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238 Amish Woman Premium High Res Photos
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I was doing a job a few years back when these Amish girls "accosted" me, asking to have a picture taken while wearing forbidden jewelry! I don't know what that was all about to this day. They look a bit older than unmarried teenagers, so I'm not sure if they were just feeling rebellious and naughty (something women aren't allowed to do since it's after the rumspringa years) or what. All I had was a point and shoot to take them with since they wanted it quick and my Rebel was packed away
Thanks. It's kinda out of focus though :(
They are so beautiful, I thought they did not like having their picture taken.
The Phocas, no thanks-those kinds of groups attract unsavoury characters.

Julie, that's the whole point. Taking their picture is against their religion. (They think of it as making idols)
what a fun couple of expressions on those two faces. it must have been quite an interesting moment to participate in.
It was unusual. I still wonder what it was all about.
You must know they are regular women in Amish garb, right? With all the jewelry on and Amish woman even wears a wedding band let alone all of that.

That is why they are smiling, you've been fooled
keke - I doubt they are regular women, no tattoos and they are not smoking and their faces are so sweet and innocent. I've seen them with cell phones and texting, but not while driving.
Keke, i've been hired a few times to shoot Amish teens at rumspringa bowling parties. I've seen them do several things that are forbidden to them. (Hiring me for example). And here are a few more:

(Note the digital camera in the hands of the gal in the centre

(Cell phones and smoking)

While i don't know for a fact if the girls in the picture are Amish, i do know that the girls in the pictures i just posted in this comment are
Wow, I really can't say about the two women, but looks like they are English, dressed in Amish clothing for fun. If they are Amish and married, then they are in a BIG trouble! Either of that, it is a quite odd. But, again, you'd never know if they actually joined the church and married, and did these things for once, and then ask for a forgiven afterward.

Did you make some copies of pictures and give these to them?
Yes, i printed the picture right away at an instant print station in a drug store if i recall correctly
Your other pics are real, but those women arent. They wanted you to take their pic cause they are dressed in costume.
You may be right-i don't know. How do you know?
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SmugMug+Flickr. Connecting people through photography.

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