Naked Daughter Tickles Naked Mom

Naked Daughter Tickles Naked Mom


Naked Daughter Tickles Naked Mom

All Fiction Freaks Accepted!!
Lost Together Chapter 15(AU)(RyoRan)
DaisukiFox: What have we here? Another chapter! So soon? That's right! In between taking care of my son, I've found the time to write and plan with Facer! Most of the action was written by me this time, I hope I've managed to capture the feeling we were going for in this; don't worry Facer helped me make sure it makes sense. ^^The couples chapter for 14, huh? I like it! Thank you for your continued support of our little story. Can't thank you guys enough for your kind words! Some of you even said this is nearing your favorite Ranma ½ story of all time! That's a huge honor, I don't know what else to say. XDLet's hope we can make some magic then! Eh? Facer!? Dr. Facer: That's right, we have another chapter ready soon and I'm very happy with the result! :)I'm glad that Dai was able to find the time to help me plan and land all the ideas we came up with together into a cohesive chapter! Speaking of that, the Nekonron arc is shaping up very nicely and it's really nice that we can have another chapter out so quickly; I really hope you enjoy our work, we've tried to make it as enjoyable as possible for you all!Of course, Dai, let's hope we can keep the magic flowing! :D, With their senses honed in on each other, the two mighty warriors clashed in the middle, crescent bladed spear met hard metallic umbrella. Sparks of metal flew off their weapons as they were impacted with thunderous clanks!The winds parted against the unyielding pair of forces, releasing powerful shockwaves.Standing with her hands on her hips, the redhead closed her eyes and lowered her head; a look of smug superiority adorned her face all the while the wind pressure released by the clashing weapons caused parts of her clothing to flutter from the intense breeze.Bishamonten narrowed his eyes, confident that despite the boy's apparent strength he must have been even stronger given his sheer height and physique, "You're strong but not-" He cried out right before the impact, he felt the Lost Man's strike force him to reel back and skid on his heels."Is that all you've got?" Ryoga questioned while gripping his umbrella with both hands, holding it up and to the side of his head in a defensive stance.Digging his heels as hard as he could to stop, Bishamonten lowered his head in anger before raising it back up to glare daggers at his opponent, pausing as he felt a sharp pain in his hands; causing them to shake."If this were not one the most finely crafted spears in all of Nekonron, my weapon surely would have come apart from the instant it impacted," Bishamonten remarked in a low tone of voice, strengthening his resolve and pushing past his pain. 'What obscene strength! Even though I'm muscular compared to him, the mere fact I wasn't blown away by that absurdly resistant umbrella is a miracle!' The exceptionally tall man thought with a scowl."You still have a chance to back down," Ryoga offered, narrowing his eyes, probably already aware of his enemy's answer."Were it so easy! To do so would be the same as betraying my King and fellow countrymen!" Bishamonten exclaimed with a proud smile now occupying his face, charging back in, this time keeping himself at a distance by thrusting his spear as far as it could.Ryoga responded by also thrusting the tip of his umbrella to yet again grind against the more finely sharpened spearhead portion of his enemy's weapon. Taking into account how Ryoga managed to successfully parry the attack, twisting the shaft so the moon blade part of his spear would spin enough to slice the side of Ryoga's torso.The sound of a suddenly popping open spring system rang, Ryoga's rainy day weapon expanded, and the smaller metal rods released more tiny embers as they slid against The Lucky God's spear.Bishamonten's eyes widened when he saw that right after his attack, Ryoga was trying to make a counter stab with his umbrella, Ryoga quickly reverting it back to its default state. 'He's countering! ' the bushy-faced man thought, doing the only thing he could, managing to jump back and then launch himself forward, the tip of his spear aimed at Ryoga's person.Not expecting these turns of events Ryoga sidestepped the piercing blow before it was too late, actually letting go of his umbrella, now holding it with one arm in order for him to be nimble enough to barely avoid it. Bishamonten took this chance to spin his spear around again! Rip! Jumping back at the last second, Ryoga glanced down before putting a hand to his chest, the teenager took as little time as he could, returning his focus to his enemy."Hah!" Bishamonten cried out as he used both arms to swing his crescent polearm towards the shorter man."I must not! I cannot! Return a failure!" The proud lucky god of conquest declared as he unleashed a blinding barrage as swiftly as he could, forcing his body to move faster than before, the veins on his hands and forehead bulging on his head, the level of strength and concentration demanded of him was immense after all.The unsuspecting yellow-clad man felt his breath gasp faster than the attack coming to him, his eyes envisioned a younger Ranma running towards him with his arm reeled back, 'Right! Left! Parry!' Ryoga thought determinedly, his words echoing in his mind like a soldier in training.Bishamonten's first two attacks were sidestepped, then his third jab recoiled with a pa-dinging noise as he redirected the supposed God's strike by opening his umbrella.Seeing this as his first real chance, Ryoga took advantage of the momentary disorientation of his fellow combatant. He thrust his own umbrella forward and towards the chest of Bishamonten's armor plate. 'Ranko! Once we save Lychee! Once we've gotten our cures! I swear I'll make an honest woman out of you!' he thought, roaring shortly after as he closed the gap."What!?" The armor-clad warrior hadn't expected Ryoga to be as opportunistic as this, missing but still enough to scrape the surface and some sparks of metal to go flying off his person.A pained groan erupted from Bishamonten's mouth, 'His attack was so fierce that the mere pressure alone-' he thought before widening his eyes, catching sight of Ryoga shifting positions to try and punch him."Haaa!" The fang-toothed man let out a warcry.Bishamonten met this challenge head-on, an image of himself and his wife holding their child entering his mind, the tranquil and warm expressions from his wife and daughter set a flame in his heart, allowing him to find an opening, sidestepping Ryoga at just the right time, bashing the side of his spear with both arms against Ryoga's chest.Skidding on his feet the Lost Man dug his heels into the ground, limiting the distance he was being pushed by."Hiya!" Bishamonten let out as he charged the younger fighter, swiping at Ryoga's shins.Normally the typical person would try and escape by jumping backward, this martial artist was different though, 'He's slower than Ranko but not by much!' Ryoga mentally deduced before instinctually reacting by doing a quick jump and then delivering a roundhouse kick straight to the side of Bishamonten's head.Reeling, the formerly confident Lucky god was forced to take several steps back, fragments of his helmet flying off and around his head.After landing the exceptionally strong man stood up straight while propping his umbrella against his shoulder. "We should stop, the longer this fight drags on, the more likely you'll end up getting hurt," Ryoga warned in a calm but stern tone.With his head tilted down the proud soldier reached out to check his forehead, a small amount of blood oozing from the top of his head and onto his face. Gritting his teeth, Bishamonten reached up to inspect his wound, flinching in pain for a second as he confirmed it to just be a surface wound."Were it not for my helmet, I would not be standing…" His voice trailed at a barely audible tone, releasing a calming breath as he bowed his head slightly, thankful for his luck.Bishamonten hummed in satisfaction, 'It would only be all the more hard-earned if I were to win! This will truly be a glorious victory!' he thought while grinning eagerly."Well done, your skill is more than worthy of someone as I but know that on this day I shall not yield, for today! The day of my daughter's birth! Will not be a day of reckoning!" He declared as if he were vehemently responding to some call to war.Eyes widening, the Lost man stared at the ground for a moment, envisioning himself standing by Ranko with his hands on her shoulders, wearing a light red blouse and skirt, a white apron on her as a small bundle of joy with black hair was in her arms. The thought alone made his heart skip a beat, the only way he could relate was that he wanted a family someday, 'The only difference is he's finally reached his happiness,' Ryoga pondered with a sympathetic smile."Congratulations on the newest addition to your family, although I don't have one of my own, so I'm afraid I can't relate, Ranko and I are going to pass through though, no matter what…" Ryoga spoke, but as he did, his voice went from gentle and truly happy for him to a calmer and more spirited tone than before."You tell 'em!" Ranko exclaimed from the sidelines, arms crossed, smirking as arrogantly as she always did.Ryoga in response to this narrowed his eyes and smirked softly, raising his umbrella and pointing it out towards Bishamonten."Now beat this guy so we can go save Lychee and return to Bao, ya got that!?" Ranko declared loudly enough for them to hear her, raising one hand to the side of her mouth, calling out to her significant other.Bishamonten watched as the redhead which he now knew to be called "Ranko" outlined their intentions, noticing Ryoga nodding his head while never taking his eyes off Bishamonten, the Lucky God breathed a bit heavily at first before steadying his breath, 'His skills at armed combat are inferior to my own but his raw strength and stamina are more than enough to compensate for the difference, but the boy's got unrelenting strength and absurd stamina as well as that wretched umbrella, acting not only as his weapon but as a shield at that!' he complained mentally, trying to find some solution to his current predicament."Are you ready? Because I'm not about to stop and congratulate you anymore," Ryoga alerted his adversary.Taking this as an opportunity he didn't let the teen get into his head, that's the last thing a skilled warrior such as himself needed. "I'm merely waiting on you, child…" he mocked, focusing his gaze on Ryoga's weapon, an idea forming in his mind."How about I show some respect for my elders and let you go first?" Ryoga retorted, scoffing at the attempt of mockery.Reaching for what remained of his helmet he yanked it down, letting it drop to the ground."So then let our battle begin anew!" Bishamonten answered triumphantly, resuming his previous stance, legs parted, the middle of his shaft resting on his hip.There was no hesitation for Bishamonten, peace between his country and the Musk was finally within Nekonron's grasp.The aged warrior immediately closed the distance between them, his spear reeled back in anticipation.Taking a sharp breath of air he slowed his breathing, allowing the fire in his soul to ignite to a new limit, 'Though I expose myself without a helmet, the future needs a shepherd, even if the very price is death itself!' he thought, allowing his mind to fade into battle, his eyes going white as his aura focused everything he could into attacking as blindingly fast as his mortal coil could allow, pushing himself to such a painful extreme mattered not to him; there was simply too much at stake for him not to."What the…" Ranko remarked as she couldn't believe what she was seeing, the bearded-looking goon of a warrior now struck with a ferocity she didn't think she'd be able to see in a guy like him, 'And this was only because he mentioned his daughter? If I had a family too, could I?' she pondered the notion for a bit and felt as she had before but now it clashed with her desires to be the best martial artist she could be.Ryoga couldn't believe how little leeway Bishamonten was giving him and if The Lost man didn't continue to parry as well as deflect like he was now, The Lost Man could have easily met the end of the Lucky God's spear, 'This speed, it's still slower than Ranko's technique but it's faster than before! Did losing his helmet make him more determined! No! Focus! Pay attention to his face! He's putting everything into this! More than he could possibly handle from the looks of it! I have to end this quickly or maybe just hold out until he's tired!' Ryoga worried in his mind, there was little more he could do than keep taking steps back, parrying as best he could, small pieces of his shirt flying off in the process."Wait a minute, that guy ain't…" Ranko's voice trailed, her eyes widening in realization. "Ryoga! That spear guy's doing something to your umbrella!" she shouted loudly, clenching a fist out in front of her."Now!" Ryoga exclaimed as he parried another intensely quick jab, sliding backward as he heard Ranko calling something out to him, although all he could hear were the sounds of clashing steel and loud battle cries.Bishamonten pushed his resolve, furrowing his brow as he recovered much more quickly this time but still he knew that he'd have to be precise for after he was countered the Lost man had taken to the air with his umbrella, about to smash it over his head, 'C-can't breathe! Need but one single mo-moment!' he cringed in thought, fighting for his sore muscles to continue."Ha!" Ryoga exclaimed at an angle where his fangs appeared far more pronounced, giving him the impression of a terrifying beast."I refuse!" he exclaimed as he jumped back at the right instant. Smash! It was as if time had slowed down again, the ground beneath Ryoga's umbrella tip sunk into the ground, however, unbeknownst to him, the springs and rods that once supported it were now coming apart!"Huh!?" He looked down as he stood up from his knelt-over position, the fabric barely holding onto the metallic remnants as best it could, 'Did he?' Ryoga stopped to think, looking to where Bishamonten had cut the wiring.Bishamonten landed on his feet, hands clenching his polearm. Now he was breathing harder, standing before such unrelenting might, it was as if he were staring down some force of nature."You're really something else, to think you'd be this skilled, it just makes this all the more exciting!" Ryoga complimented, dropping his busted and heavy weapon with a loud crashing noise.Closing his eyes for a second, Bishamonten smirked softly, steadying his breathing once more, he raised his spear, the light from the sun gleaming off the blade portion of his spear."Don't get me wrong, just because I'm in awe of you, doesn't mean I'm not still going to win this fight…" Ryoga responded with a trailing voice, watching as Bishamonten's opponent readied himself for another round. "Same as her brothers, she must really like her father…!" "I shall never lose! Even if it means I must fight to the death!" The gold-clad warrior proclaimed, the echoes of a faint memory fading into the abyss of his mind and into his burning soul.Ranko's eyes widened as she could sense how intensely the two auras were igniting. Although she could feel Ryoga's battle aura and it towered over Bishamonten's, there was strong and more focused ki coming off of the proud warrior. 'Maybe he wouldn't have been so easy, now I'm really wishing I hadn't lost…' she thought begrudgingly, sad to be missing her chance at finding out whether or not she could take this guy out but as far as she knew, she must have been if Ryoga was still standing."I won't back down either, but I won't kill a man who just became a father!" Ryoga defied his call to the grave."Even if that means I'll be trying to take your life?" Bishamonten asked, his long bangs covering a small portion of his eyes."I said what I said and I meant it," The fang-toothed man narrowed his eyes, he would not take the life of such a proud person."Well, I appreciate the sentiment!" Bishamonten shouted, thrusting his spear out as lightning quick as last time.Ryoga's eyes widened as he was forced to sidestep again, knowing he'd have to jump further or risk exposing himself to the same spinning technique as before."Though your sympathy is misplaced during a fight to the death!" Bishamonten warned Ryoga not to take this lightly.Lychee closed the window and then the curtains, for as beautiful as the view outside her room was, she had already gotten tired of it. Mountains and mist and the occasional geyser were impressive only for so long, and not exactly good enough to make her forget about Ranko and Ryoga climbing Seven Luck mountain. Knowing her friend and her boyfriend were in danger because they were trying to rescue her pained the distressed waitress, and filled her with worry. Would Ranko be able to fight and defeat even one of the Lucky Gods? Was Ryoga strong enough to do it? And if they did, would that put an end to her engagement to Prince Kirin? 'So many questions with no answers,' she thought as she walked to the bed and sat next to the fluffy pillow. Sighing, Lychee removed her hat and unbound her shoulder-length hair, running her fingers through it to comb it and straighten it. She wished she had a brush then, but understood she should be happy they gave her a nice room instead of a cell, not having a brush was a triviality. Pushing that idea aside, she placed her hat on the night table next to the bed and got back to her feet, pacing around the room as her mind once again returned to Ranko and the misunderstanding that had placed her on a collision course with the Lucky Gods. Because this was a misunderstanding, of that she was sure."I really hope they don't hurt you, Hóng fā…" Lychee muttered then, deep concern for her friend filling her chest.A sudden knock to her left startled her and turning in that direction she saw the door opening to reveal not Prince Kirin, but a tall and elegant lady of around sixty who was carrying a yellow and white bundle in her hands. The woman wore traditional clothing in red and green and moved gracefully and swiftly, entering the room with an elegance of movement Lychee was not used to seeing."Greetings, Lady Lychee," the woman said, offering a smile to the teenager. "My name is Yún Fūrén, I am the Housekeeper.""Oh… nice to meet you," the young woman replied, feeling unsure of what else to say, as the idea that this proper and well-mannered woman was here to serve her made her feel slightly uncomfortable. Lychee was a village girl, nothing but a simple waitress, and felt she would have ranked way below Yún Fūrén if she had entered the Tower's staff under normal circumstances."It is nice to see the next Lady of the Tower is as pretty and well-mannered as the guards said," Yún Fūrén opined with a nod. "I must admit I feared for a moment our prince would not find a suitable princess, and to think you have brought us the missing half of the scroll of luck, your arrival is most fortunate indeed!""Thank you, but I wouldn't be so certain my arrival has brought Nekonron good fortune," the orange blonde gently disputed. "It seems I have brought conflict with me.""Oh, nonsense," the old woman said with a good-humored smile. "The conflict you speak of is unrelated to your engagement with prince Kirin, which is the only thing that matters to me as it is my job to prepare you for your future duties as our princess… at least until Queen Lirin returns, of course, when that happens both of us will teach you.""But… I am… I mean…" Lychee blinked, the idea of having to take lessons from both Yún Fūrén and her future mother-in-law overwhelming her."Don't be so nervous," the woman said with a chuckle after noticing the shocked expression o
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