Naked Facts

Naked Facts


Naked Facts
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21/08/2019 02:50pm BST | Updated March 2, 2022
3. There’s more nakedness than ever before
4. Each contestant is involved in a threesome
5. Just when you thought you’d seen it all...
7. For some, the show is a real family affair
8. The actual show isn’t the first time you get naked in front of producers
9. There isn’t much time to get to know your match
10. People do actually find true love on the show
11. One guy nearly fainted at the sight of six vaginas
12. The show has some very famous fans
14. But you do get fifty quid if you get chosen and go on a date
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Since its debut in 2016, Naked Attraction has been raising eyebrows with its daring approach to dating.
For the uninitiated (where have you been?), the Anna Richardson -fronted series sees five people searching for love stand in glass boxes... with their bits out.
They are slowly revealed from the feet up – first their genitals, then torsos, then heads – before getting eliminated one by one by a single “picker”. The show’s mantra is: “We like to start where a good date ends… naked.”
Basically, it’s Blind Date... with knobs on.
After the first season debuted, it resulted in a barrage of complaints but, undeterred, Channel 4 has since commissioned a further five series, and the show’s popularity continues to go from strength-to-strength.
As the sixth series debuts on Channel 4, here’s all the NSFW stuff you didn’t know about the show...
If you thought the participants only get naked for a few minutes on screen, think again. Each episode can take up to 12 hours to film, which means six poor people are standing around in their birthday suits for half a day. Brrrrrr.
However, the picker only has to stand there with it all hanging out for about 15 minutes.
In the debut series, Channel 4 showed 96 vagina shots and 282 penis shots in its opening 47-minute episode. In the second series opener, the tables were turned with 363 vaginas outnumbering 166 penises. Not that we’re counting (honest).
Every contestant has two chaperones to ensure they don’t bump into anyone else taking part – and that includes when they need the loo.
The first series featured a contestant with an elephant tattoo. No prizes for guessing where the trunk was.
Think the show would struggle to find willing participants? Think again. Thousands apply for each new series. Show offs.
One contestant has his mum to thank for making it onto the show. Dom Newbold’s mum saw an ad for the second series, and thinking that her son would be a good fit, she cut out the article and left it by the telephone – and after a few days the 21-year-old student applied.
Dom explained to the Southern Daily Echo : “She said that she thought I would be quite good because I am articulate and hopefully wouldn’t embarrass myself. We are really close. We have always been open about relationships.”
The interview process requires each contestant to head up to Manchester to meet a couple of producers, and after answering a few basic questions they are then required to get naked.
Once a naked couple have been coupled up, they go on a date within hours of meeting.
One woman who appeared on the show got together with her current boyfriend on the same day she had been matched with another naked hopeful.
In an interview with HuffPost UK , Millie Norris explains: “Ben was a lovely guy, we got on well enough. But then I met Derry.
“Back at the hotel where they had put me up, I went for dinner and saw there was just me and two single men sat on their own. We all got chatting and I’d told them I’d just been on [the show] – they were both going to be pickers the following day. We went for a drink, I swapped numbers with one of them, and suddenly Derry and I were texting all day every day from then on.
“When it came to Derry’s turn on the show he picked a girl he got on well with, but fortunately for us it didn’t go anywhere – awkwardly he’d already met me, and then we were basically already a couple when he went on his date the following night.”
And they’ve been together ever since. Awwww.
The 2020 series had its first ever walk-off after one contestant got a little overwhelmed by the sight of six naked women.
Brian, a 23-year-old virgin from Kent, needed a few minutes to gather himself after the screens were first raised.
Host Anna explained: “A young chap called Brian who is a virgin, a lovely guy, wine connoisseur and proficient musician, felt really faint when he was faced with six naked girls. [He] needed to be escorted off set and consoled by producers.”
She added: “He was a good lad, he came back on and faced the rest of the show.” Phew.
Naked Attraction can count an actual Oscar winner amongst its fans. Olivia Colman revealed that she and the rest of The Crown cast would spend their down time while filming watching the show.
Olivia even admitted that included her co-star Marion Bailey, who plays the Queen Mother in the Netflix series.
Olivia explained: “We were given our own log cabins, but I don’t like being on my own, so I forced Marion to let me live with her. And she’s just too polite to say no.
“And once I said to her, ‘you’ve got to watch this, it’s brilliant, you see everybody’s willies and fannies and it’s really funny’... and she looked slightly horrified. And I said, ‘well what do you do of an evening normally, Marion?’, and she said, ‘well sometimes we listen to classical music and talk about plays’. Shit, I really brought it down a notch.”
Yep, the participants don’t even get any cash for letting the whole world see what’s in their pants. However, you do get paid £75 if you don’t make it on.
One former contestant told inews : “If you’re on standby and you don’t appear on the show then you get paid £75 for being in the room.”
Each person who makes it through to the date is given £50 and the best bit? If the date is rubbish and you don’t spend it all, then you can keep the rest!
Naked Attraction airs on Tuesday nights at 10pm on Channel 4.

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10 Facts from “Naked and Afraid” That Might Surprise You
However you feel about the show Naked and Afraid there are some very obvious things that do have to happen on the show and some rules that the contestants have to follow. The program is pretty simple, two individuals are dumped in the wild and forced to endure for the duration of the show by fending for themselves in the outdoors. The contestants are given at least some survival training and the screening process is usually good enough that they’re not dumping couch potatoes that couldn’t hunt for a bag of chips without a GPS into the wild, but it can still get pretty brutal. But for all that the show is still a show and there are some facts that make it obvious that it’s dangerous, but not typically life-threatening. Despite the few accidents that have happened and the very real dangers that do exist, the show is yet another way to gain viewers and increase ratings.
There, that’s one fact, here are some others.
This makes a lot of sense considering that it would be illegal to show a naked, underage teen and even if it were legal the amount of venom spewed at the show would increase a hundredfold no doubt. Plus since it’s a US-based show it also makes a lot of sense that they want legal American citizens to be broadcast.
There is some danger to the show but at the very least the contestants have a way of communicating with the producers if they’re in dire need. But then again they do have a camera crew that follows them all over the place so it’s not like they’re alone.
This would be a big no-no on a lot of shows that deal with possible trauma of any kind. If a person is prone to having strokes, seizures, or has a heart condition there’s no way that the show could ethically cast them, unless they wanted to get lambasted by critics and fans alike.
There’s always the discussion of whether they get paid or not, but apparently the contestants do get compensated about $5,000 each, not as much as they might get paid if they stayed at home and worked but still more than absolute zero. It’s kind of a trade-off since winning the show is really the prize no matter what is said about it.
Just so it’s clear, women do in fact have feminine products provided to them since the show is not about to go total savage. The last thing anyone wants to see is a woman suffering through her monthlies as this would not only seem too raw for TV but would likely draw the ire of feminist groups all over the nation.
There have been cases of food poisoning, broken bones, and even a case of Dengue fever at one point on the show, but the contestants, while being given the option to opt out and go home, have for the most part stuck it out. If there was a serious accident or condition in which the show had to take them out however it’s fair to assume that there would be little to no choice. There’s no call for someone dying on network TV.
Those requests have to be in reason, but one of the oddest came from male contestants that asked if the blurred pixels covering their manhood could be made any bigger to compensate for, well, you know. Either someone thought highly of themselves or they actually did need it.
Well technically there’s not supposed to be. The show takes place not that far from civilization and some contestants have even stated that they could hear the sounds of said civilization off in the distance. So it’s not as isolated as it looks, but the idea is to make it seem as though they’re out in the wild and having to rough it.
The last thing you really want to think about doing when you’re dirty, hungry, possibly covered with bug bites and otherwise miserable is take a pleasurable romp in the grass or the mud. There’s been talk and many questions about contestants hooking up, but most of them have said that this is just not where the mind goes when you’re sleeping out in the wild.
They’re not supposed to but the temptation is obviously way too great. There have been lawsuits filed against a few of them that decided to step up and say what they had to say about the show.
If they wanted to complain however they probably didn’t think the idea of going on the show all the way through.
Star Wars, Goonies, Game of Thrones, from fantasy to science fiction to the dramatic and silly, Tom is all about the greatest and most insane stories that can be found. Pacific Northwest for life y'all.
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A writer, editor, and YouTuber who likes to share about technology and lifestyle tips. Read full profile
Sleeping is one of the most important things we do every night.
Getting the right amount of sleep has an untold number of health benefits and not getting enough sleep is a serious problem in many countries around the world.
So you should have heard of the many benefits of getting adequate sleep , but did you know that you can get additional benefits by sleeping naked?
Here are some benefits of sleeping in the nude:
When you don’t have to worry about sleeping in clothes, things start to get easier. You don’t have to buy pajamas, which can save you money. You have less clothes to wash and less clothes to put away. You may have to clean your bed sheets more often, but not nearly as often as you’d have to wash your pajamas when you run out.
Some people get off of work, change into their pajamas, and use this as an excuse to stay home the rest of the evening. This can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle, which has been attributed to things like weight gain. [1] When you keep your regular clothes on, you tend to go out more often and that’s a good thing.
Just imagine the feeling of laying in bed naked. You’re free of your pants and underwear. Women, you’re not wearing a constrictive bra. It’s just you sandwiched between two cool sheets. The feeling just makes you want to smile and it makes you feel more free. Everyone can use that kind of good feeling every now and then, and it may even help you be happier as a person.
If you’re married, or living with your significant other, sleeping naked gives a greater chance of skin-on-skin contact, especially when it comes to cuddling. This kind of contact can also lead to a more active love life. All of this releases copious amounts of oxytocin, which is the neurotransmitter that helps you feel those good feelings about your significant other. [2]
Let’s revisit the scenario I described above. There are no drawstrings or clothes getting tangled in sheets. You don’t have to worry about shirts getting twisted. All of these distractions go away when you sleep naked and it may help you get better, deeper sleep. You don’t need science to tell you that better, deeper sleep only helps you be healthier.
For once your body gets to breathe. Your private parts, armpits, and feet are generally restricted all day and are often covered by multiple layers, even in the summer time. Give those parts a chance to air out and breathe. This can lower the risk of skin diseases, like athlete’s foot, that result from wet, restricted skin. [3]
Cortisol is a very strange chemical in the body but it can do a lot of damage. When you sleep naked, it helps keep your body temperature at the optimal ranges so your body can better create cortisol. If you sleep overheated your cortisol levels tend to stay high, even after you wake up. This can lead to increased anxiety, cravings for bad food, weight gain, and more terrible things. [4] Sleep naked so you can keep your body temperature down and sleep well so your body can properly produce and regulate cortisol.
Continuing along that same vein, keeping your sleeping environment below 70 degrees (F) every night can help your body regulate its melatonin and growth hormone levels. These chemicals help the body do things like prevent aging and are essential to good health . When you sleep in clothes, your body heats up and prevents effective use of these hormones. In other words, sleeping with clothes on makes you grow old faster.
For men, the cooler sleeping conditions allows your testes to remain at a cooler temperature. This helps keep your sperm healthy and your reproductive systems functioning as normal. For women, the cooler and more airy sleeping conditions can actually help prevent yeast infections. Yeast grows better in warm, moist conditions. [5] When it’s cooler and dryer, the growth of yeast is prevented.
Summertime is a tricky time to get good sleep. If you don’t have air conditioning, then you may find your bedroom a bit stuffy at night.
Shedding those bedtime clothes can help the bedroom feel more comfortable . You may even be able to turn the A/C off on those cooler nights, which can save you a few bucks on your electricity bill.
Don’t wake up drenched in sweat again because your thermostat is downstairs and the hot air expands up to your bedroom where the thermostat can’t read the warm temperatures.
With these tips in mind, it’s time to start taking off your clothes at night!
Of course, there are times where clothes are preferable. If you are ill or it’s cold outside, then you should sleep with clothes on to help you stay warm and prevent further illness. Otherwise, go commando!
If you’re looking for more tips to sleep well and get up feeling energetic, I recommend you to check out this guide:
A writer, editor, and YouTuber who likes to share about technology and lifestyle tips.
A writer, editor, and YouTuber who likes to share about technology and lifestyle tips.
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Psychology Today: What Is Oxytocin?

MLA Style Citation:

Aranda, Natalie "The Myths and Facts about Nudism."
The Myths and Facts about Nudism .
31 Jan. 2007
6 Sep. 2022 <­Myths-­and-­Facts-­about-­Nudism&id=438134 >.

APA Style Citation:

Aranda, N. (2007, January 31). The Myths and Facts about Nudism .
Retrieved September 6, 2022, from­Myths-­and-­Facts-­about-­Nudism&id=438134

Chicago Style Citation:

Aranda, Natalie "The Myths and Facts about Nudism." The Myths and Facts about Nudism .­Myths-­and-­Facts-­about-­Nudism&id=438134

Natalie Aranda  |  

Submitted On January 31, 2007

Scientists have a general idea about when humans first started wearing clothes. They draw their conclusions from genetic studies of the common body louse. The body louse feeds on humans but needs clothing to infest in order to do so. The studies show that humans first began to wear clothes some 72,000 years ago. That is give or take 42,000 years, so it is not exactly pinpointed. The human has existed in it present form, homo sapiens, for around 200,000 years, so the numbers show that most likely for more than half the existence of our species, we all were nudists. A nudist is, of course, a person who does not wear clothes.
In those early days, most humans lived in warm climates and there is some indications that they were much hairy than they are today. It was only when they began migrating to colder cl
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