Naked Play Boy Girls

Naked Play Boy Girls


Naked Play Boy Girls
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Over the years a lot of hot, nude women have graced the pages of Playboy . And as much as warm-blooded folks all like getting a peek at the Playmate—dreamed up by Hugh Hefner to be the girl next door, stripped bare for your convenience—nothing has the gawk factor of celebrity skin. Movie icons, TV stars, athletes, supermodels—fans know them with their clothes on, and a lot of those fans want to see them with their clothes off.
Playboy launched in December 1953 with a celebrity on the cover and in the pages—Marilyn Monroe (who didn't actually pose for the mag)—but the magazine really didn't trade in famous nudity for its first couple of decades. The girls in Playboy usually had names like Phyllis and Melba, and though they were supreme beauties, they weren't famous outside of the brand.
Around the turn of the '80s, that changed. Playboy got hip to the value of naked famous ladies. Pictorials by Bo Derek , Barbara Carrera , and Kim Basinger were some of the earliest examples of celebrities who decided to "do Playboy ," a phrase that is now a ubiquitous suggestion for every starlet with a movie or two under her belt. By the late '90s, Playboy was full-on addicted to celebrities. And in the absence of celebrities, the mag would run celebrity relatives, former celebrities, girls who looked like celebrities, girls who'd slept with celebrities and, of course, Playboy models who had themselves achieved some level of celebrity.
Say what you will about showing the goods, it's still considered an honor to be asked to be in Playboy , and the famous women who've done it have made their fans happy and converted new ones. When the Bunny calls, it takes a certain kind of woman to heed that call—here are the 50 hottest celebrities who did.
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No one likes chores, but this one is especially dirty.
Former Playboy Bunny and “Girls Next Door” star Holly Madison, 42, revealed that most of the gals in the mansion felt that having sex with Hugh Hefner was a “chore” they tried to check off “as quickly as possible.”
Madison teamed with fellow ex-Playmate Bridget Marquardt, 48, to start a new podcast, “Girls Next Level,” that premiered Monday.
The two blond bombshells lived with Hefner in the Playboy Mansion during the early 2000s and were often in the spotlight as two of his main girlfriends.
In the first episode of the podcast, Madison speaks candidly about sleeping with the alleged notorious predator , who died at 91 in 2017. 
“None of the females were into it — like, sorry to burst the bubble,” Madison, who dated Hefner from 2001 until 2008, claimed.
“We thought of it as a chore that we had to do or else we’ll get kicked out of the house,” she explained. “And everybody just wanted to make it go by as quickly as possible.”
She also claimed that the famous sexed-up old man would often not move during sex.
“He wouldn’t move. He would be like a bump on the log in the middle of the bed,” Madison described. “I can’t explain to you guys how embarrassing that whole routine was. Especially as we got later down the road when there would be, like, a lot of conflict with the other girls.
“You’re literally sitting there naked having sex in front of a group of people who hate you and talk s – – t about you while you’re having sex, and you can hear it. It was just, like, hell.”
Marquardt, who dated Hefner from 2002 until 2009, also shared some behind-the-scenes details of what reportedly went on inside the mogul’s private bedroom .
“I was shocked at how messy it was,” she revealed. “We walked in and it was just a disaster in there. The lights were out, but there were two giant TV screens in there that were playing porn … There’s just so much junk.
“Then you get in [his room], and there’s vibrators all over the bed,” Marquardt went on. “It was just hoarder-style.”
“Imagine thinking you’re this big player and you’re bringing all these girls home , and your room looks like s – – t,” Madison chimed in. “It’s like the weird eccentric millionaire version of the guy with the mattress on the floor and a ‘Pulp Fiction’ poster.”
The reality TV star also recounted her upsettling experience of being pressured into an orgy with Hefner and other Playmates.
“I thought I would have a chance to see what was going on, see if I was comfortable with it,” she said. “I just remember feeling so gross and so used . I felt like this girl was being so nice to me and so welcoming, but really I was just another piece of meat for her to throw under him so she looks better.”
Allegations of the traumatizing horrors that went on behind the gates and closed bedroom doors of the Playboy Mansion during the height of its popularity have been exposed since the January debut of the 10-part A&E documentary “ The Secret Life of Playboy .”

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