NCA ANNOUNCEMENTS: Peace and Conflict Communication Division High Density Panel - Call for Proposals

NCA ANNOUNCEMENTS: Peace and Conflict Communication Division High Density Panel - Call for Proposals

Jennifer Sanmiguel, // Elvis Nshom, // Erica Knotts,


Navigating Perspectives: Finding balance between self-regard and greater-regard in conflict 


In the intricate and multifaceted terrain of conflict, the concept of positionality stands pivotal yet is frequently overlooked. Understanding positionality and its various lenses (the individual, group, social, cultural, economic, etc.) is crucial for comprehending the dynamics of conflicts, as it influences how parties perceive themselves, each other, and the issues at stake. Failure to acknowledge and account for positionality can and may lead to misunderstandings, biases, and ineffective conflict resolution strategies. Therefore, understanding positionality as a whole is essential for navigating the complexities of conflicts and fostering meaningful dialogue and reconciliation.


Central to our discussion, we hope to explore the notion that effective communication in conflicts requires a balance between empathy and compromise for others, (communication with greater regard) while still maintaining one’s self-regard. While it is critical to empathize and engage with different positions and perspectives, It is equally important to uphold one’s own identities, values, and convictions. What are the strategies for balancing these two? How do we enable individuals to navigate and communicate conflicts with greater regard for both selves and others? How do we foster constructive dialogue and mutual respect within divergent and polarizing viewpoints? 


In the realm of global affairs and international conflicts, crucial questions arise regarding the balancing act between understanding diverse perspectives and upholding national interests and values. How can nations navigate the complex landscape of international relations, acknowledging differing viewpoints while safeguarding their sovereignty and principles? Moreover, what overarching strategies can the global community employ to foster effective communication, negotiation, and collaboration among nations with conflicting interests?


For this year’s annual high-density panel, the Peace and Conflict Communication Division aims to bring researchers and scholars together to discuss and explore the intricacies of positionality within conflicts, shedding light on individuals and collective identities, while examining the balancing act of self-regard and greater-regard from as many conflict contexts and diverse perspectives as possible. This may include but are not limited to: biases, power dynamics, resolutions in both micro and macro disputes, and peacework in personal, organizational, local community, national, and global contexts.


Please spread this call widely. We want to include as many interested participants as possible, spanning a variety of conflict scenarios, both micro and macro. Submission should include a 400-500-word (max) proposal/abstract, excluding references, to by March 29, 2024. 

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