Naked Run

Naked Run


Naked Run

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IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
The Cal Poly support crew showing their assets during the annual Naked Run.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
Also from this area see Thomas K. Shor's professional B&W shots taken during the winter months in my blog entry: Thick with the eerie awe of the uncanny
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
2ter Regensburger Nacktlauf gegen Pelz
Die in Regensburg ansässigen Vereine Animal Revolution e.V. und TierrechteAktiv e.V. Regensburg haben zum zweiten Mal zu einem Nacktlauf aufgerufen, um gegen das Tragen von Pelz zu protestieren und aufzuklären.
“Pelz ist schick“, “Pelz tragen macht schön“, “Pelz ist doch natürlich“ oder aber auch “Pelz ist in“.
So harmlos klingen oftmals die Werbe-Slogans der Pelzindustrie, um die zu gewinnbringenden Zwecken hergestellten Produkte besser verkaufen zu können. Die Kehrseite der Medaille wird geschickt verschwiegen. Denn sie sagen uns leider nicht, wieviel Leid und Unrecht an hilflosen Tieren verursacht wird. Auch nicht, wieviel Blut für nur einen kleinen Bommel oder Kragen fliessen musste.
Auch erwähnen die großen Pelzbearbeitungsfirmen nicht, dass das Kleidungsmaterial Pelz absolut überflüssig geworden ist, da der Mensch gelernt hat, zur Herstellung von Bekleidung synthetische, oder aber auch pflanzliche Rohstoffe zu verwenden.
Deshalb haben sich ca. 15 Aktivisten auf den Weg durch die Regensburger Altstadt gemacht, um auf das Tierleid hinter den Pelzbommeln aufmerksam zu machen.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
A large number of visitors (450 contenders) participated in the naked run during the Zwarte Cross festival. They took their clothes off to protest against the lack of freedom of speech in Russia. Zwarte Cross and Amnesty International were responsible for the organisation of the naked run for freedom.
3FM is aanwezig op de Zwarte Cross in Lichtenvoorde om verslag te doen van een van de gezelligste, mafste en gaafste festivals van Nederland, Europa, de Wereld en omstreken.
Meer Zwarte Cross op
2ter Regensburger Nacktlauf gegen Pelz
Die in Regensburg ansässigen Vereine Animal Revolution e.V. und TierrechteAktiv e.V. Regensburg haben zum zweiten Mal zu einem Nacktlauf aufgerufen, um gegen das Tragen von Pelz zu protestieren und aufzuklären.
“Pelz ist schick“, “Pelz tragen macht schön“, “Pelz ist doch natürlich“ oder aber auch “Pelz ist in“.
So harmlos klingen oftmals die Werbe-Slogans der Pelzindustrie, um die zu gewinnbringenden Zwecken hergestellten Produkte besser verkaufen zu können. Die Kehrseite der Medaille wird geschickt verschwiegen. Denn sie sagen uns leider nicht, wieviel Leid und Unrecht an hilflosen Tieren verursacht wird. Auch nicht, wieviel Blut für nur einen kleinen Bommel oder Kragen fliessen musste.
Auch erwähnen die großen Pelzbearbeitungsfirmen nicht, dass das Kleidungsmaterial Pelz absolut überflüssig geworden ist, da der Mensch gelernt hat, zur Herstellung von Bekleidung synthetische, oder aber auch pflanzliche Rohstoffe zu verwenden.
Deshalb haben sich ca. 15 Aktivisten auf den Weg durch die Regensburger Altstadt gemacht, um auf das Tierleid hinter den Pelzbommeln aufmerksam zu machen.
A large number of visitors (450 contenders) participated in the naked run during the Zwarte Cross festival. They took their clothes off to protest against the lack of freedom of speech in Russia. Zwarte Cross and Amnesty International were responsible for the organisation of the naked run for freedom.
3FM is aanwezig op de Zwarte Cross in Lichtenvoorde om verslag te doen van een van de gezelligste, mafste en gaafste festivals van Nederland, Europa, de Wereld en omstreken.
Meer Zwarte Cross op
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
2ter Regensburger Nacktlauf gegen Pelz
Die in Regensburg ansässigen Vereine Animal Revolution e.V. und TierrechteAktiv e.V. Regensburg haben zum zweiten Mal zu einem Nacktlauf aufgerufen, um gegen das Tragen von Pelz zu protestieren und aufzuklären.
“Pelz ist schick“, “Pelz tragen macht schön“, “Pelz ist doch natürlich“ oder aber auch “Pelz ist in“.
So harmlos klingen oftmals die Werbe-Slogans der Pelzindustrie, um die zu gewinnbringenden Zwecken hergestellten Produkte besser verkaufen zu können. Die Kehrseite der Medaille wird geschickt verschwiegen. Denn sie sagen uns leider nicht, wieviel Leid und Unrecht an hilflosen Tieren verursacht wird. Auch nicht, wieviel Blut für nur einen kleinen Bommel oder Kragen fliessen musste.
Auch erwähnen die großen Pelzbearbeitungsfirmen nicht, dass das Kleidungsmaterial Pelz absolut überflüssig geworden ist, da der Mensch gelernt hat, zur Herstellung von Bekleidung synthetische, oder aber auch pflanzliche Rohstoffe zu verwenden.
Deshalb haben sich ca. 15 Aktivisten auf den Weg durch die Regensburger Altstadt gemacht, um auf das Tierleid hinter den Pelzbommeln aufmerksam zu machen.
A large number of visitors (450 contenders) participated in the naked run during the Zwarte Cross festival. They took their clothes off to protest against the lack of freedom of speech in Russia. Zwarte Cross and Amnesty International were responsible for the organisation of the naked run for freedom.
3FM is aanwezig op de Zwarte Cross in Lichtenvoorde om verslag te doen van een van de gezelligste, mafste en gaafste festivals van Nederland, Europa, de Wereld en omstreken.
Meer Zwarte Cross op
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
A large number of visitors (450 contenders) participated in the naked run during the Zwarte Cross festival. They took their clothes off to protest against the lack of freedom of speech in Russia. Zwarte Cross and Amnesty International were responsible for the organisation of the naked run for freedom.
3FM is aanwezig op de Zwarte Cross in Lichtenvoorde om verslag te doen van een van de gezelligste, mafste en gaafste festivals van Nederland, Europa, de Wereld en omstreken.
Meer Zwarte Cross op
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
A large number of visitors (450 contenders) participated in the naked run during the Zwarte Cross festival. They took their clothes off to protest against the lack of freedom of speech in Russia. Zwarte Cross and Amnesty International were responsible for the organisation of the naked run for freedom.
3FM is aanwezig op de Zwarte Cross in Lichtenvoorde om verslag te doen van een van de gezelligste, mafste en gaafste festivals van Nederland, Europa, de Wereld en omstreken.
Meer Zwarte Cross op
2ter Regensburger Nacktlauf gegen Pelz
Die in Regensburg ansässigen Vereine Animal Revolution e.V. und TierrechteAktiv e.V. Regensburg haben zum zweiten Mal zu einem Nacktlauf aufgerufen, um gegen das Tragen von Pelz zu protestieren und aufzuklären.
“Pelz ist schick“, “Pelz tragen macht schön“, “Pelz ist doch natürlich“ oder aber auch “Pelz ist in“.
So harmlos klingen oftmals die Werbe-Slogans der Pelzindustrie, um die zu gewinnbringenden Zwecken hergestellten Produkte besser verkaufen zu können. Die Kehrseite der Medaille wird geschickt verschwiegen. Denn sie sagen uns leider nicht, wieviel Leid und Unrecht an hilflosen Tieren verursacht wird. Auch nicht, wieviel Blut für nur einen kleinen Bommel oder Kragen fliessen musste.
Auch erwähnen die großen Pelzbearbeitungsfirmen nicht, dass das Kleidungsmaterial Pelz absolut überflüssig geworden ist, da der Mensch gelernt hat, zur Herstellung von Bekleidung synthetische, oder aber auch pflanzliche Rohstoffe zu verwenden.
Deshalb haben sich ca. 15 Aktivisten auf den Weg durch die Regensburger Altstadt gemacht, um auf das Tierleid hinter den Pelzbommeln aufmerksam zu machen.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.
IU East held it's second annual Homecoming Naked Run. Students shed and donate their clothing to help local organiztions assist those in need.

By Naomi Teeter Published: Feb 14, 2017
For the first time in my life, I genuinely felt like my body was a good thing.
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"We eventually stopped seeing naked bodies everywhere and started seeing people."
As I stood naked on the podium accepting my first-place medal, it dawned on me: This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
Hundreds of naked people applauded, and a camera snapped a picture as I awkwardly stood there in shock on a hot summer day at a nudist ranch. This was real life. My real life. How did I get here?
This story was seven years in the making. If we flashed back to the fateful day in June 2009, you would see a 300-pound me stepping into a gym for the first time in my life. Introverted and filled with self-hatred and shame, I was terrified. But after more than 400 workout sessions in that gym and cleaning up my diet, I lost 150 pounds in 11 months.
I thought I would be on top of the world when I reached my goal weight . But I was mistaken. My body wasn't the fitness-model body I had foolishly expected. I was left with about 10 pounds of excess skin hanging around my midsection, arms, and rear end — a daily reminder of how much damage I had done to my body.
I wasn't pleased with my physical results, but I didn't allow it to stop me from finding ways to appreciate my life and start the process toward self-acceptance and body positivity. I learned to see running (and fitness in general) as a way of feeling better — not looking better . And then, to celebrate seven years of weight maintenance and learning to love my body, I did something a little crazy: I signed up to run a naked 5k.
There are many ways to practice body positivity, but for me, it had to be in a way that forced me to be the most vulnerable I've ever been in my life. There's only so much you can get from being in naked photo shoots, saying affirmations to yourself naked in the mirror , and journaling positive feelings about your body. Running a naked 5k was my ultimate body-positive act .
Leading up to the big day, I trained naked on my treadmill at home and quickly learned a few very important but unexpected lessons: Like, EVERYTHING moves when you run naked. And EVERYTHING makes sounds. Accepting those facts beforehand helped me run with far less anxiety on race day.
So, fighting against all urges to lose more weight and tone up trouble areas, my husband and I made our way to the race held at the Kaniksu family nudist resort in Loon Lake, Washington. As we awkwardly mingled with the other nude runners, we eventually stopped seeing naked bodies everywhere and started seeing people.
We ran at a comfortable pace down the private dirt road with runners of all kinds, from the runners who show off and drop to the ground to do a round of push-ups mid-stride to the runners who are just there for a light jog with their gal pals. Some were completely naked from the start and some stayed clothed the entire time.
Because my husband and I were there just for the experience, we took it easy the entire run. As anticipated, I experienced the loud clapping of my rump smacking against my legs with each stride, my breasts and belly skin bouncing with minds of their own, nowhere for the armpit sweat to go but down, and the chafing between my legs getting worse with each mile.
But I didn't need to apologize for my body anymore. Running side-by-side with other naked women and men, I realized I wasn't any weirder looking (or sounding) than anybody else. Because when you strip down in front of hundreds of other naked people, there's nothing special about you. Your birthday suit helps you blend in.
When we crossed the finish line, the outpour of unconditional love and acceptance from the spectators was overwhelming. Tears streamed beneath my sunglasses. It's amazing how much more connected you feel to people when they aren't hiding behind anything — including clothing. When you put people into incredibly vulnerable situations, you see their humanity. Hundreds of naked strangers were clapping, cheering, and giving high fives to welcome us to the naked finishers club.
For the first time in my life, I genuinely felt like my body was a good thing .
A few of our new nudist friends told me to check the official timing sheets because I might have earned a medal. I humored them by looking. There was my name — first place for my age group. I had no idea that was even possible for me.
And so, as I stood naked on the podium accepting my first-place medal, it dawned on me: This is the stuff dreams are made of! I was finally being my authentic self, confident and free , surrounded by supportive, accepting, beautiful humans. And if that's not body positivity, I don't know what is.
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Running Naked: 12 Things You Didn't Know You Needed To Know

There Was A Streaker At The Ancient Olympics
What if I told you that there is a large global community of people who love to get together and run naked?
And no, before you get any ideas, nude running is a perfectly legitimate, platonic pastime.
I am no stranger to naked exercise. I grew up in Brighton, England, where naked people are everywhere once a year.The Brighton Naked Bike Ride is exactly what it sounds like, and it’s a lot of fun.
In this article, we’re going to dive into 12 crazy nude stories and facts from history.
From the ancient Greeks who loved nudity to some modern tips and tricks to start your nude running journey.
Ready to get to know the nudist community past and present?
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum voluptate velit esse cillum dolore.
While we can be pretty sure that our caveman ancestors occasionally walked around naked, the first naked runner ever officially documented was in 720 BCE during the Fifteenth Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.
The traditional competition uniform was a loincloth.
During the 200-meter sprint, Greek athlete Orsippus’ loincloth slipped off!
Whether the slip was intentional or not is up for debate.
The ancient Greek historian Professor Paul Cartledge of t
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