Bradley Afualo

Personal recommendation letter for university admission (Broome) we're going to make a letter or number together and let's see if you can guess what it is Alex it was the letter V but you know what I see why you would think of why too so I see both let's think of another one okay and do you notice how we stay connected we stayed connected because we're partners so we've got to have one body that we're sharing together it looks like we are best friend okay let's change it mm-hmm capital lowercase okay okay yeah okay so does everybody understand what we're doing we're going to try this just for a little bit and have some fun with some partner work start with an easy one um t their legs an open a choice maybe there are partnering we're gonna do it or not let's do letter O maybe just stick your heads together this miss Perez you have another suggestion for letter remember strike you partner I oh nice another suggestions no with Tracy last one letter Z New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering.

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