David Olson

Report dinscription universitaire (Sullivan) so what are your views on your first year at work link um it's going intrude on us um what other people with the video camera yeah I'm trying to find people to have a catch on video but there's no one about hmm still got food in your fridge but let's gonna find that Kirk man All Right see if he's about well this is ace following people down the career but you look at this new thing we used to live there what do you remember likes posing in front of the camera well I did I did time to take to the sky I know all right hello Claire there's four moments but I like it's been mine altar sir you leaving soon it's like I've had it all term I've only just don't need just got out this Christmas oh what a nice place this really is it and smug investor Student Union sweetie get this is the top yeah Oh start singing right singing this Cornell University, Ithaca.

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