Naked Teens Family

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siblings seeing each other naked
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Re: siblings seeing each other naked
Brolloks, I hear you loud and clear. Like you and your sister, my twin sis and I showered together almost every day until we graduated from high school and went off to college. We both participated in high school sports, and after our daily sports practice, we would go home together and shower together. Being very respectful of each other, we would usually wash each other backs and legs, not touching the private parts of each other. As we were going through puberty, she sooner than me, we did have curious thoughts about each other. She usually about my erections and foreskin, and me about her getting pubic hair, and her breast enlarging, for example. (Regarding the pubic hair starting to come in, we did have a conversation about that one evening with our parents. I wanted to know if I was going to grow some also, and why I didn't have any yet. I also wanted to know if I was going to have breasts like she was getting.  We were both 13 at the time.)  Growing up like that we felt we were normal kids, and our parents supported us fully, always being available to talk about anything. I never saw my father nude, though he was often shirtless, revealing his hairy chest, but mom was more open than dad. Mom often went topless at home.  When we would go camping, dad would go fishing, and mom sis and I would go swimming in the lake. After swimming, the three of us would go back to our camping tent, the three of us get naked, and dressed again.
I truly believe that our showering together and conversations with each other, and our parents, gave sis and me a closer relationship that has lasted into adult life. Our experiences of seeing each other nude and also showering together, made us more considerate of the opposite sex as we dated other people and ultimately both married. Both of us have very good marriages, and we each have two children, she a twin boy and girl, and my wife and I have two sons. All four kids are in their early teens. And yes, the kids shower together shower together, and all four of them grew up swimming nude in our family swimming pools, as do we four parents. We adults are not nudists, but we are very respectful of others, and we have never seen inappropriate behavior by the four kids.
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
Thanks for sharing your experiences here, what is right for each family in terms of boundaries around nudity and privacy varies widely, but it sounds like you and your sister have a very open and respectful relationship with each other and with your parents. It's good to hear that respect and appropriate behaviour remains at the centre of your relationships with your kids and each other now as adults. 
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
I don’t see any problem, nudity inside the house is fine. Great that you are so open, I’m envious as my children’s mother and I separated when they were quite young, I missed out on those teenage years. Enjoy your you family and your freedom!
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
By the way, don’t worry about the doctors!
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
Nothing unusual at all IMO. I'm married to my second wife of six years. I have a 14yo daughter and she has a 13yo son, both from previous marriages. We raised them to have no body issues growing up and it has continued into their teens.
Both have no issue walking around naked, especially on hot summer days. I've even walked past my daughter's room and my step-son will be sitting on her bed talking to her as she is naked getting ready for bed.  
We also have a pool and we will all skinny dip and sunbathe. Nudity is a purely natural thing as long as nothing sexual is happening.  
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
Teenagers love showing their bodies off to others if they are confident young people. As a teenage boy I enjoyed getting about naked in front of family members.
My parents didn’t seem to mind and often appeared pleased by it . Certainly never discouraged it. I think if your young fit and appealing you know that others enjoy seeing you naked. I think it’s very healthy with family or like minded friends.
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
Thanks for your response, it sounds like your parents were pleased that they raised a child who felt confident and comfortable in their body - and that should certainly be celebrated! With the rise of social media it can often be really tough for young people to feel this way about their appearance so it can be good to acknowledge celebrating all bodies however we're comfortable to do this 
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
Alfie, You said: "My parents didn’t seem to mind and often appeared pleased by it . Certainly never discouraged it. " I think that is true for my wife and I as well. Seeing our two boys nude over the years, and into their teens as well, has allowed us as parents to have pride in the boy's fitness as they have grown. It also allowed us to visually monitor how they were progressing through puberty, as as we noticed certain physical changes, to have good conversations with each son about those changes and his maturity. On occasion, I was also pleasantly surprised when one or both of our sons came to me with questions about wet dreams, erections and masturbation.
Hannah mention too about social media pressures that kids sometimes are faced with, and I would add bullying and rejection that they sometimes face from school chums. Teens who feel "accepted, loved and encouraged" by parents are stronger and better able to cope with the pressures and problems in life. It may not be acceptable in all families, but if nudity and showering together by teens is handled appropriately, then those kids and their families, are stronger for it.
Alfie, As your teen years increased, did you at some teenage stop being nude in front of your parents?
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
You must be a very young parent, who had a very sheltered childhood growing up. I do not mean this as an insult or criticism of your parenting abilities. This is just a blunt observation, based on what you have said, and primarily, what you left unsaid. 
  The rest of the world sees American citizens as PRUDES. SEXUAL PRUDES, with a backwards perception of body image, nudity, sex, and relationships. And for the most part, they are absolutely correct in that assessment of our cultural norms and widely accepted social conventions. I am not alarmed too hear that your kids don't have a problem with nudity in view of each other, because that is normal, healthy human behavior. I'm extremely alarmed that you have a problem with it at all. A healthy family relationship dynamic among siblings would involve them being indifferent or very comfortable with nudity on a daily basis. Sexualizing nudity is not okay, and even though I have nothing against sex, I think it's a wonderful thing, but I do not believe that nudity is sex, because it's not, and the rest of the world population would agree with me on that point. Unfortunately, my 350 million fellow Americans do not. When I was a kid we swim naked in gym class, swimming at the school and YMCA,not because most of us wanted to, but because we were required to, so does that make several generations of boys and men sexual devients, does that make the people who insisted that we embrace male nudity in view of females as sexual predators (THAT VERY DEFINITION, "SEXUAL PREDATOR," IS THE MOST OFFENSIVE OXYMORON IN EXISTENCE) at least for males so that we would not have unhealthy inhibitions and false modesty issues that work contrary to positive Social development and personal growth? Your discomfort, and lack of first person perspective understanding, about the Dynamics of nudity between your kids, not only contradicts World conventional views, but American conventional views up until the early 80's when male siblings were required to be naked in front of thier sisters, unfortunately there was a double standard there, but at least they got that equation half right. Just a mass Insanity among our own population here in America that deny that such conventions of masculine nudity in school and at the YMCA ever happened. Well, it happened, because I was a part of that culture, whether I wanted to be, or not. I do not acknowledge a person's right to lie, and say that it didn't. Why do I believe that this is relevant to your question, and promoting a better understanding for you, of why this issue, that you say is not an issue, but apparently is an issue for you, even though you yourself conceded that it shouldn't be, and I reaffirmed that opinion, that it should not be an issue. The way you tap dance around this question of yours, as if you're doing a jig through a minefield (I have some experience navigating and disarming minefields, thank you USArmy and Reaganomics) makes it exceedingly clear, that you either are uncomfortable with the topic of nudity, or you're unfamiliar with it, from the perspective of someone who's apparently not had much opportunity or incentive, to become comfortable with being naked in front of other people, or perhaps even in front of the mirror. For many people, nudity has become such a conceptual Boogeyman, that they're not even comfortable with their own nudity in private, let alone the idea of being seen naked by other people in the public setting, and there's something very very wrong with that. It's not healthy, normal, or natural. Your kids are the closest to each other, physically and emotionally, that any two human beings can possibly be with each other. The sibling bond is the most powerful, and they're entitled to know everything there is too know about each, if they feel comfortable sharing those things with each other. Not only is it they're entitlement, but it is a parent's responsibility to encourage and reinforce,  that attitude among their kids. I commend you for withholding judgment and using restraint, not blindly taking action on an issue that you're not entirely sure where you stand on. My advice to you, and this is advice you can Bank on, is that this burden is not yours to carry. This may be the one and only thing that a parent has no business messing with, because is the one thing that is exclusively the domain of the siblings relationships. It is the one connection that is even stronger than that of a father and his daughter or a mother and her son. That of a brother and his sister, that trumps all other familial connections, and if your kids feel comfortable in their own skin in each other's presence, and they're not engaging in activities that are unhealthy for them socially, or physically, then I don't see the problem. The kids sound like healthy, well adjusted, very rational young adults, and you should be grateful and proud of them, for being as well adjusted and as logical in their behavior, and not manufacturing an issue out of a non-issue. I know that a parent does not intend to do this, but unfortunately, parents do a lot of damage, for all the right reasons, and it's the same reason that parents do the right things for all the right reasons, which is, that you care about your kids, you love them very much, and you want what's best for them. The intensity of that love can be a force of good, or force of destruction, if your actions are not well informed and thought through carefully. Everything anyone has ever said about nudity being harmful, reject that nonsense, ignore it as the lie it is. It is nonsense, and no one has ever been harmed by seeing another person without clothing on, and thinking that way is not healthy. I'm am not suggesting that you think that way, but I am recommending that you not allow yourself to think that way. Parents have enough things too worry about, in regards too thier children's safety, without creating new hazards because the social conventions of our times flipped on it's head overnight. Don't forbid your kids to do what is their right to do, and I'll try not to blame my gym coaches elders and role models for forcing me to do something I should have had it right not to do. I should not have been forced to be naked in front of people, and your kids should not be prevented from being naked in front of each other. Somewhere between both extremes, is a moderate middle ground, that I think your kids would benefit from, if you will allow them to remain there.
Re: siblings seeing each other naked
It sounds like you have too many things on your plate right now for me too tell you to wheather nudity for your children is a good thing for them right now, or not. I do not believe that nudity, within itself, is a bad thing, but I do believe in "time, and place" for that sort of thing, and it sounds like you are seeing it as an additional obstacle being added too all the other ones piling up in your day too day existence. 
  I recommend, for now, that you take the ethics of nudity, (however those ethic's may end up measuring up, too your moral standards, when you catch your second wind and am able too address that issue,) out of the equation for now, and focus on the utility, or lack thereof, of nudity weighed against appropriate outfits, too see which state of dress, or undress, best confirms too the demands of any given part of the day for you and your kids. Working on the farm when visiting grandparents, I did work in coveralls and gallashes when needed, and worked in my birthday suit, when needed, and was required too know what appropriate by looking up at the sky, taking temperature and humidity or cold into consideration, and basing those determinations on utility, not modesty, too get my work done and avoid a bare bottom spanking. Modesty was for Sunday's and the Freefare and Harvest festival, not daily work. 
  If you focus on practical matters for now, and not stress too much on ethics and social conventions, you may yet get that breathing space too get your second wind, and focus on the esoteric stuff later. Good luck.
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Photo credit: Sleeping Venus by Vladimir Nagournov
Prepare yourselves for some shocking news: the Mister sleeps in the nude. No undies. No socks. Totally bucky. Me? I get too cold for such things. But I do walk naked from the shower up to our bedroom in the morning to help minimize the Towering Tower of Towels that tend to collect up there.
What I am trying to say is, we are a naked family. All of us: the perfect, unmarred children and the two slightly less pristine adults have no qualms about showing what nature gave us in the light of day. It's not like we're doing the Macarena and scrubbing the floors in our birthday suits, but if they ask, we let the kids shower with us.
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My mom was always a naked mom. My best friend's mom (who was like an aunt to me) used to horrify her daughters and their friends by popping out of the bathroom in her full jiggling glory and shouting "naked woman!" While I wouldn't go that far (or would I?), I don't really see anything wrong with nudity in the home until it starts to bother someone.
There will come a time when the kids just say "yuck," but for now, no one even seems to notice.
The other day I had this conversation with Oliver.
Why are dad’s nipples bigger than mine?
Because he’s bigger than you. As your body grows, everything grows.
Why don’t girls have nipples?
They do. They’re on their boobies [yes, somehow this is the word that stuck].
But I don’t mean the kind that point down.
People with boobies have nipples that kind of point down because you know, boobies are kind of heavy and they pull down.
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That’s true. How do you know this?
Because I’ve seen yours and I always see you trying to lift them up.
Ta da! The kind of observations you set yourself up for when you walk around exposing yourself to 4-year-olds.
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