NFTcraft in the Minecraft universe: Q&A

NFTcraft in the Minecraft universe: Q&A

🎮 How to start?

1️⃣ Go to and click on the "Play" button;

2️⃣ Authorize with your MetaMask Wallet and log in to your profile;

3️⃣ Buy an NFT dwarf and give him a username and password to access the Minecraft server (you can play any dwarf you have);

4️⃣ Download the launcher and JAVA in your profile for Windows or MacOS;

5️⃣ Install JAVA;

6️⃣ Start the Launcher and log in with your username and password;

If you have any difficulties at any step - write to us in Telegram or Discord, we'll help you set everything up.

▶️ How open the launcher

Check out this video tutorial, it covers all the main points:

🖥 How to find the server?

The server will appear in the list by the time the tournament starts. To display it correctly it will be necessary to restart the launcher.

💎How to find Radiant?

Radiant drops out of the following blocks:

  • Lapis lazuli - high;
  • Diamond - high;
  • Emerald - high;
  • Ancient Debris - high;
  • Coal - medium;
  • Iron - medium; 
  • Gold - medium; 
  • Copper - medium;
  • Redstone - medium; 
  • Nether Gold - medium;
  • Nether Quartz - medium; 
  • Andesite - low;
  • Diorite - low; 
  • Granite - low; 
  • Stone - low; 
  • Terracotta - low;
  • Sandstone - low;
  • Tuff - low;
  • Calcite - low;
  • Coarse dirt - low;
  • Basalt - low;
  • Grass block - low; 
  • Obsidian - low;
  • Oak log - low;
  • Birch log - low;
  • Tropical log - low;
  • Acacia log - low;
  • Dark oak log - low;
  • Crimson planks - low;
  • Warped planks - low; 

💁‍♂️ How to deliver Radiant?

Radiant must be given to the Merchant who is on the point of your appearance. To interact with him press RMB, in the interface that opens you can hand over the Radiant.

⛏ With how many dwarves can I play?

In the alpha version, you can play any available dwarf. 1 dwarf = 1 account to play with in the Minecraft universe.

If you have more than one dwarf, you can set up a login and password for each one and share it with your friends to play together.

⚜️ Does the rarity of the dwarf play a role?

Dwarves differ from each other only by their starting equipment:

Normal - stone sword, pickaxe, armor and wood

Uncommon - iron sword, pickaxe, armor, and wood

Rare - enchanted sword, pickaxe, armor, and wood

Epic - Diamond sword, pickaxe, armor, wood, and apple

Legendary - neserite sword, pickaxe, armor and wood, enchanted apple

During the tournament you can craft any equipment on your own, regardless of the rarity of your dwarf. It all depends on the resources you find. Crafted equipment covers only one session.

👾 Will I see other players?

Yes, the session is shared, all players will see each other and can interact with each other (dig nearby, do damage, etc.).

💰 How is the prize pool distributed?

At the end of the event, each crafter is awarded by tokens based on his share of the Radiant from the total pool during the event.

⛔️ Why isn't the server available?

The server will be available at the start of the tournament.

💥 Will the destruction of the world occur more than once?

World destruction is the end of a tournament. It depends on certain metrics and brings a competitive process to the game. A new tournament begins with a new world.

⏱ When will the timer start before the world is destroyed?

10 minutes before the end of the tournament.

📱 Can I play on my smartphone?

At the moment only the PC version is available. In the future there will be a cross-platform launcher. 

📛 When opening the launcher, an error pops up. What should I do?

You must uninstall all JAVA packages on your PC and then install the latest version.

🏞 Why is the game on the server visually different from the normal mode?

NFTcraft has its own setting and unique design, so the visuals have their own differences with the original Minecraft universe.

Can't find an answer to your question? Write us on Telegram or Discord anytime and we'll be sure to give you an answer!

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