now.
Also, Part Three of Cat Runs Away is coming out tomorrow, so stay tuned, for the adventures of a horrible person.

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Such rude candour on "The Cub- Slut 's" part had made her feared; so that nobody durst provoke her in the slightest degree.
"The Cub- Slut " stood firm before Csar, provocative, with flashing eyes, in an attitude of challenge.
This island was of the drift formation, and as late as half a century ago, a portion of it still remained, being called Slut Bush.
Then suspecting that she was shut up with a gallant, he struck great blows upon the door and began to shout ' Slut !
"The Cub- Slut " answered in the negative, by an energetic movement of her head.
Did Ma'm'selle Slut not wait at table in this house and lead the men a dance here night and day-day and night till I found it out!
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Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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