Most of the included features in computers have drastically advanced throughout the decades. Of course, this also consists of the multiple file types and software that are available today. One of the most utilized file type is the portable document format which is more known as the acronym PDF. American computer software company Adobe Inc., is the one that created the PDF. Nowadays, it is a free file extension that is separate from any particular program. When it comes to other file extensions, more often than not, one would have to download a specialized program in order to launch it. On the other hand, PDFs can be opened even on a random web browser and users can still enjoy basic features like viewing, zooming, and printing.

Using PDFs has a number of benefits. Like previously mentioned, PDF is a free file extension that can be launched in several programs. Also, when one uses PDF, the different levels of content security offered in the file is also available to them. As a result of this content protection, the third advantage that PDFs have to offer is its structural integrity. PDFs display the very same content even up to the final indentation from the first moment it was created and even if it is transferred infinitely. The abovementioned can exactly explain why a lot of people prefer using PDFs. This could also be the reason why a number of third party developers endeavoured to produce software that revolve around PDFs.

However, not all programs are made equally. PDF Magic File Converter is one of the software that has ridden the waves of the PDF surge but has thoroughly differentiated itself even in the most minor ways. It was VPP Technologies, a communication and advertising company, that designed the PDF Magic File Converter. The design of PDF Magic File Converter is that it directly tackles the down sides that often exist in other PDF file converters.

The drawbacks of a lot of PDF converters include a certain threshold for converting files, the insufficient number of supported file extensions, the accessibility to your converted file, and of course, the whole design of the program. These drawbacks have been effectively addressed by PDF Magic File Converter. First and foremost, users of PDF Magic File Converter can convert limitless numbers of files. There are also over 30 file types that can be converted and once the files have been converted, it is automatically downloaded and opened. pdfmagicpro but not the least, PDF Magic File Converter is designed to be an unfussy and simply Chrome extension where each and every feature is simple and easy.

The fundamentals of PDF Magic File Converter is that it is a convenient tool that does not settle for less.

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