Naked Bike Ride London

Naked Bike Ride London


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Beurer GS 203 - напольные весы (London) 352613
ул. Новослободская д.50/1С2
Кутузовский проспект, д.18
Деловой центр
Ленинский проспект, д.30
Ленинский пр.
Пл. Гагарина
ПВЗ Зубарев переулок д.15 к 1, БЦ "Чайка Плаза 1"
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Beurer GS 203 London - это электронные напольные весы от немецкой фирмы Beurer, которые помогут регулярно следить за своим весом. Их платформа выполнена из высокопрочного стекла с изображением Лондона. Весы снабжены LСD-дисплеем с эффектной белой подсветкой, высота цифр на котором ровна 40 мм.
Напольные весы Beurer GS 203 London имеют оригинальный дизайн и плоскую конструкцию высотой всего 19 мм. Резиновые ножки обеспечивают им устойчивость и предотвращают скольжение. Весы достаточно точно измеряют вес с небольшой погрешностью в 50 кг. Они поддерживают технологию Quick-Start, благодаря которой происходит моментальное включение при вставании на платформу и выключение после спуска с нее. Максимальная нагрузка составляет 150 кг, также имеется индикатор перегрузки. 
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This site provides information about the World Naked Bike Ride in London. If you continue you will see some non-sexual images of naked bike riders. It is a popular, peaceful, legal, public protest on the streets of London but parental guidance is advised to ensure the beneficial intent of the ride is understood and well received.

WNBR London 2021 was a great success with over a thousand riders despite the Covid-19 risk reduction measures. The traditional date for the ride is the second Saturday in June, so save the date – Saturday 11th June 2022 (to be confirmed).
WNBR London is a not-for-profit, unincorporated association. It is a membership organisation, defined by its constitution. The campaign seeks to draw attention to its themes by being a fun, well-behaved, lawful spectacle that delights the public and attracts media attention. It is affiliated to WNBR UK and to the global World Naked Bike Ride network. It is not connected to other protest, cycling or naturist organisations.
After 26 months, WNBR London finally rode again on Saturday 14th August 2021 for the London leg of the World Naked Bike Ride. Supporters had been clamouring for the ride to go ahead and, with the removal of the 30-person restriction, the ride was finally back on!
Despite the Government’s removal of measures, the ride had many adjustments to reduce the risks from Covid-19. In particular, we shortened the stationary gatherings and cancelled the afterparty.
Due to the delay and uncertainty, WNBR London had also put on a programme of #NotTheWorldNakedBikeRide substitute events on the usual date in June 2021.
The annual WNBR London Naked Bike Ride is worthy, free, fun, legal and it’s making the world a better place for everyone.
The ride demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists and is a protest against car culture. WNBR is a worldwide campaign with a number of linked themes.

WNBR London is part of Bike Week – an annual opportunity to promote cycling, and show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life by encouraging ‘everyday cycling for everyone’. Bike Week first took place in 1923! It was, and always has been, a great opportunity to highlight the social, health and environmental benefits of cycling, with a core aim of getting people to give cycling a go all over the UK. Whether it’s for fun, as a means of getting around to work or school, a trip to the local shops or just to visit friends – cycling is for everyday, for everyone.
No one is paid for running WNBR London, but we do have some significant expenses like radio comms hire, road closure fees, website, insurance, printing, marshals’ ID, etc.
Please click here to donate by PayPal
It’s got to be worth a fiver or more!
Well, WNBR London 2021 was a great success with over a thousand riders despite the Covid-19 risk reduction measures. The traditional date for the ride is the second Saturday in June, so save the date – Saturday 11th June 2022 (to be confirmed).
Following the Government’s lifting of the 30-person restriction, WNBR London has confirmed details for the ride on the new date of Saturday 14th August 2021.
Despite the Government’s removal of measures, the ride will have many adjustments to reduce the risks from Covid-19. In particular, organisers are shortening the stationary gatherings and have cancelled the afterparty.
WNBR London has announced a record eight start points at Clapham Junction, Croydon, Deptford, Hyde Park, Kew Bridge, Regents Park, Tower Hill and Victoria Park. These start points will offer riders the choice of short, slow rides or longer, faster rides into Central London. The routes will allow the environmental campaign to deliver its messages over 53 miles (85Km) of London’s congested and polluted streets, crossing 14 Thames bridges on the way. All routes will merge into a spectacular 1,000+ rider peloton.
Participants should do their best to ensure they are not at risk from the virus. Nobody should ride if they have symptoms or have had a recent positive test. We recommend riders take a lateral flow test in the morning of the ride, use sanitiser and keep their masks on, particularly when stationary.
WNBR London takes place on the public streets of London. Nobody can control the actions or behaviours of the public. Participants should endeavour to avoid crowds and interactions with strangers.
Here are the starts and timings for 2021.
North Carriage Drive, near Marble Arch
North end of Kew Bridge near W4 3NQ
Near Bonner Gate/Dogs of Alcibiades E2 9JW
Join us on Saturday 14th August 2021
Due to the COVID-19 Virus, World Naked Bike Ride London 2020 did not ride on 13th June 2020 but became #NotTheWorldNakedBikeRide. Hundreds of supporters joined in safe alternative activities either at home or in isolation. Read how it went in this blog post.
WNBR London considered the circumstances and concluded we must take a cautious approach for the safety of our participants and the general public. We reviewed the decision every month based on latest evidence and guidance. Although we had planned and tested safe alternative rides, we remained concerned about the safety of spectators.
There were seven starts for the 2019 London leg of the World Naked Bike Ride on Saturday 8th June 2019. The start points offered riders the choice of short, slow rides or longer, faster rides into Central London. The routes allowed the environmental campaign to deliver its messages on 65Km of London’s congested and polluted streets, crossing 14 Thames bridges on the way. The groups converged in Central London to form a single peloton.
See our video of the 2019 ride or watch the flypast video which shows most of the riders on The Mall.
You will also find our videos at
The main ride for 2018 was the biggest ever. It drew lots of media attention and excellent feedback from participants. You can watch our highlights video here.
See some examples of media coverage or see some of the photos from photographer, Amelia Allen.
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You can follow or contact us on Twitter at @WNBRLondon
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World Naked Bike Ride London | WNBR London
Category:World Naked Bike Ride London 2018 - Wikimedia
Hundreds of cyclists take part in World Naked Bike Ride ...
staralexPHOTO: Naked Bike Ride London 2007
Category:World Naked Bike Ride London 2017 - Wikimedia Commons
Video: World Naked Bike Ride in London to show ...
World Naked Bike Ride Stock Photos (Exclusive) | Shutterstock
World Naked Bike Ride photos on Flickr | Flickr
Naked Bike Ride London

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