NEBULA PROTOCOL: Focusing On Its Yield Aggregator And NFT Marketplace:

NEBULA PROTOCOL: Focusing On Its Yield Aggregator And NFT Marketplace:

Odinigwe Francis


Nebula Protocol is a great community-driven DeFi token launched in the express that offers 3 features during each exchange: Reflection, LP, and burn. Let's take a closer search at what each one of these features entails:

a.    Reflection: A buys, sell or transfer incurs a fee charge of 2% and the entire portion of this is re-allocated to every holder (the yield). The rebase mechanism works like an airdrop, but it’s not because it does not require you to “collect it. Quite literally, it just appears as an increase in your balance. The reward amount is conditioned upon the proportion of your holdings to the total supply and volume of the token being traded.

b.   LP Acquisition: On top of the previous point, each buy/sell/transfer goes through an “automatic liquidity generation” event, an acquisition of 6%. This makes passive yield farming sustainable and constantly raises the token price floor. Here’s a simple explanation of the last point: the mechanism harvests the BNB and $SNBL, converts them to a liquidity pool token, and permanently locks it into the contract. Once in the contract, the LP token can never be moved due to SNBL’s contract ownership has been renounced, making the acquired liquidity a permanently locked feature of the contract. This entire process ends on a sell transaction with the tokens being harvested on every buy and any transfer transaction.

c.     Burn: It’s the black hole in the space that forever takes 2% of fees on every transaction. Based on the past records, 2600–1000 tokens were burned daily subjected to the daily transaction volume. This allows the supply to decrease with more trading volume, introducing more scarcity and buying pressure into the ecosystem.



Fair Launched: Community-driven & Fair Launched. Initial liquidity is provided by the team and locked for 6 months

Auto LP: Each trade contributes to generating liquidity automatically within PancakeSwap LP.

Static Rewards: Holders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their SNBL balance grow indefinitely.

Deflation: Contracts are verified and published on the Binance Smart Chain


The acronym NFT stands for non-fungible token. A non-fungible token is a data unit recorded on a blockchain that guarantees that a digital asset is unique and not interchangeable. Photographs, films, audio, and other sorts of digital media may all be represented using NFTs. NFTs may be anything digital (such as drawings, music, or your brain being downloaded and transformed into an AI). Still, the technology is now generating much buzz for its potential use in selling digital art. A non-fungible token (NFT) is a data unit kept on a blockchain that validates the uniqueness of any digital content.


Traditional banking finance, which professes to help make the world a better place, is ineffective. It only works for the well-heeled. It's ideal for them, but not for the majority of people. All of these decisions are made in secret. They have only recently developed to include certain online services in addition to traditional financial products. Besides that, we know that traditional banks, as contemporary as they claim to be, have an archaic culture and attitude, which is one of the main reasons cryptocurrencies are becoming more popular. A new age of advancement has arrived, which all may term a decentralized revolution, thanks to blockchain technology. DeFi, on the other hand, is already a credible option for the majority of significant financial services. The successful DeFi projects do things in a unique method that was not possible in traditional financing. Examples are Compound, Uniswap, and Balancer. Nebula Protocol is one type of DeFi platform.



Instead of just inheriting the RFIs of its predecessors, Nebula Protocol introduces additional capabilities comparable to Compound/Aave, allowing the SNBL, SNBL-LP, SVT, and SVT-LP tokens to be utilized as collateral. SafeNebula seeks to achieve this by creating a new protocol that provides capabilities to current DeFi systems, emphasizing its yield aggregator and NFT marketplace. A Nebula Protocol is a cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other ionized gases between stars, a magnificent dispersed celestial phenomenon with a lovely sense of mystery. The Nebula Protocol team got LP tokens whenever the pool was started after depositing an equivalent quantity of SNBL-BNB tokens to pair on PancakeSwap.

In the end, it is clear that Nebula Protocol is a unique platform in the DeFi platform. It lets you take a position without putting up the money to buy or sell the asset. The smart contract designed by the team to eliminate the potential to eradicate all liquidity at once is a significant and noticeable feature. I highly recommend this platform for the betterment of their company and future probabilities.


Total Supply: 300,000

Seed Round: 20,000

DeFi Community Round: 40,000

Liquidity Pool: 35,000

Team & Marketing: 5,000

Mining Reward: 150,000

Airdrop Reward: 50,000

For More Information, Please Kindly Visit The Links Below:








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