Preparation leading to NSmen In-Camp Training

Preparation leading to NSmen In-Camp Training

Lead Trainer CRTU
MV Mentor

To our NSmen:

1. Safety is of paramount importance, and we take the well-being of our servicemen very seriously. As we know, ICT is expected to be more strenuous as compared to what most of you go through daily.

2. Due to the higher than normal intensity expected during your ICT, all NSmen should be reasonably conditioned. All NSmen should suitably acclimatize themselves, and adopt a ~45mins daily, honour-based, self regulated physical regime, at least 4 days leading up to the ICT.

3. Internally, within CRTU we have also structured the program to be progressive. Safety checks, proper work-rest cycle and hydration regime will also be put in place.

4. We look forward to a safer ICT and it all starts with the correct safety attitude. Be safe, and thanks for serving!


In-Pro Top View

In-Pro Area
In-Pro Side View

Top View Direction to CNMC

Changi Naval Medical Center ( CNMC)

Top View Direction to HQ 3rd Flotilla

Top View Direction to MV Mentor berth 3

Overview of CNB


Please note the following changes and drive with care when reporting for ICT. Refer to the attached infographics for more details.

(a) CNB entrance and traffic light junction will be relocated south, next to former SAFYC.

(b) There will be a new entry point for the vehicle check area. Current vehicle check entrance will be closed.

(c) Turn left after the main gate when exiting the base. Do not go straight. 

(d) Northbound bus stop will be relocated. Base personnel alighting from bus stop are to walk along the PCN to enter CNB via the existing side gate at the pass changing carpark.
Road users, be it drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, or pedestrians, all have a part to play in keeping each other safe.

Stay alert. Stay safe.

1. Introduction

The public image of any armed forces depends not only on its proven or potential fighting efficiency in times of war but also equally on its appearance and conduct as a disciplined and unified force. Therefore uniformity, correctness and smartness on all occasions are essential in projecting the desired public image.

2. Personal Appearance

Every service personnel must maintain a neat and clean appearance and be smartly dressed on all occasions while in uniform.

3. Acceptable Haircut in MINDEF/SAF

Our military bearing, turnout and conduct reflect the level of discipline and professionalism in the SAF. Apart from facilitating operational readiness, it is therefore crucial for us to upkeep SAF’s image with good military bearing and professionalism. Every serviceman is expected to maintain appropriate bearing and turnout, and acceptable haircut is part of it. Refer to Annex A for Acceptable Haircut in MINDEF/SAF.


Annex A

4. Personal PPE

The following PPEs are to prepare by individuals and to bring along on the day of Inpro.

a) Dog Tag

b) Ear plug

Earplugs must be purchased and onboard on the 1st day of ICT as part of the ship orentation. Items can be purchased at Beach Road Army Market if you have misplaced it.

505 Beach Road, #02-159,Golden Mile Food Centre, 199583

c) Water bottle

Please bring your own water bottle for topping up of water onboard. Due to COVID measures and hygiene issues, we will not be providing any cups. Water coolers are available onboard Mentor.

5. External Shuttle Bus

Tanah Merah MRT to Changi Naval Base ( Exit B)


Morning Peak

First Bus: 0640H

Last Bus: 0810H

All personnel taking the shuttle bus are to adhere to the following rules:

Base Shuttle Bus Services (External / Internal):*

- Single queue for bus services

- Safe distancing not required

- Mask-wearing is optional*

6. Internal Shuttle Bus

7. Reporting Time

Lead Trainer will disseminate the daily reporting time to the NS Coxswain. All are to be punctual at all times.

During the Inpro, there will be a table set up near the External Shuttle bus drop-off point. (See top photos on In-Pro area)

A group of trainers will be there ready to assist with the In-Processing Administration.

8. Reporting Rig - Smart 4

SMART No.4 Navy Uniform to be don when booking in/ out of base

Jockey cap to be worn while transiting outside/inside of base.

Ball caps are only allowed to wear within Naval Bases.


9. Riding Motorcycle into base

Defensive riding skills help you to anticipate and avoid dangerous situations. Motorcyclist PPE is like the layer of armour that cushions the impact of an accident. As a motorcyclist, we need both to keep us safe.

Proper Protective Personal Equipment must be adapted while riding.

(Gloves, Long sleeves. Long No.4 Navy Uniform is allowed)

Servicemen who wish to commute by motorcycles into RSN naval bases / camps are required to attend a one-day Defensive Riding Course (DRC). The intent is to promote safe riding behaviours to prevent traffic accidents, while on official journeys. This course will be fully subsidised for those who are attending it for the first time. 

Upon completion of the DRC, servicemen will be required to apply for an RSN Motorcyclist Sticker (RMS) and produce the RMS for verification at entry points before they are allowed to ride into RSN naval bases / camps. 

You may inform your NS Coxswain / Trainers / NS Relations Officer (NSRO) for further information on the course application.

10. Pre ICT Declaration Form

All NSmen returning for ICT are to submit their declaration 2 to 3 weeks prior to start of ICT

11. Feeling COVID symptoms or Sick

Those who are, to inform unit COXN immediately, and do not report for ICT.

12. Conduct your Daily Ask4 at home before reporting for ICT

13. Check4 to be conducted before start of any operations


If needed, you may visit a doctor at the nearest GP or the Polyclinic. Do not report for ICT if unwell.,)%2C%20subject%20to%20prevailing%20subsidies

When your household members / anybody in close contact with you in the last 7 days had tested positive for COVID-19, please inform your NS Coxswain or the Lead Trainer immediately.

Do not bring it into Base

Important Numbers


(CCP) 6544 4111

(TCP) 6864 2991

Medical Centres

(CNB) 6544 4911

(TNB) 6864 2995

RSN Safety Hotline 9172 3389 (91-SAFETY)


NS Admin

NSRO: Mr Teo Sheng Yang

Office no: 6544 4359

NS Hotline

24 Hours: 1800 267 6767 (1800-eNSNSNS) for

General enquiries / Assistance

Medical Appointments

NS Pay Enquiries/ Assistance

"A committed cadre that delivers clearly defined programmes in CRTU through an experiential, safe and effective training to achieve mission success."

Lead Trainer CRTU

Ready & Committed

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