NGCam | Channel (XML)

NGCam | Channel (XML)



• XML name

• XML description
XML name / version / device / username.

• Name should be same as your file name or you may add version of your file (e.g. Nik 1.1, Nik 1.2).

• Version of GCam is necessary because some XMLs may be quite outdated.

• Device should be completed in full form (e.g. "Xiaomi mi 10 pro" not "mi 10 pro").

• Username will help users to find xml creator more easily.

Copy / Paste / Change:

Version: 1.5
Device: OnePlus 5/5T
Username: @nickpl13

Useful Links:

Channel (XML)


Contact bot

Channel for user xml configs for Google Camera by Nikita. You will find all configs created for supported devices. All files should be send to the bot and will be posted in the channel according to the requirements. I suggest you to open XML channel first to see how XMLs should be formated.

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