Naked Russian

Naked Russian


Naked Russian
Russian women who protested Putin’s war forced to strip naked in front of police
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One Russian detainee thinks male officers also watched footage of the strip searches and squats on cell camera footage saying "they searched us very slowly, arrogantly and with mockery"
Women detained under suspicion of protesting against Vladimir Putin’s war were forced to strip naked and squat five times in front of police cameras, they claim.
The suspects aged 18 to 27 were rounded up near a rally and were subjected to “ humiliating and degrading” treatment, says their lawyer.
Female police officers ordered them to strip but in some cases, cell doors were open and male officers passed by.
All cells have cameras fitted with video recorders, so they suspect they were spied on too.
Men detained at the same time were not subjected to the strip-and-squat orders.
“I am outraged that each of them was searched in a humiliating way at the detention centre, violating our legislation,” complained lawyer Olimpiada Usanova, who is going to court on behalf of the women to challenge their treatment.
“The females were searched by undressing and squatting five times in the presence of a detention centre officer.
“A second humiliating search was conducted several hours later in the cells and the women were forced to lift up their shirts, take off their panties, and bare their breasts in the camera surveillance area.
“I am concerned that female officers did not close the doors as some women were examined, and male officers were lurking there.”
Usanova thinks male officers also watched footage of the strip searches and squats on cell camera footage, she called it a "severe violation"
The scandal was in March but has only come to light now as the women are taking legal action against their alleged treatment, highlighted in a report by Lydia Kuzmenko in
Student Ekaterina Deviatenko, 18, is one of several “victims” who agreed to show their identities ahead of their attempt in court to challenge their treatment.
She claimed to be listening to a musician near the protest rally when she was pushed into a cell-on-wheels and detained.
“They searched us very slowly, arrogantly and with mockery,” she said.
She said a police officer ordered her to undress, so despite it seeming strange she stripped down to her underwear first but the officer demanded to undress further.
She continued: “I replied that I was on my period,
“The policewoman replied: ‘Well, I'm a woman, I understand everything. Undress and squat.’
“I had to do five squats. I sat down and then got dressed. I was given bed linen and was sent to the cell to the other girls."
She said the conditions in the cell itself were terrible. There was no toilet paper, no bin. The smell was terrible, everyone was constantly sick.
Other women who identified themselves - all fined for protesting against Putin’s war - were Zemfira Suleimanova, 25, Taisiya Kudelkina, 24, Natalya Nevar, 30, and Irina M, 26.
One woman Yevgeniya, 22, told how at Sormovsky police station she was addressed as “bunny" and “kitten" before being ordered to strip naked.
A woman officer “led me to the wall and ordered me to undress completely. And squat four times. We were ordered to stand against a wall in our underwear, and expose our breasts.
“This was with a camera pointing at us and a video recording.
“The door to the cell was not closed, and there were male employees in the corridor."
Another woman, Anastasiya, 24, said a video camera was visible when she was ordered to undress and expose her breasts.
The women were forced to pay fines of up £215 for allegedly attending a banned anti-war rally.
“It seems to me that this was not done by the personal will of the officers but under the supervision of the management,” said the lawyer.
Most of the women were between 18 to 25 years old and after being in the special detention centre, many had panic attacks and tantrums.
The lawyer continued: “If we don't talk and write about it, in the future we may face even harsher methods, including rape.
“We have filed a collective lawsuit against the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Nizhny Novgorod, demanding compensation for moral damage for violation of rights and humiliation.
“We are also appealing against improper detention in police departments.”
They are demanding an average of £1,700 in compensation for each woman.
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The Russian bathhouse, or banya, and its steamy surrounding rituals have always formed a large part of Russia’s everyday culture. The history of small village banyas date back to the 10th century, while large commercial bathhouses have been an important part of urban life for several centuries. Russia’s public bathhouses are the best reflection of the complex social history of the body: the dichotomy of clean and dirty, public and private space, across all social classes, ages, and genders. For younger generations, banyas are a place to explore all of this, and still connect with their heritage. At the end of 2020, director Sasha Kulak and banya expert Anna Artemieva spent time in several public bathhouses, documenting the complex, collective intimacy they provide.
Anna Artemieva started @nudeblog — a dedicated blog sharing the best of banya culture, aesthetics, and expertise — in 2017. She had been inspired by a trip to Finland to explore local sauna traditions and ceremonies, a journey that made her reflect on the importance of the bathhouse in Russia. Over the years, she has educated her readers and contributed to a growing banya renaissance, as more and more young people become interested in bathhouses as a part of contemporary Russian life. Together with photographer Sasha Kulak, she has also explored the way that banya culture shapes how people look at the naked body — and especially the female body). While Russia still harbours a patriarchal culture with strict beauty standards for women and a squeamishness towards nudity, the banya is often a space of emancipation, where the body is not sexualised but connected to corporality and spirit.
Especially for The Calvert Journal, Artemieva shared her thoughts on the liberating, intimate, and transportive world which exists within Russia’s bathhouses.
I started my blog to write about different kinds of public bath culture, debunk myths, and explore the deeper questions within Russia’s traditions and customs, as well as the banya’s multifaceted purpose both for the individual and society.
The banya is an entry point into multiple layers of culture. Four years after it was first launched, the blog is gradually becoming an anthropological study, involving constant field research and writing on the questions of nudity, corporality, habits, human connection, gender, and social hierarchies.
For Russian people, the banya is our day-to-day reality, our folklore, our daily graft, and because of that we’ve not taken the chance to document and study this part of our culture. In neighbouring Estonia, for example, people are much more savvy, which means the bathhouse knowledge there is better documented.

The banya is a relic from our past. In our country, social values have shifted every 100 years or so, and banya culture too has been seen in different ways. Today’s saunas have become commercialised buildings divorced from our childhood memories of our grandmothers’ banya, and they have a different effect on the body. But this conflict has led many young people to delve deeper into the topic. With so much change, it is inevitable that Russian people will be constantly searching for identity, and the banya is something very authentic we can find in our culture.
The first ever Russian banya , or so called “black banya ”, is a banya without a chimney. That means that the smoke and soot generated from the fire heats the room, and the coals used to produce steam are trapped inside. Historically, this was the only option; there wasn’t the technology to build vents, and it was small and good at keeping in the heat. The doors to a Russian banya are usually kept open while the room is initially being warmed, but when water is placed on the rocks inside to create steam, the doors are closed and the banya gets heated even further. That means that the Russian banya is wetter than saunas in most other countries, and has a wetter, more pungent smell.
The lack of oxygen gives the black banyas a certain mystical atmosphere, enhanced by warmth and humidity: a feeling that could probably be compared to being the womb. The darkness and lack of sensory input creates a feeling of transformation. It could be compared to meditation, Russian style.
Visiting a banya involves a great deal of ceremony. You must come prepared. It is a place where people dress for the occasion; a place where guests are invited in. Every object has its function, removing layer after layer of the daily grind until you can finally relax and be reborn.
The banya takes away the taboo of corporality. It exposes us to the body simply as it is, without projecting our own thoughts, ideas, and prejudices upon it. The banya has taught me to appreciate my body, to openly respect it and treat it with care. I have always felt free being naked, but I have learned to appreciate the special beauty of the moment thanks to the banya . Nudity is not about obscenity, but about purity, soul, and spirituality — and you can find all of those things in the banya itself.

Russian Red Army recruits undergo humiliating naked exams in astonishing photos
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A terrifying bust of tyrant Josef Stalin looms in the background of one photo as a naked man stands before a table of Red Army officers
Astonishing black-and-white photos have surfaced showing naked recruits undergoing medical exams before joining Joseph Stalin's Red Army.
In one snap, a naked man stands before a table of officers as they inspect him for any abnormalities - as a terrifying bust of Stalin glares over them all.
The year is 1930 and the man has been drafted into the Red Army to fight for the USSR.
Next to Stalin's unsightly head a poster reads: "The most important basis of our army is that it is the army of liberation of the Working and the Peasants, it is the army of October Revolution, the army of the dictatorship of the proletariat."
The chilling images of young Russian men being medically examined were taken after they had been conscripted to fight for the Red Army.
The pictures show nervous-looking men being eyeballed by officers and nurses to check their physical condition.
In military registration and enlistment offices, doctors and nurses can be seen carrying out medical tests such as weighing, measuring and listening for a heartbeat.
The images were taken between 1920 and 1940 as the Soviet top brass built their Red Army, officially known as the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, pejoratively referred to as the Red Horde.
During World War II, the Red Army was perhaps the most decisive land force for the Allies that consisted of Britain, France and the US.
It was the Red Army that accounted for a whopping 80 per cent of casualties suffered to the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, and it was they who ultimately captured the Nazi German capital, Berlin.
Not to mention their invasion of Manchuria which contributed heavily to the unconditional surrender of Imperial Japan.
The Red Army was officially formed on January 28, 1918, and condition of entry was "the support of the coming Socialist Revolution in Europe".
Those early Soviet forces mainly consisted of peasants.
The families of those who served were guaranteed rations and assistance with farm work.
Because of this, recruitment centres were flooded with men and women trying to join up.
However, when the Soviet Union was formed they were at war with their enemies immediately so on the 23rd February 1918 they began drafting recruits.
It was christened Red Army Day and it is still a national holiday in Russia, now known as Defender of the Fatherland Day.
The Red Army went on to become a feared force in World War II, however not without its problems.
After Stalin rose to power in the 1920s he began purging officers leaving them hamstrung with inexperienced leaders.
In 1937, just two years before the start of the Second World War, Stalin dismissed over 11,000 officers and many other high-ranking army chiefs who he thought were enemies.
In 1946, the word "red" was removed from the name of the army, marking the end of an an era.
Stalin saw the Soviet Union through World War II and its post-war reconstruction and famine, and the beginnings of the Cold War.
After years of failing health, he died in March 1953 due to a cerebral haemorrhage.
His death is shrouded in mystery more than 60 years on.
There are still claims he may have been murdered, and possibly even poisoned with warfarin, a rat poison, in a bid to avert a war with the US.
It is estimated that the World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union was 27 million civilians and armed service members.
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A RUSSIAN influencer has been slammed for posing NAKED on top of an endangered elephant in Bali.
Alesya Kafelnikova, 22, posted a short video to Instagram on February 13 of herself lying naked on top of a Sumatran elephant.
In the video Kafelnikova poses on the critically endangered animal while it wags its tail and shakes its ears.
The 22-year-old, who is a daughter of the former tennis champion and world number one Yevgeny Kafelnikov, shared the video to her 536,000 followers with the caption: "Natural vibes".
In another ironic post, she posted a picture with the elephant telling her followers that "to love nature is human nature."
While some followers posted desperate comments such as "for the first time ever, I want to be an elephant" others focused on the animal's welfare.
One Instagram-user said: "Poor elephant. Aren't you ashamed to lie naked on an elephant? This is a living creature. Money overshadows everything."
Another called the photoshoot a "violation" against the animal.
A spokesperson from the charity Save the Asian Elephants told the SunOnline: "Yet another tragic trivialisation of the majestic Asian elephant when the species is fighting for its very existence against brutal abuse in tourism and human 'entertainment'.
"Save The Asian Elephants stands for a ban by law on the advertising and sale of unethical venues where these special creatures are commercialised with beating, stabbing and every kind of torture to break them for easy commercial exploitation - genuine sanctuaries only."
In 2012 the Sumatran elephant was changed from 'Endangered' to 'Critically Endangered' by the WWF due to deforestation and the degradation of its natural habitat.
Despite Kafelnikova posing on a Sumatran elephant in Bali, where she currently lives, the animal is not native to the Indonesian island but are kept captive to serve the tourism industry.
Recently shocking footage showing sickening scenes of elephant abuse in Sri Lanka was shared online.
In the short clip, a clearly exhausted elephant is thrashed on the head over and over until he keels over and screams in pain.
The horrific scenes are thought to have been filmed at a Buddhist temple in Mirigama, Sri Lanka, the Metro says.
The clip was posted to the Facebook page Rally for Animal Rights and Environment, who say the animal's name is Vishwa.
In one of the Facebook posts showing Vishwa, it was also alleged the wild animal was tied to a tree for two weeks as part of a ritual.
Last month, it was revealed how elephants were beaten with metal hooks and chained up at a festival for tourists in Nepal.
Elephants are also struck on their sensitive ears to make them play football and give rides to visitors at the Chitwan Elephant Festival.
Festival organisers claimed measures had been brought in to stop animal abuse but the shocking video reveals it is still continuing.
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