Erin Johns

Criminology university personal statement (Oneida) lift and drag this meant nothing to me as a child what I remember was the image of those amazing machines that would scrape the blue sky with their sharp edges my dad called them airplanes to me they were a symbol of defiance a machine conceived by man to break the chains that constrained me immune to the very laws that keep us on the ground and a sound all that sound insisted that everyone for miles to take notice what are you gonna be when you grow up this was never a question I've always known where I was anymore where I belong words like lift and drag or hammers and theories wrenched into an explanation of how we can fly but when it is broken down into its purest form my impression of flight is still it's freedom the 300 flight hours 126 credit hours and a diploma when I hear that sound I am back looking up chasing those flames across the horizon you Sisters of St. Joseph.

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