Naked Day At School

Naked Day At School


School and physical education in the sense of free body culture
Boys and girls
together naked in a class?
In our time and in a multi-cultural society, a school form in the sense of free-body culture is hardly imaginable.
However, if you think about it, a naturist school education would still have a special incentive today. So there would certainly be no jealousy of expensive branded clothing – and the behavior among the students would certainly be much more harmonious, considerate and also more moral.
I can now imagine that many are now thinking of "Sodom and Gomorrah", fornication and sexual harassment, assault and rape.
Of course, this cannot be ruled out at a nudist school, but – as you can often read in the daily press – it happens in our (textile) schools.
But there was . , the institutions in which school-age children were brought up in the spirit of free-body culture.
The private schools existed in Germany, England and the USA.
In Germany it was Lüneburger Land Lichtschulheim (LLL), in England the Priory Gate School and in America the Sunshine Acres Incorporation and the Oakdale Ranch School.
Today there is only one attempt at naturist preschool education in Japan.
Lüneburg Land Lich School Home
Priory Gate School (England)
Oakdale Ranch School (USA)
École Freinet (France)
Swimming lessons, nude (general)
Swimming lessons, nude → YMCA
Swimming lessons, nude → Norway
Swimming lessons, nude → Denmark
Swimming lessons, nude → Sweden
Swimming lessons, nude → CSSR
Swimming lessons, naked → GDR
1910 – Nude sports classes in the United States
1920 – Nude sports lessons in the Odenwald school
1925 – Nude sports classes at schools in Hamburg
1930 – "Stir you!" – A plea for naked physical education
1931 – Naked sports classes at Bedales School, Great Britain
1920s – “Naked” lessons in J.N. Adam Memorial Hospital, USA
"Topless" -Sports
"Topless" sport in Japan
»Topless« sport in Italy
1928 – "Topless" lessons in Switzerland
1926 – Autumn sports festival in the Grunewald Stadium
1927 – Orthopedic schooling
1928 – My East Prussian young people
Nudity in reform pedagogy
A report from:
Freik&# 246rperkultur – October 1970
of Karl Plehn
These statements came from 10 to 15 year old boys and girls on the question of the so-called "youth risk from AKT pictures" and are part of a comprehensive documentation that has been carried out in the last twelve months (note: 1969-1970) by student surveys in ten different classes at Bremen elementary and secondary schools.
A total of 277 children and adolescents were asked to comment, namely 148 girls and 129 boys.
The written and anonymous survey was preceded by a confrontation of the pupils with a number of selected and aesthetically perfect AKT pictures. These were pictures of naked children, adolescents and adults, primarily taken outdoors in games and sports, bathing or swimming. ACT presentations from the visual arts were also represented.
Of course, the most demanding standards were applied when selecting the pictures. Images in which there was even the slightest suspicion that they could be classified as “lewd” or “harmful to young people” according to Section 6 of the Law on the Dissemination of Writings Harmful to Young People were excluded from the outset. (Note: the law has since been revised)
The recordings, which also met the highest standards in terms of their "safety", had been pinned or interpreted in all classes without the children’s knowledge (usually before the start of the first lesson). Boys and girls unsuspectingly entered their classroom and were – completely unexpected and unprepared – faced with a number of pictures that most of them had previously, if at all, only encountered as secret, forbidden and with a guilty conscience.
The reaction of some of them was initially the same. Some were initially said to be “as if blinded” or even “completely shocked”, but later found the pictures “no longer bad”. Others were "a bit scared", others only "slightly astonished", others felt: "such a mess".
It should come as no surprise that in some of our children nudity is still thoughtlessly equated with "mess", as the school has been anxious to the present day to either completely banish the image of the naked person from its visual sphere or at least to banish it to be provided with an appropriate fig leaf.
Gradually and only hesitantly, one begins to see in pedagogical circles how nonsensical it is to equate nudity with “shamelessness” in every case and from the start.
What an "UP and DOWN" in our children’s sex education over time. In the 1930s, the Glüsinger Heide country school home, in which children and adolescents were taught together naked, a few decades later the prudery captivates.
Today you probably need such a "experiment”No longer to be carried out.
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This and That...Naked Day at School
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That title probably just grabbed you by the throat, yes? Calm yourselves and read on...all will become clear. If you're STILL not sure, perhaps this will enlighten you even more...this is a Y2 story. Ah, yes...I see the light of comprehension in your eyes.  

The year is 2007. My brown eyed little monkey boy is finishing up his preschool year. We were living in RollingHills, GA. He was learning SO much and changing so quickly. We were very pleased with the match he'd made with his class. He was SO very different from looks, in temperament, in personality. Starkly different. I knew that Y1 would transition well to school but I wasn't sure about Y2. We had some struggles along the way, but all in all, he did a fine job and liked it very much. is out for the day...homework is finished...Y2 is upstairs playing in his room. Not sure where Y1 was...more than likely he was outside. I'm fooling around on the computer in the living room. Y2 calls down to me (one nice thing about a house with cathedral ceilings...sound carries well), in ALL seriousness,

"Mama, do we have Naked Day at school?"
Dear readers, I nearly fell OUT of my chair. Nudity is just something that is a necessity for is necessary to be naked when bathing, when changing clothes. It is NOT a way of life. Although, little Y2 LOVED to streak through the house after a bath...and we let him...because it was funny...and all the blinds were closed. I've never in all my days understood the logic behind nudity as a lifestyle. Makes NO sense to me and on so many levels, it just grosses me out!!

I turn around and see him peeking his little head over the banister. Their room was connected to the bathroom and other rooms on the second floor by an open hall to all of the house. I called it "The Cat Walk." And the name implies, I used it to practice my model stomp. (SNORT) I can see a look of sincerity on his face, so I know that I have to answer as calmly as I can...despite holding back the laughter that is bubbling up in my soul! 

"No, I don't believe there is such a thing as Naked Day. Why do you ask?"

 "Well, they have all these other days...Crazy Sock Day, Apple Day, Pet Day. I just wondered if they had Naked Day, too."
He wasn't being silly. He was making a logical jump in his thinking. Who is this kid? '

"So, would this Naked Day be just for the students or could the teachers participate, too?"
"Oh, anyone who wanted to and if they didn't, that would be okay."
Very generous of him to spare the adults at his school loads of imaginary humiliation! Something inside me tells me I need to nip this before it goes from being imaginary to reality!

"No, there is no Naked Day on the school's just not a very good idea. And (insert his first and middle name here), don't let that school call me tell me that you tried to start Naked Day at school? Do you understand what I am saying to you? You keep your clothes on...except for when you go to the bathroom and there better not be any funny business there, either!"
"Yes, ma'am...I understand."
And he leaves The Cat Walk and returns to his room. I stifle my laughter as best as I can when all of the sudden, his little voice comes booming out of his some cheesey stage announcer...

No more stifled was all out in the open! And he knew he was funny because I could hear him laughing at himself!

I love this kid!
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There were two high schools in my home town. One at the north end of town...and then mine on the south side. We belonged to the same school district and thus, shared a choir teacher. Maybe at one time...maybe now...each school has it's own choir teacher, but twenty-two years we did not. Through my hypersensitive teen aged eyes, it always seemed that our cross town arch rivals were the choir teacher's favorite. We always did a combined Spring Concert and I promise you, they had more songs on the program than what we did. More songs, songs that were more fun to sing and once they did a song, it was theirs. No amount of begging or pleading would change Mr. Shared Director's mind. Of course, if they heard something my choir did and wanted to do it, there was no problem at all. In light of this information, do you think I was being hypersensitive? This was one of the songs that the other school got to do every year at Christmas. I thought it was one of the prett
Our local association of Southern Baptist churches recently met for the annual fall meeting. At the end of the evening, I walked out of the church feeling so full and so challenged. The sermon was EXACTLY what I needed to hear, almost like it was written just for me. The only thing better would have been for the guest preacher to say, "Michelle Stinnett? This one's for you!" He didn't have to, though, because I got the message loud and clear. Almost a month later, it is still rattling around in my brain and I guess I need to share it...someone else must need to hear it. The text was Acts 9:25, which is the story of Saul's conversion to Christianity and his rebirth as the Apostle Paul. The focus was on that last verse. Basically, things were heating up in Damascus. It was getting more and more dangerous for Paul to stay with his new found friends and brethren. So, the unnamed, unnumbered brethren put Paul in a basket and lowered him over the city walls,
November 13, 2018 As I am writing this, Day 87 is drawing to a close. We rolled into town August 3rd. The hospital count is 87. 87 days since MILove’s stem cell transplant. That doesn’t include the week of chemo leading up to transplant or the week we spent getting settled prior to chemo. So really, Day 101 is drawing to a close. Now, that just makes a girl stop and take a big breath and exhale.  Friday, the hospital count is 91. 91 of 100. That is how long Vanderbilt’s stem cell short term treatment program lasts. 100 days post transplant. Friday is also the day THAT WE ARE GOING HOME! Nine days early, if anyone is counting. (You KNOW I am!) Partially because Thanksgiving falls during the last of the 100 days...partially because my patient has done so well...mostly because God is SO VERY, VERY good. Every getaway needs a great song. I tried to come up with a clever rewrite of a great getaway song. I came the closest with “In An SUV From Georgia” to the tune of “

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Naked Day At School

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