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Naked Toddler Illicit Pornography Image


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People Called These Photos Of An Artist’s Daughter ‘Pornographic.’ And This Was His Response.
Wyatt Neumann is a photographer and a father. In 2014 he took his two-year-old daughter Stella on a cross-country road trip, photographing their journey along the way. Neumann captured sunsets and cornfields and, of course, Stella, often donning one of most two-year-old girls’ two favorite ensembles: a princess dress and nothing at all.
In the middle of the trip, what the Safari Gallery describes as “a hyper puritanical, neo-conservative group” launched a cyber-attack on Neumann’s images, specifically those of Stella. Calling the images “perverse,” “sick” and “pornographic,” members of the group attempted to remove all traces of them from the web. They successfully prompted Facebook and Instagram to shut down his accounts, and they criticized his artist website as well. While Neumann claims he was open to others expressing their opinions about his work, the “forced censorship” went too far.
“The anonymous public made their opinions about my work,” he explained in an interview with The Huffington Post. “It was the actions they took against me, the reality for me was that these people could actually affect my ability to express myself. They took down my Instagram and Facebook; those are huge digital platforms for a photographer. It had a physical effect on my ability to communicate with people. The fact that they had that ability to control my experience in this life made me want to fight back. I really believe that the work is beautiful and [reveals] the innocence of childhood.”
Neumann was determined, somehow, to turn all the hate directed his way into something beautiful. Rather than ignoring the criticism lodged against him, he created a new series in which he juxtaposed the hateful comments with the corresponding images he maintained were innocent. What he created was a photography show that presents both sides of the moral debate, allowing each visitor to interpret the images individually.
The title of the subsequent exhibition, “I FEEL SORRY FOR YOUR CHILDREN –- The Sexualization of Innocence in America,” was in part inspired by an online comment attached to one of Neumann’s works that read: “The whole thing is sickening and I FEEL SORRY FOR YOUR CHILDREN.” The exhibition examines the attacks launched against his photographs as well as what he sees as a segment of contemporary culture, thriving off shame and censorship, that incited such attacks.
“When I decided to do the show I was so upset and I was like, You know what? I think this is beautiful,” Neumann continued. “I’m going to show these to the world the way that I saw them when I took them. I’m going to put them in beautiful frames on beautiful walls in a beautiful gallery.”
The exhibition proudly displays Neumann’s photos, while raising the questions asked by anonymous online critics in a public sphere. Are these images pornography or art? Exploitation or expression? Is the human body a site of shame or wonder? Fear or freedom? These questions are not only at the core of this exhibition, but of a debate about the sexualization of young girls that far exceeds the parameters of the art world.
Neumann delves into the darker details in his artist statement: “What’s troubling is the abject reviling of the human body, the intense and overt sexualization of the natural human form, especially the naked bodies of carefree young children, who have yet to feel the burden of institutionalized body image awareness and the embarrassment that comes with adolescence. My children are free, they live without shame.”
He continued to The Huffington Post: “My kids have a whole lifetime of having body shame issues. My daughter is going to have years of feeling not pretty. I want my children to have a solid foundation of self-confidence and self-worth.”
The exhibition illuminates a struggle faced by many single fathers, who often feel targeted by a public suspicious of a man alone with a young girl. “The most impactful reaction [to the exhibition thus far] was a father who came, a single dad. It brought him to tears. He said ‘I struggle with this all the time. I can feel this in America. As a man with a little girl, I feel this all the time.’ As fathers we try to do our best; it’s a difficult thing. The new breed of fathers in this country are adopting a lot of the ethos and positioning that has traditionally been a women’s role.”
Take a look at Neumann’s striking series below, juxtaposed with negative comments expressed by incognito internet users. Let us know your thoughts on this bold project in the comments.
WARNING: Some readers may find the below language offensive.
“This man is a sick fuck. Why in the world would you do this to your child? Great job, Wyatt Neumann. That poor little girl…” -Ships Go Overboard aka It Burns, April 26, 2014 6:23pm
“He seems like a dick. I want to puke. The nude photos are gross and disturbing.” -tunawhiskers, April 25, 2014 4:09pm
“He’s an attention seeking fuck. Wake up, Wyatt, you fucking piece of shit.” -SelenaKyle, April 26, 2014 8:59am
“Every good thing you are and every good thing you do is cancelled out by the fact that you exploit your children. You truly have no right to do this to them.” -skeptical girl is skeptical, April 26, 2014 1:55pm
“Way to serve your daughter up on a plate, sicko. I will be sure to email you directly when I find this image being traded on the deep web, Wyatt, you sick fuck.” -your mirror lied to you, April 26, 2014 10:27am
“I doubt she’ll ever be in a real school, have any real friends, or develop any real attachments to anything because that would be counterproductive to the isolation her parents probably want to keep her and her brother in. I’ll bet the only people they’re around are their parents ‘like-minded’ adult friends, a healthy portion of which are probably pedophiles that they’re too blind to see are right there waiting to get their children alone for 5 minutes.” -NamelyThis, April 26, 2014 12:47pm
“I am a licensed clinical social worker and I work with abused children and adults every day. I have listened to children tell me about their parents selling them for sex to buy drugs, about parents who locked them away in closets for hours at a time without food or water because they wouldn’t stop crying, about parents who beat their children to within an inch of their life, just for being a child. Wyatt, you clearly hold yourself to a higher esteem than those people, but I don’t. You are no better than they are.”
“What a disgusting father.” -WTF, April 26, 2014 10:20am
Neumann’s photographs are currently on view at The Safari Gallery at 355 West Broadway until August 21, 2014.
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Josh Constine@joshconstine / 9:07 PM GMT+3•January 10, 2019
Illegal child exploitation imagery is easy to find on Microsoft’s Bing search engine. But even more alarming is that Bing will suggest related keywords and images that provide pedophiles with more child pornography. Following an anonymous tip, TechCrunch commissioned a report from online safety startup AntiToxin to investigate. The results were alarming.
Bing searches can return illegal child abuse imagery
[WARNING: Do not search for the terms discussed in this article on Bing or elsewhere as you could be committing a crime. AntiToxin is closely supervised by legal counsel and works in conjunction with Israeli authorities to perform this research and properly hand its findings to law enforcement. No illegal imagery is contained in this article, and it has been redacted with red boxes here and inside AntiToxin’s report.]
The research found that terms like “porn kids,” “porn CP” (a known abbreviation for “child pornography”) and “nude family kids” all surfaced illegal child exploitation imagery. And even people not seeking this kind of disgusting imagery could be led to it by Bing.
When researchers searched for “Omegle Kids,” referring to a video chat app popular with teens, Bing’s auto-complete suggestions included “Omegle Kids Girls 13” that revealed extensive child pornography when searched. And if a user clicks on those images, Bing showed them more illegal child abuse imagery in its Similar Images feature. Another search for “Omegle for 12 years old” prompted Bing to suggest searching for “Kids On Omegle Showing,” which pulled in more criminal content.
Bing’s Similar Images feature can suggest additional illegal child abuse imagery
The evidence shows a massive failure on Microsoft’s part to adequately police its Bing search engine and to prevent its suggested searches and images from assisting pedophiles. Similar searches on Google did not produce as clearly illegal imagery or as much concerning content as did Bing. Internet companies like Microsoft Bing must invest more in combating this kind of abuse through both scalable technology solutions and human moderators. There’s no excuse for a company like Microsoft, which earned $8.8 billion in profit last quarter, to be underfunding safety measures.
Bing has previously been found to suggest racist search terms, conspiracy theories, and nude imagery in a report by How To Geek’s Chris Hoffman, yet still hasn’t sanitized its results
TechCrunch received an anonymous tip regarding the disturbing problem on Bing after my reports last month regarding WhatsApp child exploitation image trading group chats, the third-party Google Play apps that make these groups easy to find, and how these apps ran Google and Facebook’s ad networks to make themselves and the platforms money. In the wake of those reports, WhatsApp banned more of these groups and their members, Google kicked the WhatsApp group discovery apps off Google Play and both Google and Facebook blocked the apps from running their ads, with the latter agreeing to refund advertisers.
Following up on the anonymous tip, TechCrunch commissioned AntiToxin to investigate the Bing problem, which conducted research from December 30th, 2018 to January 7th, 2019 with proper legal oversight. Searches were conducted on the desktop version of Bing with “Safe Search” turned off. AntiToxin was founded last year to build technologies that protect networks against bullying, predators and other forms of abuse. [Disclosure: The company also employs Roi Carthy, who contributed to TechCrunch from 2007 to 2012.]
AntiToxin CEO Zohar Levkovitz tells me that “Speaking as a parent, we should expect responsible technology companies to double, and even triple-down to ensure they are not adding toxicity to an already perilous online environment for children. And as the CEO of AntiToxin Technologies, I want to make it clear that we will be on the beck and call to help any company that makes this its priority.” The full report, published for the first time, can be found here and embedded below:
TechCrunch provided a full list of troublesome search queries to Microsoft along with questions about how this happened. Microsoft’s chief vice president of Bing & AI Products Jordi Ribas provided this statement: “Clearly these results were unacceptable under our standards and policies and we appreciate TechCrunch making us aware. We acted immediately to remove them, but we also want to prevent any other similar violations in the future. We’re focused on learning from this so we can make any other improvements needed.”
A search query suggested by Bing surfaces illegal child abuse imagery
Microsoft claims it assigned an engineering team that fixed the issues we disclosed and it’s now working on blocking any similar queries as well problematic related search suggestions and similar images. However, AntiToxin found that while some search terms from its report are now properly banned or cleaned up, others still surface illegal content.
The company tells me it’s changing its Bing flagging options to include a broader set of categories users can report, including “child sexual abuse.” When asked how the failure could have occurred, a Microsoft spokesperson told us that “We index everything, as does Google, and we do the best job we can of screening it. We use a combination of PhotoDNA and human moderation but that doesn’t get us to perfect every time. We’re committed to getting better all the time.” 
BELLEVUE, WA – NOVEMBER 30: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella (Photo by Stephen Brashear/Getty Images)
Microsoft’s spokesperson refused to disclose how many human moderators work on Bing or whether it planned to increase its staff to shore up its defenses. But they then tried to object to that line of reasoning, saying, “I sort of get the sense that you’re saying we totally screwed up here and we’ve always been bad, and that’s clearly not the case in the historic context.” The truth is that it did totally screw up here, and the fact that it pioneered illegal imagery detection technology PhotoDNA that’s used by other tech companies doesn’t change that.
The Bing child pornography problem is another example of tech companies refusing to adequately reinvest the profits they earn into ensuring the security of their own customers and society at large. The public should no longer accept these shortcomings as repercussions of tech giants irresponsibly prioritizing growth and efficiency. Technology solutions are proving insufficient safeguards, and more human sentries are necessary. These companies must pay now to protect us from the dangers they’ve unleashed, or the world will be stuck paying with its safety.
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