NANO cartridge for DermaPen Dr.Pen and Dermapen Dr. Pen A1 Blue. The size of the needles is 0.1 mm. For "beating" cosmetics (the syringe 💉 is a syringe 💉 and a needle 🪡 it is a needle 🪡, you can enter anything .

NANO cartridge for DermaPen Dr.Pen and Dermapen Dr. Pen A1 Blue. The size of the needles is 0.1 mm. For "beating" cosmetics (the syringe 💉 is a syringe 💉 and a needle 🪡 it is a needle 🪡, you can enter anything .

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

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NANO cartridge for fractional mesotherapyDermaPen Dr.Pen. Needle size 0.1 mm

The contact surface of the cartridge is a steel plate, dotted with microneedles protruding at 0.1 mm. Use such nozzles for "inging" active cosmetics. Micro-disorders expand the natural gates for penetration of active substances - the mouth of sweat and sebaceous glands. Fractional machines provide a high speed of the cartridge tremors and, thus, mechanical penetration of substances. With the help of such cartridges you can "ins beat" cream and oil substances, gels and serums, ampunion concentrates.

Actively use nano-cartridges in the treatment of acne, seborrions, dandruff, alopecia and demodecosis, as first of all drugs penetrate into the mouth of the sebaceous glands and act there most effectively.

Nano-cartridge characteristics for the Dermapen machine:

Needle material: medical (surgical) steel

Number of needles: microneedles on the plate, 60-70 pieces

Needle sharpening: instrumental

Needle shape: jagged

Covering needles: uns covered

Packaging type: sterile blister

Needle thickness: 0.23 mm, 32 G

Possible needle length: 0.1 mm

Areas for use: face, cleavage, back, head (hair)

For the machines: Dermapen Dr. Pen and Dermapen Dr. Pen A1 Blue.

You can buy cartridges at an affordable price in our online store. When buying from the quantity - wholesale discounts.

Prices for nano cartridges (Nano steel).

piece by piece - 160 rubles/piece

5 pieces - 145 rubles

10 pieces - 130 rubles

20 pieces to 110 rubles

from 30 pieces - 105 rubles

from 50 pieces - 100 rubles

You can buy needles and cartridges for the Dermapen apparatus of different kinds (for 12 needles, 36 needles, NANO), keeping a wholesale discount.

Alexander first read about chipping in 2007, and the articles said that implanting chips is one of the signs of the coming end of the world.

The doctor did not believe it, but became interested in the topic, learned the principles of work, made sure that the chips do not harm health, are made from a special biocompatible glass, designed specifically for implant electronics, and began to wait for the appearance of chips of minimal size - so that they could not be seen under the skin.

Technology was actively developing, in 2014 in Russia began to appear the first chipped animals, and soon both people and Alexander became one of them. He ordered a hundred chips of minimal size - 1.5 x8 mm, some of them still in his house.

The chip is a miniature glass capsule inside the chip and its power system. Each chip is capable of storing 800 bytes to 1 kilobyte of information.

The first device that Alexander installed and still stores was a chip that gives access to the ski resort lifts. The doctor himself does not like skiing, his daughter is fond of them. Then others followed, and eventually in three years the doctor installed six chips: keys to the intercom and office, personal business card and passwords. And he does not intend to stop.

"The main goal is, of course, convenience. Having lost the key to the intercom, in our Siberian 30-degree frosts you can just put a hand to it or, for example, stand and cry. I made my choice," Alexander laughs.

Alexander doesn't have the keys at all. And at work, as luck would have it, a lot of doors with electronic locks, each of which has a separate key. Another loss was the last straw in the decision to "clean up" which turned out not only to practical benefit.  

Along with the chips, he acquired like-minded - other lovers, who today sends in the mail previously ordered chips.

Alexander Volchek

© Kirill Kuhmar/TASS

Seeing the results, Alexander Volchek's family became interested in high technology. He set the chip to his wife, who also often lost her keys.

Tattoo chips

While we walk down the hospital corridor, Alexander takes my phone and attaches it to one of his chips. It's a chip card, my phone scans it with the NFC Tools app and puts Alexander's number in the phone book.

While the information is being processed, he actively suggests implanting a newly developed chip that illuminates tattoos. "And there are also tattoos, which can be seen only under ultraviolet light, I have seen such in acquaintances, fun. We, the doctors, can't," he says.

The increased interest in his person Alexander surprises. He believes that implantation of chips today is not so uncommon, people have ceased to be afraid of them and realized the real convenience.

Besides, it's really subtle. Alexander's hands look quite ordinary, and it is impossible to determine that electronic devices have been under the skin for several years.

© Kirill Kuhmar/TASS

Now Alexander's chips open the door with intercom, electronic locks in the Novosibirsk regional hospital itself, allow you to pay in public transport and perform the functions of business cards. To do all this, he just puts his hands to the readers. He says he's working smoothly.

Alexander admits that his chips have already become obsolete, but they perform their function and will perform for a long time. In any case, he is not going to change them.

Large stock

Alexander orders the chips in bulk from Taiwan, where they are produced en masse for animals. "Moscows used to order chips from Americans, I did otherwise. 

🤳👯 ♂️ Y order them from where the Americans take them - in Taiwan," Alexander laughs. 💃 🦽🕺🏼

One chip costs from $2 to $90, but the difference between them is small, he assures and offers to install them to me - it will not take long. In terms of complexity and health risks, the procedure is comparable to piercing, Alexander says. But I decide that I'm probably not ready for this yet. 

And those who have made up their mind, after or before the wound heals, should write the right code into the chip. This, as Alexander assures, is also very simple. "Have you ever entered a password on your computer? It's exactly the same." You only need to master simple software and you can do it at home. It takes literally half an hour to figure out, Alexander says.

Interested in chips not only his wife, but also a few acquaintances of Alexander. When he tells them about the convenience, they ask to install the devices and they.

How to dye your hair

"Now there are chips with cryptography on board that can be used to encrypt and decrypt e-mail. In the age of information technology, there must be some mystery that will not allow you to shove intrusive advertising. I've been able to protect myself from this since childhood and I want other people not to fall for it either," he stresses.

Another long-standing idea of Alexander and his associates - bank payments with chips. Technically, this is still possible now, but since the financial industry is conservative, it still rejects the idea, he laments. Proponents of chipping dream that next year the procedure will be allowed and the need to carry a bank card will disappear. The only difficulty will remain the need to change the chips as the cards become obsolete.

© Kirill Kuhmar/TASS

Alexander assures that such a process of chip change is only a routine. "It's like dyeing your hair," he says. The man had already changed some of the devices when he moved to work from the City Perinatal Center to the Novosibirsk Regional Hospital. Another change of chips, this time from the intercom, he plans to move to a new house.

Boundaries are aesthetic and moral

Complexities, says Alexander, with chips there are no, on the contrary, solid conveniences. Before implanting, the doctor pulls out the chip he needs, using special programs on the computer prescribes its function.

After that, the chip is inserted into a large syringe with a thick injector (needle), the implantation place is disinfected, the chip is inserted in shallowly under the skin. Theoretically, chips can be implanted anywhere in the human body, but for the sake of convenience they are usually installed in hand.

Cyberpunk in Siberian.'

In everyday life, the devices do not interfere with the man. When passing the metal detector frame, they are not detected due to the small size, no hygienic restrictions on the wearing of the chip also does not require.

The doctor notes that chipping has aesthetic boundaries. When asked if he would like to implant a chip that would start a car, he answers categorically negatively. "It's a certain ritual, when you insert the key into the ignition, this slow turn, the sound of a gradually starting motor. You can't trade it for anything," the man says.

Andrey Berezkin

The Federal BudgetAry Institution of Science "State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology Vector" of the Federal Service for Consumer Protection and Human Welfare (GNC WB "Vector") is one of the largest scientific virological and biotechnology centers in Russia, located in the science city of Koltsovo in Novosibirsk region, a few kilometers from Novosibirsk. The city-forming enterprise, around which there was a working village of Koltsovo, which has the status of a science city from 2003 to 2025.

Vector State Virology and Biotechnology Research Center


International name

State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR

Former name

All-Union Research Institute of Molecular Biology




Maksyutov R.A.



postgraduate study




Legal address

Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Region, Novosibirsk Region


There are other meanings in this term, see Vector.

The Vector GNC conducts fundamental research in the fields of epidemiology, molecular biology, virology, bacteriology, genetic engineering, biotechnology, ecology and biological security. The centre has one of the world's most comprehensive collections of viruses, including Ebola and Marburg, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Smallpox and others.

The Centre is a branch of the Institute of Medical Biotechnology, located in Berdsk.

History Of the Rule

In 1974, the All-Union Research Institute of Molecular Biology (IB Research Institute) was established. On its basis in 1985, the scientific and production association Vector-m (NGO Vector) was established under the leadership of L. S. Sandakhchiev. According to the American journalist and writer D. Hoffman, former head of the Moscow bureau of the Washington Post, the main task of the association was to develop offensive biological weapons in violation of the international convention on the prohibition of biological and toxin weapons, which the USSR signed in 1972. Construction of laboratory buildings and preparations for the work of the NGO Vector began in the mid-1970s, long before the officially announced date of the unification. L. S. Sandakhchiev denied Vector's involvement in the creation of biological weapons. In 1999, V. Evstigneev, the head of the biological protection department of the Russian Defense Ministry, confirmed Hoffman's version, stating that at the beginning of its activities the NGO Vector was developing protection against pathogenic stuffing of biological weapons of a potential enemy, but in the late 1980s the association began to be considered as an "industrial base for the production of offensive biological drugs." Vector's strains of smallpox, tularemia, plague, anthrax, Marburg and Ebola were expected to be placed in offensive weapons warheads. In April 1988, Nikolai Ustinov, the head of the Marburg virus laboratory, became infected and died. Work related to the military use of viruses was discontinued in 1992, shortly after the end of the Soviet Union.

In 1994, the NGO Vector was awarded the status of the state scientific center of the Russian Federation - the SNC of Virology and Biotechnology Vector (GNC VB Vector).

In 1997, Vector, one of the world's two collaborating WHO collaborating centres for the diagnosis of orthopoxvirus infections and a museum of strains and DNA of the smallpox virus, was established. Russia's only Laboratory for Ebola and Marburg viruses was dismantled in 2004, and its leader, A. Chepurnov, was fired. In early 2005, a laboratory for the study of the avian influenza virus was established at the Centre as part of the department of zoonous infections and influenza. During the 2009 WHO pandemic, the H5N1 H5N1 GNC, was designated as one of the centres responsible for fighting the pandemic in Russia.

As of 2014, the center is developing methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases, developing means to counteract infectious pathogens.

By January 29, 2020, the center had developed a test system for covid-19 coronavirus RNA by PCR. On March 17, the center began testing the vaccine for the virus in animals.

On November 30, 2020, it became known that the center is working on the creation of three more vaccines for coronavirus, in addition to the already registered "EpiVacCorons". [9]


The Tasks of The Edit

study of the most dangerous infectious diseases;

Ensuring that new viral infections are diagnosed on a constant and ongoing and ready to be diagnosed;

Development and practical implementation of means of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of viral diseases;

training of qualified scientific staff in virology, molecular biology and biotechnology.

Achievements Edit

Development and production of test systems for hiv and hepatitis B (one of the first in Russia);

organization of the production of genetically engineered interferon-a-2 people (for the first time in Russia);

the development and introduction of the immunostimulating drug Rideostin, which has antiviral activity, including against influenza;

the development and implementation of the only domestic vaccine against viral hepatitis A (in conjunction with the Institute of Polio and Viral Encephalitis RAMN);

development of clinical trials and registration of a vaccine against ebola virus in the Russian Ministry of Health.

development of the coVID-19 coronavirus vaccine registered with the Russian Ministry of Health.

Staff Edit

Vector is staffed by qualified specialists in virology, molecular biology, gene and cell engineering, epidemiology and biotechnology. The center employs 1,614 people, of whom 139 are PhDs and PhDs. The center has established a postgraduate course for the training of scientific personnel. At the same time, the center is experiencing a constant shortage of highly qualified personnel due to low wages, as well as lack of working material: reagents, diagnostics, etc. Graduate students and young researchers of Vector continue to travel abroad for work in the specialty, which is also one of the causes of "staff hunger".

In 2009-10, after a series of scandalous articles about corruption and misappropriation of budget funds, several managers were dismissed or resigned at their own request. In July 2010, director Drozdov resigned of his own accord. In the media of Novosibirsk, information about Drozdov's resignation is also associated with financial violations of the leadership of the UB Vector SNC, as well as with the unfavorable atmosphere in the company's staff and with the relations of the management of the SNC with the administration and enterprises of the science city of Koltsovo.

The Vector 20C has ethical and bioethical committees set up to protect the rights, interests, dignity and safety of volunteers participating in biomedical research.

International Cooperation Edit

Vector is actively cooperating with Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan in order to diagnose and monitor viruses. The Centre is undergoing the status of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Influenza. Vector is a member of the Vector Institute of Medical Biotechnology.

Elimination of smallpox virus stocks Edit

Vector is one of the world's two direct participants in the controversial "Smallpox Eradication: Destruction of Smallpox Virus" initiated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States and the U.S. Department of State, a project (as of 2010 - only a project) has been developed to finance and practical/physical destruction of smallpox virus stocks officially available only in the United States (CDC-based repository) and Russia (a repository based on the Vector). The question of why stocks should be destroyed is debatable, while WHO also argues that smallpox needs to be further studied. As of 2014, the strain collection had been decided not to be destroyed.

Let's Friends stand up and hold for a well-deserved rest all the teams of special services of the world regardless of age and rank. Right now, they're going to the dustbin of history. 


The email address, the official website address and other contact details of the FBUN GNC "Vector" Rospotrebnadzor are not available in the EGRIL and can be added by a representative of the organization.

The sudden appearance in China of the deadly coronavirus "COVID-19" for many insiders (those in the subject) is not very unexpected. It has long been announced that the 21st century will take place under the trend of three or even four times the reduction of the world's population !

The term : "The word trend comes from the English trend - a trend. In Russian language, trend is aspiration, direction. The trend also means a possible (probable) vector of events."

The fact that humanity signed such a sentence, became known in 2009 from information leaked to the English-language media and then translated by our insiders into Russian. 

Help: Insider is a member of a group of people who have access to information that is not available to the general public.

Bilderberg 2009:

 The "global elite" faces a choice

 From 14 to 17 May in Greece, in the Athenian suburb of Vouliagmeni at the Astir Palace hotel, a regular meeting of the Bilderberg Club took place, which, as always, was held in an atmosphere of high secrecy. The meeting place was guarded by coast guard ships, a special group of scuba divers, two F-16 aircraft and a police helicopter.

 Since, however, the activities of the group have long been under the scrutiny of independent researchers, the general agenda and the main decisions taken at the meeting became known immediately after its end. Basic information about world government, as in previous cases, comes from John Tucker and David Estulin.

 The list of participants, which fell into the hands of journalists and was published in the Greek newspaper To Vima, includes David Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Sofia of Spain, Belgian Crown Prince Philip, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, World Bank President Robert Zoellick, WTO Director General Pascal Lamy, US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke, President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, Head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

 Former Chairman of the US Defense Policy Council, Fellow of the Institute of American Entrepreneurship Richard Pearl, Fellow of the same Institute, Former World Bank Governor Paul Wolfowitz, Commander of the US Central Command General David Petraeus, Head of the Bruegel think tank, Jean Pisani-Ferry, responsible for joint peacekeeping operations in Africa UN-AU Romano Prodi, British Petroleum Chairman and Vatican Financial Advisor Peter Sutherland, Royal Dutch Shell Chairman J. Van der Veer, former MI6 Director of England Richard Derlow, the official historian of the Rothschilds and H. Kissinger, economist Neill Fergusson and many others.

 It is significant that the meeting was attended by the Swedish Foreign Minister Karl Bildt, and in this regard, the choice of Greece is not accidental. Sweden will take over the EU presidency in July, and it intends to pay special attention to the problem of EU enlargement and EU accession for Turkey and Macendonia (the Swedish leadership has already expressed its consent to start negotiations on the latter's accession), which requires a solution to the Cyprus problem and normalization of relations between Athens and Skopje 2. If Greece complicates negotiations on the accession date of Macedonia, it will face serious legal problems, and the country's leadership is currently under intense treatment and pressure from the European Union. The secret meeting this time was attended by 11 Greek representatives, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the head of the Greek industrialists, and others.

 As for the agenda of the meeting, according to Estulin and Tucker, the main issues were the further course of the "development" of the economic crisis, the creation of an international ministry of health and an international ministry of finance. The brochure, previously sent out to the meeting participants, indicated that the world elite is faced with a choice between a prolonged and a short (but deep) depression.

 The first condemns the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty, the second means a sharp economic downturn, which will open the way to a new world order based on the assertion of the principle of efficiency at the expense of significantly limiting national sovereignty. According to Tucker, Geithner and Bildt advocated an intense short recession, as a protracted recession could hit the industrial interests of the Bilderberg group hard. The current euphoria associated with the economic recovery is deceptive and is only a prelude to the huge losses that the world will face in the near future.

 At the meeting, Bildt gave a speech in which he advocated expanding the functions of the World Health Organization and the International Monetary Fund, transforming them into world ministries within the UN. These proposals are fully consistent with the decisions of the London G20 to strengthen the role of the IMF and are directly related to the scandal raised in connection with the outbreak of the swine flu epidemic. This is actually a campaign of intimidation and intimidation of the population, which is designed to justify the strengthening of control by international organizations. According to Tucker, this choice marks significant progress towards the creation of a world government planned by the Bilderberg family.

 In order to centralize their power, with the help of appropriate means, they expect to accentuate the importance of the problems created by the economic crisis and the threat of a pandemic to justify the centralization of the power of the "global elite." The main role in the coordinated fear-mongering policy is to be played by the media, which is widely represented this time at the meeting. It was attended by the heads of the most influential Western publications: American Washington Post and Newsweek, English The Economist and Financial Times, French Le Point and Nouvel Observateur, German Der Standart and Die Zeit, Spanish El Pais and Prisa (publishing holding), Turkish Milliyet, Greek Kathimerini, Finnish Talouselama, Swiss media corporation Ringier.

 As Tucker points out, the meeting also discussed the issue of climate warming and the imposition of a tax on fuel carbon - an issue that represents a major item on the Bilderberg agenda and is part of the international environmental control program. It is planned to transfer this tax to the UN, but it should be introduced gradually, possibly in a hidden form. The issue of drafting legislation on this tax at the international level has long been dealt with by US Senator John Kerry, a presidential candidate in the 2004 elections, who, although not on the list of participants in the meeting, was presumably present.

 Kerry participated in the World Economic Forum, as well as in the preparatory meeting in Rome on the climate change negotiations due in late 2009 in Copenhagen, which will address the issue of a tax on fuel carbon. Kerry also played a major role in the Obama administration's proposal to levy a tax on any carbon dioxide emissions (even from human breath). The issue is also on the agenda of the Bilderbergs, whose purpose was expressed by the chairman of the Board of Governors of British Petroleum, Peter Suterlan, who was present at this meeting, who said that he wants to use the fear of global warming campaign to raise taxes and control people's lifestyles.

 During the discussion of the Lisbon Treaty, which is of fundamental importance for the European elites, the participants in the meeting expressed their intention to send their representatives to Ireland for negotiations with the country's political leadership in order to ensure the ratification of the treaty. The country is conducting intensive processing of public opinion, and recently the results of a poll were published in the media, according to which 52% of Irish people already reported that they would answer "yes" in a referendum, which should take place before the end of 2009. A campaign is also planned to discredit those forces in the country that criticize the EU - for example, the Libertas party of Declan Ganli.

 According to Tucker, the meeting of the members of the group this time took place in a gloomy atmosphere, since the geopolitical situation is not developing for them in the best way, and their program is meeting with serious resistance. According to Estulin's information, which has always proved to be accurate, the Bilderberg Club is seriously concerned that the situation could deteriorate so much that they will lose control of events.

 In recent years, they have been pursuing a policy of "demand destruction", which is carried out through the deliberate dismantling of the world economy, and the current economic crisis may lead to such results that in one or two generations there will be a sharp decrease in the population by 2/3. This will be the result of a famine or a pandemic that can take on such a wide scale that it will be accompanied by unforeseen consequences, dangerous for the elites themselves, who will be on the verge of death. This prospect causes panic among the mondialists themselves. As Estulin emphasizes, this topic was discussed at the meeting for a very long time.

 Everything indicates that the ruling elites of the West really face a decisive choice, and they do not have a consensus of opinion, and this once again proves the false nature of the idea they are introducing about the omnipotence and cohesion of the supranational center of government. This "omnipotence" rests solely on blind faith in the unlimited influence of the "global elite". Meanwhile, the broad middle stratum of managers in the West is itself a hostage and victim of the criminal policy of the financial elite.

 It is significant in this respect that the next meeting of the Bilderberg Group took place after another secret meeting, which took place, as reported by the British weekly The Sunday Times, on May 5 in Manhattan at the home of the President of Rockefeller University, curator of closed projects in the field of genetic engineering Paul Nurse. It was attended by the richest people in America: David Rockefeller himself, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg (mayor of New York), media tycoon Ted Turner and several others.

 Of all the topics discussed at the meeting, the main one was the same problem of the "overpopulation of the Earth". The discussion took place behind closed doors, because, as one of those present explained, "no one wanted to involve the governments of developing countries in the discussion and did not want the participants in the meeting to be presented in the newspapers as some kind of alternative government of the world." However, the views of these figures are well known. The latest statements by Ted Turner are characteristic that the cause of global warming is too large population of the planet ("too much material"), which must be reduced by 2/3, bringing to 2 billion people, which will ensure a high standard of living for the rest4. It is strange that he did not mention the "golden billion".

 It is these figures, in whose hands the management of financial flows, determine the global agenda, but since their anti-human projects are already available to the world community, the very consent to voluntary submission to their real or imaginary power becomes criminal.

Please note the circumstances mentioned in this publication: "the meeting of the intruders took place in the house of the President of Rockefeller University, the curator of closed projects in the field of genetic engineering." 

I also ask you to pay attention to the fact that the reason why some very influential gentlemen decided to reduce the population of the planet from almost 7 to 2 billion people, indicated global warming. It is supposedly caused by too large a population of the planet.

Chubais on reducing the population of planet Earth from 7 billion to 1.5 billion people

Now I invite the reader to delve into what Anatoly Chubais, the fourth International Forum on Nanotechnology,2011, told in 2011 from the high podium of the fourth International Forum on Nanotechnology. He then confirmed that the world's population will simply have to be reduced to 2.5 billion, and maybe to 1.5 billion people just because the continuous growth of human consumption of everything and all has already led to the growing conflict between man and Nature.

A. Chubais: "With the widest range of opinions of experts, scientists, analysts, today the absolute consensus forecast is that in the 21st century the extension of trends of the 20th century is unthinkable!

Do not go to sleep and sex, stay serious, the second part will cheer you up and you will be able to much more 😆

Continuation follows...

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