NEW Nicole by Jack Weyland online link pocket kickass eng

NEW Nicole by Jack Weyland online link pocket kickass eng

NEW Nicole by Jack Weyland online link pocket kickass eng

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Book description
Ive always wanted to be a Special Education teacher, and when I read this book, I got a different perspective on Special Needs children. I knew that they were always happy, no matter what; but I never realized that they are even happy when people are mean to them. They dont quite understand the meaning of being mean. They are not retarded, as some people call them, they are only slower than the rest of us.I never realized that members of the church could have that kind of an attitude towards them. They are Gods children that were sent here to go through this trial; but God did not intend for them to go through it alone. He placed His special sons and daughters in a disabled body so that they could go live with Him again, no questions asked; with Him knowing that they would not have Satan trying to turn them away from Him and having people there helping them through this mortal experience. Only the most righteous sons and daughters of God could have been able to commit themselves to this trial for their Heavenly Father. Those are the true Latter Day Saints.
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