Naked Aunt

Naked Aunt


Naked Aunt

Aunt and nephew accused of incestuous affair forced to bathe publicly in cleansing ritual
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Aunt and nephew forced to strip after alleged affair
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Around 400 people watched as the couple were forced to strip and bathe in public in the village of Sola, in Sikar, Rajasthan, India, to 'atone' for their alleged affair, reports say
An aunt and her nephew were forced to strip naked and bathe in public to 'atone' for their alleged affair.
Around 400 locals watched on as the couple were humiliated in the village of Sola, in Sikar, Rajasthan, reports say.
Police have arrested nine people allegedly involved in the degrading punishment.
A video appears to show an assembly of village elders, known as a Khap Panchayat, sentencing the pair.
The incident took place on August 21 after the victims' families reportedly agreed to the punishment in order to avoid becoming outcasts in the village.
The Khap Panchayat also ordered the nephew's family to pay £318, while the auntie's relatives were told to hand over £225, the New Indian Express reports.
The newspaper reports the couple were made to strip and bathe to 'atone for the sin of illicit relation'.
Rakesh Kumar, the general secretary of the All Rajasthan Sansi Development Council, said: "If the families of the couple had not agreed to bathe them publicly, they would have been made social outcasts.
"Their families would not have been called to any social functions and if somebody had dared to invite them, that family too would have been made outcasts.”
Sikar Superintendent of Police Sawai Singh said: “We've demanded that action should be taken against the 8-10 'panch'.
"We've also demanded that a separate FIR (a police report) should be lodged for gathering a large number of crowd amid COVID-19. If there's relation was illicit, FIR be registered against them."
Police are currently gathering statements from villagers and collecting videos and picture of the incident as part of an ongoing investigation.
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A young man is being haunted by a mistake he did after he slept with his aunt. The two, according to the confession, were travelling when it all happened.
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It all started when the two were somewhat stranded in Eldoret town on their way to Nakuru and the two had to find a place to put down their head so they travel the following day.
Since they did not have enough cash on their hands, they opted to book the same room just so they could save costs. It was not an easy decision anyway.
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He says that after noting this difficult situation, he opted to drink some cheap liquor so he could easily catch sleep and forget the fact that he was sharing a bed with his aunt.
Perhaps he forgot the legendary relationship between sex and alcohol.
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The rest as they say, is history. He only discovered when it was late that he had actually had sex with his aunt.
Since then, he went on, his aunt has been bothering her and claims that they should have it one more time.
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